المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مقابل ‘bargain spenders’

غالب ياسين
28/05/2007, 12:02 AM
The Scots, the Welsh and people living in Yorkshire and Humberside are by far the best of these ‘bargain spenders’, with those in the South West and London believing themselves to be less keen to nose out a bargain

سمير الشناوي
28/05/2007, 12:06 AM
The Scots, the Welsh and people living in Yorkshire and Humberside are by far the best of these ‘bargain spenders’, with those in the South West and London believing themselves to be less keen to nose out a bargain

المستهلكون اللاهثون وراء االسلع منخفضة الاسعار

ايمان حمد
28/05/2007, 12:13 AM
اوافق سمير تماما

وهؤلاء الذين يذهبون لسوق البراغيت " flea markets " وكذلك سوق الأحد "sunday markets " ,وما شابه ذلك


غالب ياسين
28/05/2007, 09:11 AM
اشكر اخي الحبيب سمير واختي الفاضله ايمان