المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Is Marriage a ....... Project

حسين نوح مشامع
12/10/2007, 02:37 PM
Is Marriage a ....... Project?!
Joined the others in round groups, in the middle of carpeted spacious hall, the usual Arabic sitting in such occasions. Sat in a squatting position – with one leg on the other - eating voraciously from the rice and meat being put in front of him. Inviting those who were entering to join him, and to sit down beside him, as if he was the inviting party, trying timidly not to conceal the ironic wandering inside him. He had been invited to the wedding party of one of his relatives, but could not run or get red of that commitment, especially after the temptation of a fatty banquet, not just sweets and refreshments as the why some people became familiar with these days, to ease expenses and reduce costs.

He had attended the ceremony, despite his hatred to encourage such failed projects, as he says! But he could not overcome his nature, of loving something being paid for in advance. Stood up cleaning his clothes of the remaining sticky food, after being stuffed with that fat he had eaten. Went to the bathroom to wash his hands, get rid of the remaining waste, and grease twisted between his fingers. Was walking and shaking his head surprisingly and making fun, of those who provide for such projects, thus ineffective and unprofitable. But could not dare to speak in presence of the groom and his father; after the up normal invitation.

Returned to set with the attendance on the velvet furniture, surrounding the hall like a bracelet circling a wrist. Sat far away from the groom and his family, who are involved in receiving well-wishers when they entered, and wished them farewell on their exit. Away from them to shield himself and avoid the crowd, and to drink some of the different refreshments that were going around the invitees from time to time. He was looking it to attendance eyes, as if he was trying to know what was hidden in their consciences, like a wolf eyes been mounted on his head, inspecting his region not to be entered by an intruder. But his aim was other than that, and did not pass by the mind of the others. He was hiding something, trying to reveal it even if he was afraid of the people around him, fearing their retribution or criticism to him. Therefore he was seeking the opportunities, perhaps someone might spell out of that word, or make a mistake and say the password, to unleash his wild tongue, which was chained from the beginning of his presence.

He was rescued from the psychological difficult situation, he was going through, in which he was swallowing patience sour and butter, wishing himself of the near by relief and crisis breakthrough. There one of the attendances opened his mouth, asking his neighbor about his family and children. Jokingly asking, to kill time and to open the door for a dialogue: When your son – may God protect him - is going to get married?
So he replied in a funny way, my son still young and did not reach his teenage yet, when it is time we will ask for Allah (God)'s help on his expenses.
The neighbor added assuring his seatmate's speech: really what it you are saying is the truth, no longer our children are able to stand up on their own, and they are in need for assistance.

That was the ripe opportunity, that he had been long waiting for with impatience, so his self steam had aroused and could not resist, and was unable to curb the temptation, even for the sake of respecting the host. He went on spreading out his banner, pulling out his glazed sword, notifying the beginning of the battle and going on with it, like one of the war knights. Or a veteran poet of the pre-Islamic era in Okaz market; delivering his out standing poem, which took him years to organize. So, he started by presenting his theory, detailing and attaching to it un*Banned**Banned**Banned**Banned**Banned*ocal evidence on the rightness of his sayings. As it was the P. H. D. thesis been presented to earn its certificate, saying that marriage is a failed project, no gain withdrawn from it, but losses and problems! His neighbor replied, trying to learn more encouraging him to continue his speech, despite his knowledge of his real inners, chronic greediness, and holding to the Dinar and Derham - currency, like a drowned near death person holding to a floating straw on the face of the water, what your saying is true!

He got excited by those sweet words, which has touched the core of his heart, so he went on explaining his idea, saying: In the old days, people used to rise more children, to exploit and use them in agriculture, fishing, livestock grazing chores and different things alike. Now there is no need for that, with the presence of the servants, so the children became a burden to their parents, if they could dispose of their annoyances and problems, they are an excess weight of expenses and liabilities! The neighbor was unable to withstand his absurd ideas, which were against what is inherently imprinted in human beings. So he withdrawn himself from his seat at the back of the poll room, going to congratulate the groom, finally leaving after being fed up with that man and his ridiculous ideas. But to put points on the characters asked him, When will be your son's "what is his name?" marriage ceremony ? !
He could not answer or refuse to, because the seatmate was fully aware of all his condition, so he replied being annoyed showing his absentness: soon, by the well of God - Allah. His seatmate muttered between himself, dazzled by the personality of that woman standing behind this arbitrary, disbelieving how could she force him to have his son married, despite his attempts to flee and escape, saying: God – Allah - may praise that lioness, how strong her grip, she was able to tame the arrogant king of the jungle, twisted his arm and fulfilled her desire!
Written by: Noah Hussein Mashamea – Saudi Arabia

د. دنحا طوبيا كوركيس
12/10/2007, 04:29 PM
أخي حسين.

مقالك المنشور على منتدى الترجمة في غير محله، على ما أعتقد، وإن كان موضوعه مشوّقا للقارىء الإنجليزي. وحتى إن كان مترجما عن العربية، فلغتك الإنجليزية بحاجة إلى تصويب من العيار الثقيل! أقترح أن يقرأها لك صديق قبل أن تعيد نشرها هنا مع النص العربي، وربما فعل ذلك المشرفون على منتدى الترجمة، لوجه الله.
كل عام وأنتم بخير.
البروفيسور دنحا طوبيا كوركيس

حسين نوح مشامع
13/10/2007, 01:42 PM
البروفيسور دنحا طوبيا كوركيس
اشكرك اخي البرفسور على هذا الانتقاد من العيار الثقيل
واود ان اعلمك أنك اول من ينتقدني بشكل عام
و اول من ينتقدني في منتداكم المبارك

ارجو التفضل بمساعدتي
تلميذكم بكل فخر
حسين نوح مشامع

د. دنحا طوبيا كوركيس
13/10/2007, 03:29 PM
عزيزي حسين.
المجاملات على حساب ما ينبغي أن يكون الأفضل على المنتديات أصبحت شبه ظاهرة، ينزعج منها البعض ويتهلل لها آخرون. ولو أغرقتك بالمديح، لاتخذت من مديحي شهادة ايجابية بحق لغة نصك، وأغرقتني بالشكر والمديح. قبل فترة ليست بالبعيدة نبهتني الشاعرة إباء اسماعيل إلى خطأ طباعي في مداخلتي على ترجمتها. أتدري كم كانت سعادتي؟! وقد يكون من حسن حظك أن أكون أول المعقبين على مشاركتك (والمنتقدين علانية!)، أو ربما من سوء حظك لأن الانتقاد كان "ثقيلا". وفي كلتا الحالتين، لا أعتقد أنك تريد من القارىء أن يتعلم من الأخطاءاللغوية التي يرتكبها المشاركون على المنتديات، فالجمعية مدرسة نتعلم منها صحيح اللغة، وخاصة إن كانت أجنبية. وطلبك في أن أقوم بتصويب ما زلّت به قلمك في غير محله، على الأقل في الوقت الحاضر، لانشغالي بالمجلة. لو كان هنالك عدد قليل من الأخطاء، لصححتها لك على الفور. لذلك اقترحت عليك ما ورد في مداخلتي. وإن فعلت ذلك، سأدخل على الخط لتدقيق ما يمكن تدقيقه. وإن رغبت في حذف مشاركتي بسبب "عيارها الثقيل"، سأحذفها، وأترك لك خيار التصحيح من عدمه.

د. دنحا

حسين نوح مشامع
14/10/2007, 03:04 PM
البروفيسور دنحا طوبيا كوركيس

آسف إن كنت قد أغضبتك باستعمال عباراتك
وانما استعملتها من باب ترطيب الاجواء والمجمالة
وانه ليشرفني ان ينتقدني اهل الخبرة والعلم لانهم اهل الدراية
فلقد طال بي الوقت وأنا ابحث من منتدى إلى آخر عن من ينتقد عملي

وآسف مرة أخرى إن كانت كلماتي لم تصف ما بداخلي بصدق.

أخي العزيز لا تعتبر هذه مجاملة وزيادة أطراء
فان الاب عندما يضرب ولده فان هذا لايعتبر في عرف العقلاء انتقام وانما توجيه الى الصواب

شاكرين ومقدرين جهودكم
حسين نوح مشامع