المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : a flower asks the world

محمد على محمد
11/02/2008, 06:19 PM
A poem from the palastinan child to this world
Am I a child from this world
Oh world where is my party between parites?
Where is my milk?
And where is my toy between toys?
Or my fate is to be killed or to be sunk ``
With flowers in our boish days .
Am I a flower from this world ?
Live on peace to peace near and far.
Iam not created to fire or live on fire
Iam a bird in trees and dance summer
You prevent our birds from singing songs

And our buses suffer and cars
And suffering is weeping next the trees
Wherever child or plant goes it goes
ِAnd all the mercy on earth to them it has
Cars ,flowers trees,
ask for water ask for gas
Am I a child from this world
What crime did we do?
I will live happily even though
And on land of beauty I come and go
And my blood and roses bodies will show We are and castle of light to you
Am I child from THIS world?
Nature says yes, the power says no
When will you feel me leaders of snow?
What will your answer be to God although
You control the future of world
Seas and stars to me told.
Or killing children is the honour
And making their blood rivers
And to disasters of people you deliver
Am I a child from this world?
Need milk clothes and toys .
We are enemies of terrorism we are angles
We are peace live on land of peace ask seeds.
Will answer you yes yes yes
Abdel Lateef Ahmad fouad
Egypt Dakahlia Senbellawa Gazala
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد عبد اللطيف غزالة السنبلاوين دقهلية مصرemail

الدكتور أسعد الدندشلي
11/02/2008, 07:30 PM
تحيتي زميلي الغالي المحترم
تحيتي على هذه القطعة الوجدانية المشبعة بالحياة آمالها وآلامها، وسيبقى أطفال فلسطين زهورا وعصافير صيف، فزهورنا سرمدية، وصيفنا سيبقى مضاءا بتغاريدهم إن شاء الله...
زميلي الغالي هناك أخطاء مطبعية في النص يرجى التنبه لها، وكما أن إشارات الوقف الكتابية وضعت في غير مكانها ربما الأسباب أن النص قد انقلبت بدايته من اليسار إلى اليمين أثناء وضعه على المتصفح ولكن كل ذلك لم يمنع لمن يريد أن يقرأ وأن يستوعب النص من جماله ورقة أسلوبه...
إلى المزيد من العطاء والتألق المثمر
مع محبتي واحترامي وتقديري
د. أسعد الدندشلي

محمد على محمد
29/02/2008, 07:11 AM
اشكرى يا استاذى الكريم على موكبك ومرِورك العظيم

Nadeen Shibl
29/02/2008, 03:34 PM
Nice meanings and sounds like an emotional message

But is it an Arabic Peopn/prose that you translated ?
If so , we need to see the Arabic Text to work on

With flowers in our Boysih days

could not understand this too :

And my blood and roses bodies will show We are and castle of light to you

If you post the arabic version we can work on it together


محمد على محمد
02/03/2008, 11:42 PM
yes i have written it in Arabic and how can we work together tell meA