المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اعلان ( الجمعية البريطانية للادب المقارن) عن مسابقة في الترجمة الادبية للعام 2008

عبدالستارعبداللطيف الاسدي
01/10/2007, 12:38 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اخوتي الاعزاء
هذا اعلان مسابقة بالترجمة الادبية تتكفل باجرائها الجمعية البريطانية للادب المقارن تحت مسمى مسابقة جون درايدن تيمنا باسم الشاعر الانكليزي المعروف ... وهي دعوة للمشاركة لمن يرغب ...

John Dryden Translation Competition 2008
Website: http://www.bcla.org/trancall.htm

The British Comparative Literature Association and the British Centre for Literary Translation (University of East Anglia) are pleased to announce their continued joint sponsorship of a translation competition for 2008. Prizes will be awarded for the best unpublished literary translations from any language into English. Literary translation includes poetry, prose, or drama, from any period. First prize: £350; second prize: £200; third prize: £100; other entries may receive commendations.
The entry fee is £7 sterling for one entry, £12.00 for two entries or £16.00 for three entries. Prize-winners will be announced in July 2008 on the BCLA website, and prizes will be presented later in the year. Winning entries will be published in full on the website, and extracts from winning entries are eligible for publication in the BCLA's journal Comparative Critical Studies.
If you join the BCLA between 1 July 2007 and 31 January 2008, you may submit one entry free of charge. Note this on your entry form.
Failure to comply with the competition rules will render entries ineligible. Ineligible entries will not be returned.
More information can be obtained by e-mail from <transcomp@uea.ac.uk>.
11 February 2008
Judges will be selected from the following:
• Peter France (Editor of The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation)
• Stuart Gillespie (Editor of Translation and Literature)
• Amanda Hopkinson, Director of the British Centre for Literary Translation (University of East Anglia)
• Elinor Shaffer (formerly Editor of Comparative Criticism)
• Robert Weninger (Editor of Comparative Critical Studies)
The judges will be assisted by competent bilingual readers specialising in the literatures for which entries are received.
1. Entries must be translations of (extracts from) literary works, e.g. novel, short story, essay, drama, poetry, prose. Translations from any period of the literature in question are eligible. The existence of copyright in any work places no restriction on its translation but only, in some cases, on publication of a translation. (Copyright clearance for winning entries may be effected after winners are announced.)
2. Entries must be the original work of the translator and must not, as a whole or in part, have been previously published, accepted for publication, broadcast, or entered for any other competition. Entries may be the collective work of any number of translators.
3. Entries must be submitted anonymously and each on a separate entry form. Each entry must consist of a) one photocopy of the source text; b) one photocopy of the translated text; c) the correctly completed entry form; d) the correct entry fee.
4. The source text must carry the name of its author and the title, and must be page-numbered. There must be nothing on it which might identify the translator.
5. Your translation must be double-spaced and on A4 sheets (or near *Banned**Banned**Banned**Banned**Banned*alent). It must not exceed 20 pages. An excerpt or excerpts from longer works may be submitted but must not exceed this limit. The translation must be page-numbered and carry a title and there must be nothing on it which might identify the translator.
6. The source text and the translation must each be stapled or fixed with treasury tags or similar. Do not send loose sheets. Texts must not be stapled to one another or to cheques, banknotes or entry forms.
7. The entry fee of £7 sterling for one, £12.00 for two or £16.00 for three entries should be sent either 1) in the form of a cheque drawn on a British bank payable to British Comparative Literature Association, or 2) an International Money Order, or 3) a postal order, or 4) a sterling banknote. This last, though discouraged by postal authorities, may be used in countries where other forms of payment are difficult to arrange. Do not send payments in any other currency or in any other form than the four given.
8. Translations from different languages or from different genres should be treated as separate entries. A maximum of three entries may be submitted per entrant.
9. There are no limitations on entrants with respect to age, nationality, place of residence, or professional status. No organiser, judge, reader, or their relatives, may enter.
10. If you wish your entry to be acknowledged, please enclose a stamped, addressed, self-seal envelope marked "ack", and if you wish to be notified of results in July, one marked "results". International response coupons are acceptable.
11. No entries will be returned, and correspondence cannot be entered into once entries have been received (as they are anonymised).
12. The decision of the Judges is final. We regret that no feedback on entries can be provided.
13. Any entries received after the closing date will, if eligible, be entered into next year's competition.
14. Entry into the competition signifies acceptance of all the Rules.

جمال عبد القادر الجلاصي
02/10/2007, 09:41 AM
شكرا سيدي على الإفادة

