المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مؤتمر دولي للغويات في فرنسا

د. دنحا طوبيا كوركيس
04/11/2006, 04:56 PM
الباحثون الأفاضل.
تحية طيبة.
في أدناه تفاصيل مؤتمر دولي آخر من قائمة المؤتمرات التي زودتكم بها لغاية سنة 2014، ويؤسفني أن يكون رواد هذا المنتدى من القلائل. إنه مؤشر خطير، ولذلك أعطي عامر العظم كل الحق في خطاباته ومساعيه في لم شمل الكلمة ومقارعة الكونجرس الأمريكي، الذي يبدو من خلال المعطيات أننا لن نستطيع بأقوالنا أن نتحداه كمجموعة عربية.


Full Title: 2nd International Conference on the Linguistics of
Contemporary English
Short Title: ICLCE2

Date: 02-Jul-2007 - 04-Jul-2007
Location: Toulouse, France
Contact Person: Jacques Durand
Meeting Email: jacques.durand@univ-tlse2.fr
Web Site: http://iclce.toulouse.free.fr

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics

Subject Language(s): English (eng)

Call Deadline: 30-Jan-2007

Meeting Description:

Invited Speakers:

Jack Chambers (University of Toronto)
Heinz Giegerich (University of Edinburgh)
Carlos Gussenhoven (Queen Mary, University of London)
Geoffrey K. Pullum (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Conference Description:

The attention devoted to the linguistic phenomenon (or phenomena) known
as English has resulted in a broad body of work in diverse research
traditions, illustrating both the individual characteristics of the many
Englishes, and the contributions that an understanding of these
linguistic systems can make to our general knowledge of the human language

Our aims are (i) to encourage the cross-fertilisation of ideas between
different frameworks and research traditions, all of which address the
linguistics of English, and, furthermore, (ii) to promote discussion
among researchers interested in linguistic theories (phonologists,
syntacticians, variationists etc.) regarding what we mean when we use the
word 'English' to describe the linguistic phenomena which we work to

This conference aims, therefore, to provide a platform for work which
deals with any aspect of the structure of contemporary varieties of
English, in terms of their phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics etc.,
in any way which aims to be explanatory. Work on any variety (or number
of varieties) is welcome, including variationist work which engages
with issues of linguistic structure. We do not envisage this including
work which is purely historical, but work which brings in diachrony in
order to explain the structure of Present-Day English is certainly

Abstracts are welcome on any area of the structure of contemporary
varieties of English: phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, semantics,
discourse, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, etc.

Abstracts should be no longer than one side of A4, with 2.5cm margins,
single-spaced, with a font size no smaller than 12, and with normal
character spacing. All examples and references in the abstract should be
included on the one single page, but it is enough, when referring to
previous work, to cite ''Author (Date)'' in the body of the abstract - you
do not need to include the full reference.

Please send two copies of your abstract - one of these should be
anonymous and one should include your name, affiliation and email at the top
of the page, directly below the title. All abstracts will be reviewed
anonymously by members of the organising committee and advisory board.
The named file should be camera-ready, as it will be used in the
abstracts booklet if the proposal is accepted.

Abstracts must be in pdf file format and should be submitted by email
to Lidia Philippe (iclce.toulouse@free.fr) with copy to Jacques Durand

To favour the presentation of work in progress, we plan to run a poster
session for postgraduates only. Postgraduates interested in this
possibility should send a proposal to Lidia Philippe
(iclce.toulouse@free.fr). Please use the same format as for a paper submission (see above). If
you want to submit the same abstract for a talk and a poster session,
please indicate this in your email.

Time for papers: 30 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions.

An overhead projector will, of course, be available, and we will
provide powerpoint facilities, if you notify us in advance. If you need other
technical equipment, please say so in the message accompanying your
abstract and we will do our best to provide it, although this cannot be

Deadline for abstracts: 30th January 2007