المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : wet behind the ears

وحيد فرج
02/12/2007, 12:19 PM
wet behind the ears

Immature, inexperienced, and naïve:
Example : Don’t rely on his advice about the new project ; he’s still wet behind the ears .

This phrase is used to state that someone is very young or, more often, inexperienced. When animals are born, they are wet from the amniotic fluid and the birthing blood. After giving birth, the mother animal licks her offspring clean with her tongue. This also stimulates them into taking their first breath. At that point, they begin to nurse and their fur dries. Due to the folds of skin, the last place to dry is often behind the ears, at the base. Thus, they are so newly born that they are still wet behind the ears.

ترجمة مقترحة:

ساذج ، عديم الخبرة

وحيد فرج
02/12/2007, 12:19 PM
wet behind the ears

Immature, inexperienced, and naïve:
Example : Don’t rely on his advice about the new project ; he’s still wet behind the ears .

This phrase is used to state that someone is very young or, more often, inexperienced. When animals are born, they are wet from the amniotic fluid and the birthing blood. After giving birth, the mother animal licks her offspring clean with her tongue. This also stimulates them into taking their first breath. At that point, they begin to nurse and their fur dries. Due to the folds of skin, the last place to dry is often behind the ears, at the base. Thus, they are so newly born that they are still wet behind the ears.

ترجمة مقترحة:

ساذج ، عديم الخبرة

ايناس حمدي
02/12/2007, 01:14 PM
السلام عليكم أستاذ وحيد
شكراً جزيلاً على المعلومات القيمة . ما رأيك في ترجمتها " طري العود " ؟

في انتظار المزيد من مشاركاتك القيمة
خالص التقدير والاحترام

ايناس حمدي
02/12/2007, 01:14 PM
السلام عليكم أستاذ وحيد
شكراً جزيلاً على المعلومات القيمة . ما رأيك في ترجمتها " طري العود " ؟

في انتظار المزيد من مشاركاتك القيمة
خالص التقدير والاحترام

وليد الحلاني
02/12/2007, 01:17 PM
اقترح "غرّ"

وليد الحلاني
02/12/2007, 01:17 PM
اقترح "غرّ"

وحيد فرج
02/12/2007, 11:34 PM
شكرا استاذة ايناس "طري العود "اكيد موفقة لوكان التعبير يتعدى معنى قلة الخبرة بالحياة !
بمعنى اني لا اعلم إلا المعنى المتعلق بقلة الخبرة .. أما القوة البدنية " طراوة العود" فهذا المعنى لا أعرفه

شكرا أستاذة إيناس ... بارك الله فيك

وحيد فرج
02/12/2007, 11:35 PM
أساتاذ وليد " شكرا ... " غر " جميلة

مراد سعادة
03/12/2007, 06:00 PM
You are still wet behind the ears

ما زال عودك أخضرا ( أي ما زالت خبرتك قليلة)

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