المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الفرق بين تعبيرين متساويين في المعنى

د. دنحا طوبيا كوركيس
30/04/2008, 10:20 PM
When something is, for example, accepted before the next point is mentioned, we may use either "Having said that..." or "That (being) said...", where "being" is optional.
The difference in meaning is practically the same, but their use however needs some caution. The latter can be followed by any subject in a sentence with which it starts, whereas if you start a sentence with the former, you will then have to make sure that the following subject relates to the speaker of the expression.

اسامه مصطفى الشاذلى
06/05/2008, 12:59 AM
جزيل الشكر استاذنا الفاضل د. دنحا

على المعلومة الدقيقة التى تبدو للوهلة
الاولى عادية سهله ولكنها ابعد من ذلك

قد طرح هذا الامر أكثر من مرة
منها على منتدى إختبار الانجليزيه
هذا هو نصها :


The meaning is practically the same suggesting something is accepted before the next point is mentioned. The use however needs some caution. That being said or mpre simply That said at the beginning of the sentence can be followed by any subject. If you start a sentence with: Having said that, you will then have to make sure that the following subject relates to the speaker of the expression.


وللتوضيح على نفسى استاذى العزيز

فقد وجدت هذان المثالان بعد البحث :

Having said that

"Having said that, she left the room in a huff."
(In this sentence, it is she, not I, that said that.)

That said, they walked out of the room in total silence
أما هذا المثال فهو شبيه بالمبنى للمجهول
فى تعبير I'm sorry حيث نرجع القول الى
ضمير الشأن فنقول فى ذلك It's said to be sorry
It is said that he is sorry

أرجو توضيح الامر

دمتم أهل واتـــا دائمى العطاء

تحيتى وتقديرى واحترامى