المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الاختلافات الثقافية في فن الكتابة

وليد السلمي
13/10/2008, 04:07 PM
السلام عليكم اخوتي في واتا.....

أحب ان اهدي الواتاويين بهذه الدراسة التي قام بها الدكتور Margrey Tegey بعنوان "الطالب الدولي كاتبا اكاديميا" في جامعة جورجتاون 2001 .

ارجو ان تنال رضاكم


عمرو الجندي
13/10/2008, 04:13 PM
أخي الكريم/ وليد السلمي

بانتظار تلك الدراسة.

تحية ودودة :)

وليد السلمي
13/10/2008, 04:16 PM
تحية طيبة

نعم اخي عمرو ولكن هلا دللتني على كيفية ارفاق الملف؟

دمت بخير

عمرو الجندي
13/10/2008, 04:22 PM
تحية طيبة

نعم اخي عمرو ولكن هلا دللتني على كيفية ارفاق الملف؟

دمت بخير

أخي وليد

لو دخلت هنا (http://www.arabswata.org/forums/faq.php?s=&do=search&q=%C5%D1%DD%C7%DE+%E3%E1%DD%C7%CA&match=all&titlesonly=0)لعرفت كيف.

بانتظارك :)

وليد السلمي
13/10/2008, 04:25 PM
السلام عليكم الاخوة كافة ...

بعد اليأس من محاولتي لارفاق الملف, قررت رفع عن طريق النسخ واللصق.

كل اعتذاري

Writing for a U.S. Audience

Cultural Differences in Writing
Adapted from handout by Dr. Margery Tegey, “The International Student As Academic Writer,” Georgetown University Writing Center Seminar, November 13, 2001.
Characteristics of effective writing in English for an American academic audience Examples of some contrasting characteristics in other cultures/languages
Writing is viewed as a tool to accomplish a task (i.e. to express a point or present an argument) Writing is viewed as a way of engaging the emotions through beautiful language
Focus on clarity, directness, and getting to the point Focus on the language’s richness or the ability to repeat ideas in a variety of ways; digression is seen as a way of linking the subject under discussion to other issues to show a wider range of knowledge
Direct, explicit statement of main idea(s) No direct statement of main idea(s), with readers expected to infer the writer’s main point
The writer is responsible for including explicit signals—such as transitions—to show logical links between ideas and make connections clear Explicit signals are not necessary; the writer shows respect for the reader’s intelligence to make inferences
Information is expected to be highly specific Information is expected to be highly philosophical
Specific evidence (facts, statistics, examples) are used to support arguments Traditional wisdom and authority are used to support arguments
Heavy use of deductive reasoning (movement from the general to the specific) Heavy use of inductive reasoning (movement from the specific to the general)
Emphasis on the individuality and originality of ideas Emphasis on traditional wisdom and shared cultural knowledge

Recommended Level of Detail in Technical Writing
From http://www.technical-writing-course.com/technical-report-specific.html
Keep information specific rather than general.
Have you seen readers going through documents, using a highlight pen to find the key words, facts and figures. They do not highlight phrases such as: As you will be aware, the purpose of this document is to... in the order of... Readers want to take specific information from technical documents. For example:
General Specific
• heavy precipitation during the period
• excessive heat
• select the appropriate key • four inches of rain in 48 hours
• 120 degrees Fahrenheit
• click Alt-B
As long as you guard against going into excessive detail, replacing general information with specific information will improve your technical documents. For example, if a manager want to know why production stopped for an hour on the assembly line, the author has to decide just how specific to make the message.
Too General
Problems arose in a number of areas of the stock transportation device that required intervention by an appropriately qualified member of staff so remedial action could be taken.

As the temperature rose to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, the coolant for the metal rollers overheated causing the conveyor belt to jam. To keep the belt working, a mechanical engineer had to reset the timer and rollers on the conveyor belt, replace the coolant and slow the belt by 25% to 200 feet an hour.

Excessive Detail
Monitoring the temperature saw a rise from 80.5 degrees Fahrenheit to 124.5 degrees Fahrenheit causing problems in the coolant’s temperature. As the coolant’s optimum operating temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit, the result was an expansion of the coolant beyond its maximum operating temperature level of 105 degrees Fahrenheit. This in turn led to a failure of the conveyor belt that was rectified by the mechanical engineer assessing the exact cooling coefficients needed with a possible ambient temperature above the manufacturer’s recommended levels.
Three reduced settings were considered, namely reducing the belt speed by 10%, 20% and 25%. These would lead to a reduction in the in-line assembly velocity of 80 feet, 160 feet and 200 feet an hour respectively.
The optimum setting was 25.32% of the previous 800 feet an hour rate. However, before this was set, the engineer had to replace the 3.5 gallons of coolant used and reset 42 or the 360 rollers on the belt.
Just how specific your writing should be depends on the reader and your reason for writing. If our example, if you were trying to identify the reason for the belt stopping for a technical manager who needs to act to stop the fault reoccurring, you would need to go into technical details of the specific failure. If you are writing for nontechnical manager who wants to know why there’s a problem and how you fixed it, the specific information shown is enough.
Choosing how specific your information should be is a constant problem for the technical writer. Remember, you’re trying to pitch the information exactly for the needs of the reader. Aim to write and describe concrete information without straying into irrelevant information.