المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : politically correct

غادة الحاج
21/12/2007, 10:43 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ما مقصود بـ politically correct language

أسماء حسن محمد
21/12/2007, 12:32 PM
Politically correct language describes a word or expression that is used instead of another one to avoid being offensive

For more information

والمقصود بهذه العبارة الكياسة واللباقة والتلطف وعدم جرح شعور الآخر باستخدام كلمات معينة وخاصة تلك التي لها علاقة بالجنس أو العرق واعتماد الاستقامة السياسية . ويعتقد أن التوجه لاستخدام politically correct language قد يساهم في إحداث تغيير اجتماعي وسياسي وتربوي من أجل تصحيح ماتم اقترافه طوال قرون مضت من الاضطهاد التاريخي الذي لحق ببعض الجماعات بسبب انتماءاتها العرقية أو السياسية أو الطبقيية أو الجنسية.

غادة الحاج
21/12/2007, 11:59 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا اخت اسماء على الرد السريع لقد وجدت هذا التوضيح فما رايك فيه و راى الجميع .
Historical roots of political correctness
Political correct speech became a matter of hot debate in 1980s,when many native speaker of English became sensitive to biased terms and phrases that exist in the language . In the previous decade , activists of the feminist movement made the first attempts to diminish differences between men and women in society . They criticized the existing language and culture as ( male- dominated )and ( patriarchal . ) the history of society , as the feminists argued , was written from the male point of view ( it’s HIStory, HERstory ) . the English language was also considered to be full of male- dominating patterns. utterances like Every teacher plans his lessons referred to teachers in general, and words with the stem ( man ) ( e[g mankind , chairman) were used to denote both sexes . Feminists criticized these items as sexist; all patterns referring to men only were called ( sexist, old – fashioned language ) sexist language was opposed by ( modern non-sexist or inclusive language ) that suggested gender equality and neutrality .Inclusive language suggested avoiding the use of male pronouns in the cases when the gender of a person is unknown .Utterance like Every student has to pass his exams were replace by phrases such as All student have to pass their exams or Every student has to pass his or her exams . Today we can even see the phrase Every student has to pass their exams .

Here some phrases use sexist language.
1- A teacher should be tolerant with his students.
Teachers should be tolerant with their students .
2-Mary is a camerawoman.
Mary is a camera operator .
3- This substance is not known to man .
This substance is not known to the human race .
4- Every man has his hobbyhorse.
Everyone has his or her hobbyhorse.

Do you think political correct same as Transfer of Training
Transfer of Training ( when the people in all their acts of communication use he only she this training is transferred to L2 and L3 learning
