المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Short Story

إيمان عبد العظيم
11/01/2008, 10:30 AM
Lightning Book War
Clash of the two kingdoms
Transcended upon all times, there have been two great infinite
ancient kingdoms in a consecutive case of defense against each other
since the beginning of man existence on earth,
both were balanced constantly for filling emptiness ,
hence forcing the deep shape of place and time to endure
equal powers avoiding solitary view
They are older than time, higher than mountains
wider than mighty oceans
Longer than rivers, hugger than seven skies
deeper than central earth layers
The everlasting kingdom of mace destruction
dwelling in the four corners of the earth
lying beneath hollow dark holes always preparing to
attack any sparkle of hope willing to be born
under the sunlight and moon beams
Far away across boarders, on the other side
Thus beholds the prevailing kingdom of goodness beyond reason
which exists in all God's creation, rooted under every surface,
pouring softness within air free atoms,
diving gracefully through light and wind.
Penetrating the whole universe with continuous wisdom,
questing for knowledge, pursuing the essence of development,
achieving impossible tasks to invent useful new ideas
which help man reaching the highest levels
It carries divine light stimulating to awake all living beings
suspended between cradling bosom of tranquility and peace.
For so many years they never once stopped their eternal fight
against each other, they never took any rest, felt safe or wrestles,
they always produced something to fight over, or debate upon,
or prepare for any quarrel between their war generals at both sides.
Each kingdom has its own sacred holly book,
which tells tails of their unforgotten legends,
all the secrets of their citizens
pledged strongest parts or shaken weakest points
The two books also mention their ultimate rules
which were invented by their ancestors
whom were placed on earth from the first moment
it was ready to receive habitants from humans& demons

Pioneer sons and daughters of Adam& Eve
Pioneer sons & daughters of the devil called Shittan
who was sent down to earth being punished
for his striking sin of vanity which led him
to a serial of disobediences to God's instructions
and his final expulsion from heaven above,
cursed till Dom's day
Shittan has never been combined eventually with any mate
for evil is his soul companion, he needed no female
for comforting and soothing him,
he only required a belly to produce his offspring.
The book of the mace destruction kingdom
is called the book of darkness
while the one belongs to kingdom of goodness beyond reason
is called the book of lightness,
each book is placed in a hidden special sanctuary,
only the elders of both kingdoms have the access
to this unique information
The preserver knights located in ancient
valley of Goodness Beyond Reason
respiring every breathing letter which activates their system,
reveal words hidden secrets, melting, swimming, glittering,
uttering underneath every line with the
one & only name of him mighty creator
Thus their elders are surrounded by guards and warriors
they teach truth to entire coming future generations,
an endless mission passes from ancestors to descendants
from one era to another ,earth civilization after the other

Habilan is the first born son of Adam& Eve,
a great warrior who was married to his sister Issa,
they had 100 boys & girls all were working
against evil which prevailed through
by means of the dark soldier's plots, servants and other tyrants

Seth is the first born son to Shittan from his mistress Ashtar
he was married to his sister Skhimat,
they also had 100 boys & girls started their
dynasty in the dark kingdom, their one & only golden aim
is to cease the goodness from spreading anywhere,
make it very hard, sometimes impossible to
scatter the weeds of light,keep on gathering sparks
that supported proceeding the growth of pure creatures,
or activating the deeds that transferred followers
of the dark side to be knights & nobles bearing
words of the lightness book pages
engraved across their chests until
the last breath they will ever taken, giving strength
within each word , power to every tiny shiny letter
completing the unavoidable destined path of life role

So fasten your seat belts to go on this journey
of an everlasting conflict and quest of minds domination,
ruling the universe, conquering new horizons
finding answers for unknown questions,
giving solutions to complicated riddles,
filling the empty space with hope, guiding the lost souls
through wilderness,saving the purity
rhythm uncontaminated, the mystery unrevealed
till the time we return to our final resort

The story of man kind created from nourishing mud of earth
carved on fire at a certain degree to shape him,
then a unique blow given from God's own inner soul's breath
to pulse sacred life rushing through all men's veins

Men challenge against the creatures of raging fire
Shittan's seeds stamped with hell stones,
sharpening their edges
from rocks hidden beneath the soil of damnation
found in forbidden land
The blessed rules in the book of lightening
is swaying with love and hope
healing the sick of hearts, mending the broken souls,
urging all living organisms uniting to form chained
serial circles dancing with four elements scattered

Henceforth the book is swelling with sweet thoughts of life
dreams of safe journey back to heaven,
watching children of pearls swift ting with
glassy shinning parts of flying wings, minds & hearts
are fighting to hold this glorious memory of various transparent,
silver, spectacular, splashy, twinkling angels
To undo the cruelty of weapons injuring, bleeding, opening wounds
scratching smooth skin with blades of wicked swords socked
in pure hate to siege every right with high fences

This infection will never end; worriers of light
will always defend their infants
elders, women, lands, seas, skies, galaxies, universe
surrounding atmosphere blended with nature
To keep away the hungry evil, brutal slayers
of mass destruction mercenaries
holding them from scorning the book of light or trying
to turbid its words with their filthy touch
This battle will go on and on, can we keep ourselves from
?deciding which kingdom we belong to
Will we ever define ourselves of what
specific substance we are made from

How can we ever lift up the ruthless part of our
material being to mix with rays of light reflecting
hidden sparkling atoms inside us
Angels were never addicted to claim for
such highly bliss never thought to ask for such angelic purity
While demons were compelled forever
to stay in their devilish flaming trap
hocked not to take any step towards the path of goodness
Humans alone have the free right to choose
Whatever way they may walk through,
they can comprehend decide and pursue
their own road which may haunt them
eventually to hell, or stick their foot traces with determination
to their promised heavenly immortal destination.

معتصم الحارث الضوّي
11/01/2008, 02:59 PM
استنفار عام
على حسب ما أذكر، هذه أول قصة تُنشر باللغة الإنكليزية لأحد الكتّاب على صفحات واتا. هلم معشر المترجمين واللغويين والأدباء والنقاد والشعراء للتحليل والنقد الرفيع. ثبّتُ الموضوع للفائدة العامة.

مع فائق التقدير والإعزاز للزميلة الفاضلة الأستاذة إيمان عبد العظيم

إيمان عبد العظيم
11/01/2008, 04:59 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله

الأخ الكريم\ معتصم الحارث

استنفار عام من أعضاء واتا الكرام !!

هذه لجنة دولية عربية ، رفيعة المستوى ،

جزاكم الله خيرا ، (أرجو النظر بعين الرأفة لأنها المرة الأولى

التي أكتب فيها قصة باللغة الإنجليزية ، و حق النقد مكفول للجميع )

إن شاء الله خير:tired: