المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Procedure vs. process

معتصم الحارث الضوّي
19/08/2007, 02:26 PM
ما الفرق بين استخدامات هاتين الكلمتين ؟

شكري مقدّماً و تقديري للمشاركين الأفاضل

محمد على حسن
19/08/2007, 03:32 PM
A process is a series of steps, tasks or activities that converts inputs to a desirable output, i.e. a process is what will be done. I present the process as a diagram.

A procedure is a specific course of action required to achieve each of the process tasks or activities, i.e. how it will be done and who will do it. A procedure details to the process. I present the procedures as a table that includes the process steps

معتصم الحارث الضوّي
19/08/2007, 03:34 PM
أخي الفاضل محمد علي حسن
شكراً جزيلاً لتفضلك بتقديم التعريفات الدقيقة لهذين المصطلحين ، و لكن ماذا عن الترجمة إلى العربية في السياقات المختلفة ؟ أرجو شاكراً الإدلاء برأيك الكريم في هذا المجال أيضاً .

مع فائق شكري و تقديري

محمد عبد الفتاح أحمد
20/08/2007, 01:24 AM

Ex: The Election Commission today said the process of delimitation of constituencies is almost complete except some northeastern states and it was up to the Centre to decide when to implement it.

عملية تخطيط الدوائر الإنتخابية

The new Conservative Northern Ireland spokesman says his party will continue to back the political process..

مساندة العملية السياسية

marketing process

عملية التسويق

peace process

عملية السلام

محمود الكفارنة
14/01/2008, 11:44 AM
Process تعني عملية .. و عناصرها
input: can be infomation, documents, HR. , Materials or an output of another process.
Activities: are the work that i apply on the input to convert it into output and outcome, the activities can be found in a shpe of mental or physical ones .
then we have the output that leads to outcome, the output can mainly be found as a product , service, or forms input for another process.

A procedure describe the steps and how a certain activitiry or a process is done, who will do it, using what tools or ways, and what are the necessary documents or information. it is smaller than the process and more detailed and happen mostly within same department or step od a process whereas in a process,more than one department can be involved

محمود الكفارنة
14/01/2008, 11:44 AM
Process تعني عملية .. و عناصرها
input: can be infomation, documents, HR. , Materials or an output of another process.
Activities: are the work that i apply on the input to convert it into output and outcome, the activities can be found in a shpe of mental or physical ones .
then we have the output that leads to outcome, the output can mainly be found as a product , service, or forms input for another process.

A procedure describe the steps and how a certain activitiry or a process is done, who will do it, using what tools or ways, and what are the necessary documents or information. it is smaller than the process and more detailed and happen mostly within same department or step od a process whereas in a process,more than one department can be involved