المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The Dictionary of Classical and Theoretical Mathematics

يسري حمدي
05/07/2007, 10:39 AM
الزملاء الأعزاء

صباح واتاوي مليئ بالعمل

بين أيديكم قاموس مصطلحات الرياضيات التقليدية والنظرية
نوع الملف pdf

Author: C. Cavagnaro, W.T. Haight II
Published by: CRC Press
File size: 1.24 MB
File type: pdf

The Dictionary of Classical and Theoretical Mathematics, includes more than 1,000 entries from the fields of geometry, logic, number theory, set theory, and topology.
The authors who contributed their work to this volume are professional mathematicians, active in both teaching and research.
The goal in writing this dictionary has been to define each term rigorously, not to author a large and comprehensive survey text in mathematics.


أرجو أن يحوز رضاكم

مع خالص تحياتي

يسري حمدي
05/07/2007, 10:39 AM
الزملاء الأعزاء

صباح واتاوي مليئ بالعمل

بين أيديكم قاموس مصطلحات الرياضيات التقليدية والنظرية
نوع الملف pdf

Author: C. Cavagnaro, W.T. Haight II
Published by: CRC Press
File size: 1.24 MB
File type: pdf

The Dictionary of Classical and Theoretical Mathematics, includes more than 1,000 entries from the fields of geometry, logic, number theory, set theory, and topology.
The authors who contributed their work to this volume are professional mathematicians, active in both teaching and research.
The goal in writing this dictionary has been to define each term rigorously, not to author a large and comprehensive survey text in mathematics.


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مع خالص تحياتي

Hussam Zaghloul
29/12/2007, 03:36 PM
شكرا أخي يسرى

:vg: :fl: :fl: :fl: :fl: :vg:

يسري حمدي
02/01/2008, 02:41 PM
شكرا أخي يسرى

:vg: :fl: :fl: :fl: :fl: :vg:

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