المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : happy and gay

غالب ياسين
14/05/2007, 10:11 AM
تعلمت في المدرسه وفي الجامعه ان كلمة gay تعني الفرح والسرور
فمن اين جاءت كلمة او مصطلح شاذ ؟؟
هل من اجابه دقيقه اخواني واخواتي ؟
يصف الشيخ احمد ديدات رحمه الله هذا المصطلح قائلا :-
"Gay:" What is wrong with this word? Nothing at all! I learnt this word in my early schooling as showing or characterized by cheerfulness and light-hearted excitement; a merry person. I was taught to sing –

I have forgotten the balance of the poem. Here, I understood the meaning of the word "gay" to mean happy and joyous. I did not have the slightest inkling that one day such an innocuous word which children learn at school would in time acquire a filthy, dirty meaning of being homosexual: sodomites and catamites in its very primary sense. So, "LADIES GAY" would mean today – LADIES LESBIAN! In like manner the respectable word "Father" has become contaminated by the belief of – "the only BEGOTTEN of the father!" etc.

وليد الحلاني
14/05/2007, 03:31 PM
استاذ غالب إليك هذه المعلومات حول استخدام الكلمة وأصلها وفصلها للتبحر أكثر اضغط هنا (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay).The primary meaning of the word gay has changed dramatically during the 20th century—though the change evolved from earlier usages. It derives via the Old French gai, probably from a Germanic source.[1] The word originally meant "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy" and was very commonly used with this meaning in speech and literature. For example, the title of the 1938 ballet aptly named Gaîté Parisienne ("Parisian Gaiety"), a patchwork compiled from Jacques Offenbach's operettas, illustrates this connotation.
The word started to acquire sexual connotations in the late 17th century, being used with meaning "addicted to pleasures and dissipations". This was by extension from the primary meaning of "carefree": implying "uninhibited by moral constraints". By the late nineteenth century the term "gay life" was a well-established euphemism for prostitution and other forms of extramarital sexual behavior that were perceived as immoral.

غالب ياسين
14/05/2007, 03:36 PM
اخي وليد
اشكرك على الرابط وعلى التوضيح:vg: :fl: :good: