المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : رجل كفيف يرجو مساعدته في الترجمة

إيمان عبد العظيم
07/06/2007, 04:29 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله

جاءني هذا الإيميل من صديق يعمل في تمرير طلبات المساعدات

لجمعية خيرية معروفة ، هذا طلب مساعدة من كفيف يريد ترجمة

sheets باللغة التركية للعربية أو العكس لا أعرف بالضبط!

Here is the e-mail of the guy responsible for this.. &

He told me that he will forward the images of the pages,

you can type it & then send it back to him..

His name is Ahmad Mostafa


w jazakom Allah kol 7'eir 3la ehtemamek w ga3alaho fe meezan 7asanatek : ))

لقد فكرت في وضع طلبه هنا في منتداكم الكريم ليتم التعارف و الإستفادة بإذن الله:fl:

عبدالمنعم الملا
11/06/2007, 04:17 PM
Hello Eman
I would like to aprticipate with the request of the blind guy from Turkey or seeking to translating the word sheets into Arabic or turkish, as I am speaking Turkish on top English and Arabic.

The Word Sheets means in
Turkish = Tblolar
Arabic =شراشف أو صفحات أو نشرات
Turkish = Arabic means the same but at the end it depends on the altogether meaning I mean the whole translation sentence

effectively, if you could send me the whole sentece so I can help much more in this way

A Almula

عبدالمنعم الملا
11/06/2007, 04:19 PM
sorry Eman I forgot the letter a between T__ b> So the meaning from Engli9sh into Turkish is = Tabolar. Sorry again

إيمان عبد العظيم
12/06/2007, 03:53 PM
Thank you so much for your reply to this request
I think the guy meant in his letter that there is a work sheet

of 6 papers which need translation

That is why I had put the e-mail of the one responsible for the blind guy
which goes like this

His name is Ahmad Mostafa


Thank you for your care & concern Mr. A Almula