المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ما استخدامات الـ ing في اللغة الإنجليزية؟

عامر العظم
06/12/2006, 10:16 AM
ما استخدامات الـ ing في اللغة الإنجليزية؟
(سؤال للتعرف على آراء الجميع ومختلف المدارس اللغوية ومعرفة كيف يفهم أو يتقن أو يدرس الأعضاء قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية)

غالب ياسين
06/12/2006, 10:36 AM
The -ing form is used when the word is the subject of a sentence or clause:
Swimming is good exercise
Doctors say that smoking is bad for you
.................................................. .................
The -ing form is used after a preposition

I look forward to meeting you
They left without saying "Goodbye
.................................................. .............
The -ing form is used after certain verbs
- avoid, dislike, enjoy, finish, give up, mind/not mind, practise

I dislike getting up early
Would you mind opening the window
.................................................. ......................
We use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening now
The kids are watching TV
.................................................. .
We can also use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening around now, and not necessarily this very moment

Sally is studying really hard for her exams this week
.................................................. .......................................

وحيد فرج
06/12/2006, 11:29 AM
إسمح لي سيدي أن أضيف الاتي

A . In formal English, we would use a possessive with the –ing form. In informal English, many people do not.
• I'm angry about his missing the meeting.
• I'm angry about him missing the meeting.
• Do you mind my coming?
• Do you mind me coming?
B . Notice that when 'to' is used as a preposition, it is followed by the –ing form.
• I don't object to working this Sunday.
• I'm looking forward to seeing him again.
• I'm used to working long hours.
E. in compound nouns
• a driving lesson, a swimming pool, bird-watching, train-spotting
It is clear that the meaning is that of a noun, not of a continuous verb.
• the pool is not swimming, it is a pool for swimming in.

وحيد فرج
06/12/2006, 12:07 PM
Using Possessives with Gerunds
Do we say "I can't stand him singing in the shower," or do we say "I can't stand his singing in the shower"? Well, you have to decide what you find objectionable: is it him, the fact that he is singing in the shower, or is it the singing that is being done by him that you can't stand? Chances are, it's the latter, it's the singing that belongs to him that bugs you. So we would say, "I can't stand his singing in the shower."
On the other hand, do we say "I noticed your standing in the alley last night"? Probably not, because it's not the action that we noticed; it's the person. So we'd say and write, instead, "I noticed you standing in the alley last night." Usually, however, when a noun or pronoun precedes a gerund, that noun or pronoun takes a possessive form. This is especially true of formal, academic writing.
There are exceptions to this. (What would the study of language be without exceptions?)
• When the noun preceding the gerund is modified by other words, use the common form of that noun, not the possessive.
a. Federico was pleased by Carlos's making the Dean's List for the first time.
b. Federico was pleased by Carlos, his oldest son, making the Dean's List for the first time.
When the noun preceding the gerund is plural, collective, or abstract, use the common form of that noun, not the possessive.
c. Professor Villa was amazed by her students working as hard as they did.
d. The class working collaboratively was somebody else's idea.
e. It was a case of old age getting the better of them.
There are certain situations in which the possessive and the gerund create an awkward combination. This seems to be particularly true when indefinite pronouns are involved.
f. I was shocked by somebody's making that remark.
This would be greatly improved by saying, instead . . .
g. I was shocked that somebody would make that remark.
This is also true when the "owner" of the gerund comes wrapped in a noun phrase:
o I was thankful for the guy next door shoveling snow from my driveway.

Prof. Ahmed Shafik Elkhatib
06/12/2006, 04:20 PM
.There are at least two more -ing's in English

وحيد فرج
07/12/2006, 12:57 PM
1 -There is also a perfect (or past) form of gerunds. The past form of gerunds is formed by using having + past participle. This kind of gerund suggests that the gerund happened before something else.
NO GERUND I have been to South Korea.
WITH GERUND My having been to South Korea helped me learn the language when I took classes.

*this suggests that the speaker had gone to South Korea BEFORE he took the language classes

This rule works not only for the present perfect, but also for other past tense forms. Look at the following sentences. The first one (without the gerund) uses the simple past tense (took).

2 -The passive form of gerunds is also formed by using getting + past participle:
NO GERUND We got scared by that movie.
WITH GERUND Getting scared by that movie made us leave before it finished.

Prof. Ahmed Shafik Elkhatib
07/12/2006, 10:53 PM
.There is also an adjective-forming suffix, as in "amusing" and "interesting"
.In addition, we have a noun-forming suffx, as in "a meeting"

Prof. Ahmed Shafik Elkhatib
07/12/2006, 10:55 PM
.There is also an adjective-forming suffix, as in "amusing" and "interesting"
.In addition, we have a noun-forming suffx, as in "a meeting""

17/04/2007, 12:54 AM
السلام عليكم
من خبرتي أقول
لإستخدام الكلمة المؤلفة من ing عدة استخدمات
فمثلا living المعيشة , حي ;يعيش
Living is very hard nowadays
المعشية صعبة جدا هذه الأيام
She is living nextdoor.
إنها تعيش بالجوار
A living soul inside my dreams.
روح حية داخل أحلامي
He is satisfied by living in vain
هو راضيُ بالمعيشة دون جدوى
استخدام "ing " كصفة أقرب إلى اسم الفاعل
طبعا ليست كل الكلمات يمكن ان تكون كذلك,
والله أعلم

17/04/2007, 09:44 AM
9]السادة أساتذتي الكرام

أود أن أقدم لكم جزيل شكري عن ما أثريتم به معلوماتي ومهارتي في الترجمة. كما أود الاستفسار عن التركيبة اللغوية التالية وحالات استخدامها كما في المثال التالي:

Customer-oriented service

وما هي الترجمة المناسبة لمثل هذه الجملة: أين الاسم والصفة وما فائدة استخدام الواصلة (Hyphen).

محمد العناقرة

بندر الصبحي
10/03/2009, 10:52 PM
Don't forget this!

Finding the door locked, the police broke the door down
Liking children, she became a teacher

That's called dangling modifier

- Preparatory subject (It) followed by a gerund

It is no good your trying to deceive us. (=Your trying to deceive us is no good.)
Is it any good my talking to him?
It is no use trying to convince them.
It is no fun being shot.
Is it worth complaining about his conduct?
It is no use waiting