المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Three Dog Night

وحيد فرج
11/12/2007, 07:20 AM
Three Dog Night

شديد البرد/ زمهرير
It refers to being cold. Often when ranchers or cowboys were out on the range they would have to sleep with their dogs to keep warm. A one dog night was a night when he had to share body heat with one dog, two dog night was two dogs and a three dog night was an extremely cold night where he would have to share body heat with three dogs.

“how cold was it on your trip?” “It was a three dog night”.

إقترح ترجمة :

سمير الشناوي
11/12/2007, 10:39 AM
Three Dog Night

شديد البرد/ زمهرير
It refers to being cold. Often when ranchers or cowboys were out on the range they would have to sleep with their dogs to keep warm. A one dog night was a night when he had to share body heat with one dog, two dog night was two dogs and a three dog night was an extremely cold night where he would have to share body heat with three dogs.

“how cold was it on your trip?” “It was a three dog night”.

إقترح ترجمة :

نعم اوافقك على الترجمة
انها ليلة لا تحتاج الى باطنية فقط و لكن الى لحاف ايضا :)

سمير الشناوي

وحيد فرج
11/12/2007, 11:51 AM
نعم اوافقك على الترجمة
انها ليلة لا تحتاج الى باطنية فقط و لكن الى لحاف ايضا :)

سمير الشناوي


معتصم الحارث الضوّي
12/12/2007, 01:31 AM
ليلة قارسة البرد.