المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The Handbook of Morphology

يسري حمدي
15/01/2008, 11:56 AM
الزملاء الأعزاء

كتاب رائع

The Handbook of Morphology
Author: Andrew Spencer and ARNOLD ZWICKY (Eds.)
Published by: Blackwell
File size: 4.68 MB
File type: RAR

Part I: The Phenomena.
1. Inflection (Gregory T. Stump)
2. Derivation (Robert Beard)
3. Compounding (Nigel Fabb)
4. Incorporation (Donna B. Gerdts)
5. Clitics (Aaron L. Halpern)
6. Morphophonological Operations (Andrew Spencer)
7. Phonological Constraints on Morphological Rules (Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy)
Part II: Morphology and Grammar.
8. Morphology and Syntax (Hagit Borer)
9. Morphology and Agreement (Greville G. Corbett)
10. Morphology and Argument Structure (Louisa Sadler and Andrew Spencer)
11. Morphology and the Lexicon: Lexicalization and Productivity (Mark Aronoff and Frank
12. Morphology and Lexical Semantics (Beth Levin and Malka Rappaport Hovav)
13. Morphology and Pragmatics (Ferenc Kiefer)
Part III: Theoretical Issues.
14. Prosodic Morphology: (John J. McCarthy and Alan S. Prince)
15. Word Syntax (Jindrich Toman)
16. Paradigmatic Structure: Inflectional Paradigms and Morphological Classes (Andrew
17. Morphology as Component or Module: Mapping Principle Approaches (Richard Sproat)
Part IV: Morphology in a Wider Setting.
18. Diachronic Morphology (Brian D. Joseph)
19. Morphology and Language Acquisition (Eve V. Clark)
20. Morphology and Aphasia (William Badecker and Alfonso Caramazza)
21. Morphology and Word Recognition (James M. McQueen and Anne Cutler)
22. Morphology in Language Production with Special Reference to Connectionism (Joseph
Paul Stemberger)
Part V: Morphological Sketches of Individual Languages.
23. Archi (Caucasian - Daghestanian (Aleksandr E. Kibrik)
24. Celtic (Indo-European) (James Fife and Gareth King)
25. Chichewa (Bantu) (Sam A. Mchombo)
26. Chukchee (Paleo-Siberian) (Irina A Muravyova)
27. Hua (Papuan) (John Haiman)
28. Malagasy (Austronesian) (Edward L. Keenan and Maria Polinsky)
29. Qafar (East Cushitic) (Richard J. Hayward)
30. Slave (Northern Athapaskan) (Keren Rice)
31. Wari (Amazonian) (Daniel L. Everett)
32. Warumungu (Australian - Pama - Nyungan) (Jane Simpson)

رابط التنزيل المباشر بدون كلمة مرور


أرجو أن يحوز رضاكم

مع خالص تحياتي

15/01/2008, 10:30 PM
الف شكر استاذنا الفاضل يسري والله يديم مشاركاتك الرائعة

15/01/2008, 10:30 PM
الف شكر استاذنا الفاضل يسري والله يديم مشاركاتك الرائعة

يسري حمدي
16/01/2008, 01:51 PM
الف شكر استاذنا الفاضل يسري والله يديم مشاركاتك الرائعة

بارك الله فيك يا أخي الكريم وكل عام وأنت بخير

مع خالص تحياتي

رنا الرياحي
24/01/2008, 01:28 PM
Thanks a lot Mr. Hamdi for all the useful books you put on this site. I downloaded them all and am waiting for your new participation
رنا الرياحي:vg:

رنا الرياحي
24/01/2008, 01:28 PM
Thanks a lot Mr. Hamdi for all the useful books you put on this site. I downloaded them all and am waiting for your new participation
رنا الرياحي:vg:

يسري حمدي
24/01/2008, 03:17 PM
Thanks a lot Mr. Hamdi for all the useful books you put on this site. I downloaded them all and am waiting for your new participation
رنا الرياحي:vg:

شكراً جزيلاً أستاذة / رنا
علي مرورك الكريم وتقييمك لمشاركاتي في منتدي علم اللغة ، وأرحب بك عضوة وزميلة في واتا

مع خالص تحياتي

يسري حمدي
24/01/2008, 03:17 PM
Thanks a lot Mr. Hamdi for all the useful books you put on this site. I downloaded them all and am waiting for your new participation
رنا الرياحي:vg:

شكراً جزيلاً أستاذة / رنا
علي مرورك الكريم وتقييمك لمشاركاتي في منتدي علم اللغة ، وأرحب بك عضوة وزميلة في واتا

مع خالص تحياتي

هاني مذكور
25/01/2008, 08:06 PM
I have downloaded the book. I think it would be a very good addition to my e-library. Can you tell us links to download more books about linguistics.

يسري حمدي
11/02/2008, 11:11 AM
I have downloaded the book. I think it would be a very good addition to my e-library. Can you tell us links to download more books about linguistics.

الأخ العزيز الأستاذ/ هاني

شكراً جزيلاً علي تقييمك لهذه المشاركة ، وسوف أرفع مزيد من كتب علم اللغة خلال الفترة القادمة إن شاء الله تعالي

مع خالص تحياتي

يسري حمدي
11/02/2008, 11:11 AM
I have downloaded the book. I think it would be a very good addition to my e-library. Can you tell us links to download more books about linguistics.

الأخ العزيز الأستاذ/ هاني

شكراً جزيلاً علي تقييمك لهذه المشاركة ، وسوف أرفع مزيد من كتب علم اللغة خلال الفترة القادمة إن شاء الله تعالي

مع خالص تحياتي

علاء عبد الهادى
13/05/2008, 07:29 AM
Dear Mr Hamdy, thank you for your many gifts for students of linguistics. I wonder if we can get the matter to some system. I mean to co-operate in classifing books , commenting on them and explaining them. We will not be alone . There are our masters from whom we can get guidance- I am speaking about MYSELF here-. I am a student of applied linguistics in Cairo University and very concerned with building a new environment for teaching language and linguistics in our Arab world. I hope we can do this through WATA.
Al the best,
Alaa Abdul-Hady
http://www.linguists-of-arabia.webs.com (Under Construction)

سعيد حزام
13/05/2008, 09:35 AM
الأستاذ العزيز يسري حمدي أولاً أعلمك أني أحبك في الله، وثانياً أخي الكريم إن اللسان ليعجز عن الشكر والتعبير إلا أني لا أملك سوى أن أقول لك جزاك الله عنا خير الجزاء فهكذا علمنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بقوله فيما معناه (من أراد أن يبالغ في الثناء فاليقل جزاك الله خير) أو كما قال عليه الصلاة والسلام

ايمان حمد
13/05/2008, 09:41 AM
I wonder if we can get the matter to some system. I mean to co-operate in classifing books , commenting on them and explaining them. We will not be alone . There are our masters from whom we can get guidance- I am speaking about MYSELF here-. I am a student of applied linguistics in Cairo University and very concerned with building a new environment for teaching language and linguistics in our Arab world. I hope we can do this through WATA.

Dear Alaa

This is a very well thought of and responsible initiative
You may start by writing to Mouatassim who is in charge of calssifying and authenticating all available documents in Wata Database

Please accept my appreciation & respect

علاء عبد الهادى
13/05/2008, 01:20 PM
Dear Alaa

This is a very well thought of and responsible initiative
You may start by writing to Mouatassim who is in charge of calssifying and authenticating all available documents in Wata Database

Please accept my appreciation & respect

My dear Lady,

I can not hide my pleasure with receiving an encouraging reply from any one ever. Thanks for your interest, and I hope this idea will find even one master of ours, to care for. The great pleasure will be mine to co-ordinate with any one of our colleagues or masters. warm regards

Alaa Abdul-Hady