ãÔÇåÏÉ ÇáäÓÎÉ ßÇãáÉ : The Book of Love & Poetry

Munir Mezyed
10/06/2007, 02:36 AM
The Book of Love & Poetry

By Munir Mezyed


The angels woke me up…
They came scrambling
Looking for a poem
I hid under my pillow….


It comes from the spirit
With all its complete charm
And beauty
And soon disappears
Leaving me


I see her
The sparrows of the heart
Flying in a far way heaven…!


How happy I am
They say:
My verses are
Divine honey
For the Pure and sweet spirits
Deadly poisons
For the Villains….


How many times
I woke up in the middle of the night
And saw the poem a bird
Signing on my window….


O my god
I want to be au fait with you
As the buds do
When they are touched by the dew-drops


They want me to be an orator,
A preacher
While I am not skilled in both,
But in the language of sparrows


My poesy and god
Are one
Both won’t die..!


Language is Crusty wood
I have come with the spark
Thus I ignite all the fires…!


The attar of Jasmine
Whispers in my spirit
So no wonder
The fragrance emanates from my poesy....


In the meadows of dreams
I move from flower to flower
And sip the nectar of poesy
From the breast of whimsy,


In the gardens of dreams
The unseen is undressing
And heaven opening
The gates of the Eden of poetry


Turning madness into ashes
I long to burn this spirit
In the inferno of lust
And drink to that burning till intoxication...


In the fire of your hatred
I will dance with joy
You won’t hear the writhe of my cry
But the sound of my dancing feet
Upon the ground of you sins...


I love your lips
More than my poesy
And envy
Every thing that touches them beside me...


I will seduce death
Cast and burn it
In the fire of my lust..


Glass of wine
Pack of cigarettes
A poem to inspire
And a woman to make love to me
Till she takes away my last breath...
All I desire
To die happily
Away from the world's misery..


Bathing in fire and fragrance
Feeling the ritual dances of the spirit
I color emptiness
With the colors of passion and desire...
óóQuenching the thirst of love
I flee…
Nesting in her bed…

I dreamt I was an almond tree
growing in the soil of your eye
and your breast was a stream of honey
watering it...
So let me sum up dreams and this insanity
in one phrase: I love you.


I write verses for a shadow,
For a mystical pain,
Residing in my soul
And fantasy...
I crave to touch, feel and caress...
It bids me to imagine
The delight to be reunited...


I love you more than
Want you more than
And long for you more than
Love me..!
And that is enough
to make us be like gods…!

My beloved,
A gypsy belle
Adores dancing
Naked Under the rain..
Makes me Savor sweetness
Sweetness that is more luscious
Than the honey of divinity…
And persists in suckling me
The milk of poesy
and the nectar of insanity...


In the beginning
Rain was a melody
And night the oasis of love and lyrics..


My beloved plants roses of heaven
in my soul
thus I sing the songs of divinity....


Aspiring for rain...
Burning with desire...
Dying with love...
Whilst my spirit bathes in the luminosity of divinity
I drink the beauty of pain
from the cup of poesy...
Thus I travel with utter ecstasy
Into her realm,
Plucking the roses of the breast
And the fruits of the flesh...


Fatigue in the flesh...
Anxiety in the soul...
I contemplate
I behold her coming down from heaven...
Her beauty allurers my fantasy...
She waters the lips of fire,
Lighting the candles of passion,
Nourishing the hungry desires...
Burning to ashes..
Thus I come out like the Phoenix...!


A shadow invades my spirit,
Drags me to the bed of euphoria...
Feeling the thirst of my spirit
My Buried senses arise,
Pleading for the rain...
I chase that shadow with lust and passion.
I embrace nil but the vein of the theosophy
The fever of delusion...!


Thirst in the spirit..
Thirst in the heart...
Desire longing for the rain...
A dream soaring in the love shrine...
She appears, permeating my soul,
Traveling through my veins,
Invading my senses...
Thus I hear the birds of my soul singing
on the trees of fantasy,
See my dreams intoxicated
Seducing the spirits,
Taste the flavors of fire and insanity
and touch the face of god...!


In Dreams
I plant the roses of my eagerness
But I behold a shadow come
And pluck them....


Something permeates into my soul
Thus I feel coldness, emptiness
Digging in my memory...
I yell...
I behold the devil sanding with my ghost
Offering me a drink...
I drink
So the monster resting within me wakes up...


O my poesy,
Let the devils burn in hell,
The fools scream their madness,
The envious cast their evil,
And the fanatics show their illness.....


My sacred fire keeps its blaze burring
as the spirits dance around it..
Of no avail the devils try to quench it..
O My sacred fire,
Let the cures of thunder, storm and lighting
Snatch their sights and hearing..
O My sacred fire,
Show the devils the spell you have
and leave that mad dog in misery
Deaf, Dumb and blind...!


Bathing in fire and fragrance,
Feeling the ritual dances of spirit,
I color emptiness with the colors of passion and desire,
Quenching the thirst of love...


The fools call me con artist...
The envious call me false diamond...
The fanatics call me atheist...
Would that change the reality of who I am...?!


Let me pray...!
The spirit erred
As it relished not the taste of love this evening...!


Fantasies of love quakes me...
Starvation of the flesh tortures me...
I remember her.
Thus I down in the fire and the honey of memory...


Night has come
Wearing its tempting attire of serenity...
In its eyes is appreciation for the song of eternity
as heavenly music flows from its breast
into the cup of aspiration.
I drink from that cup till intoxication
Thus my muse appears unto me...


In this earth a heavenly dream...
Sparrows digging the mounts,
Engraving the face of freedom...
Trees defying the cruelty of autumn...
Children playing on death harp the melody of life...
Sing o my sweet love
As spring is coming out of this long winter...!


Kissing me
Flares up thousands of unlit embers.
I ought to look for the spark,
The spark that proliferates my poesy...


At night
From the tombs of language
A soul arises
Searching for unlit lamps
To light them...

A reckless boat
Tossed by the wave
Except for the slap of a soul...
and the tempest of universe tearing the sail...!


O My love,
Night draws with the brush of dream
The silhouettes of desire....
I behold you
Yearning for love
And me...
Thus I see my self
Drawing with the brush of lips
The lines of the body,
Coloring it with the colors of summer
And rain...
The painting smolders
Becoming a forest of wine
And madness...!!


Ah From a desire
It became my pain
And fire...
Ah From a woman
She became my passion
And insanity...
I think
Yet I do not know
What I’m thinking of
And between rain and fire
My ideas are wandering...


Love died in your soul
Buried in deserted crypt
Useless to ask the moon
Useless to search for your love in the land of shadow
Useless to dream to capture her spell
She set behind the stars
And became a flare of dream....!


O My beloved
When I die
Do not cry
But, read my poems...
The flower dies
But its fragrance keeps
Emanating in the ether...!


My Poetry
Is the Bible of love
And the book of insanity…


On the lips of fire
I cast out all my desires...
The fire you set
Its blaze
Baptizes me …


I used to think
I were a man
But when I fell in love with her
I realized I was still infant child
Who knows nothing besides the breast...


I desire her
And desire
the river of peaches
Between the two palm-trees..
She desires me
And desires the grapes
I squeeze into her cup...


I present unto my beloved
a bunch of grapes
grown on the vine of love
and from extreme infatuation
squeeze wine between her lips.


My beloved appears to me
As a mermaid
Dancing on the water
Enticing the gods
To re-draw the world
According to my will….!


As I say, I love you,
I feel the tremor of sea
in my voice
The roar of thunder
in my heart
Purple rain pouring down
From my spirit…
For lo! Your love makes me
Either insane or god…!


Who will write my elegy when I die…?
Certainly no one …..!
Yet I am not sad,
Forgetting is part of human’s traits…!


The oracle says:
Heaven has a handle on your dreams
And the hardness of your sorrows…
Grieve not
Nor be afflicted
Although everyone has forsaken you,
The hereafter will be better than the present
And soon you will be so pleased
Sad are those who try to harm
And oppose you
They can't harm you a bit
Since they can't oppose the will of heavens…


In dream's sanctuary
I attend a paganish ritual
No one is there but my passion and madness
While the goddess of poesy dances in my head
As the soul becomes intoxicated
And in my flesh
Trembling and fire …
I hear the bells of poetry ring
Declaring an end to the ceremony


Sleeping on a pillow of worry
Anxieties of a troubled heart
by the
Forlornness of an empty bed…
Granted a soaring soul
Seeks remnants of slumbering echoes
Images of love melodies
Awakening seeds
That are but memories
Yearning eagerly
Love's thirsty visions
Craving wine to quench a lust
Like soil seared by desertion desires
O soul of love,
So the Tree
of the
Memory of Dreams
May rise,
Welcome a new spring
from the soul…


Dust of yesterday is vanishing
In the vortex of desire
The wind is howling out there
Let the devil depart…
Taking all his temptations
Leaving behind his dwelling burning
Prepare a way
A way to the sun to pierce through
The grievous woman who scorched with passion
Yearning to be free


I dreamt that I
bestrew verses into the stars
and chanted liberty,
Stirring the fire of wars.
Then I ascended
the throne of the Universe
and started reciting this verse,
"I bear
the omens of prophecy.
will lead his first war,
destroying the sanctuaries
of despair and fear,
and lighting the last candle...


Let all the pats of evil die
And be burnt …!
My verses lit
All the caves of ignorance…
And I have an endless love and date with the sun…


Poetry has one heaven
My poetry has many
Fraught with every charming thing…!


It has never been
Nor will ever be
Poesy as mine
Inscribed for the prophet of beauty

With all these sorrows
And tears
Poetry persists on
Weaving poems
For a black iris
Drowned in her eternal grief…!


My love, it grieves me
I am away from me
But it would grieve me more
To see my poems censured…!