تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ترجمة كلمة مدير عام مكتب التربية العربي لدول الخليج ....

ايمان حمد
15/10/2008, 01:17 PM
في افتتاح البرنامج التدريبي حول اختبارات المسابقة الدولية للرياضيات والعلوم

كلمة مدير عام مكتب التربية العربي لدول الخليج
في افتتاح البرنامج التدريبي حول اختبارات المسابقة الدولية للرياضيات والعلوم
المنامة 19ـ23 /5 /2008م

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
صاحب المعالي الأخ الفاضل الدكتور ماجد بن علي النعيمي ، وزير التربية والتعليم بمملكة البحرين
سعادة السيد هانس ويجميكرDr. Hans Wagemaker))المدير العام التنفيذي للرابطة الدولية لتقويم الإنجاز التعليمي (IEA)
أصحاب السعادة
الإخوة والأخوات

يسرني في هذه المناسبة الهامة التي تجمعنا هنا على أرض مملكة البحرين الغالية في رحاب العمل التربوي المشترك ، الذي يرعى مسيرته قادتنا الأجلاء يحفظهم الله ، أن أرفع أسمى آيات الشكر والتقدير إلى صاحب الجلالة الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة ، على ما يوليه رعاه الله للتعليم من رعاية واهتمام ، فقد جعل النهضة التعليمية أساسا للتطور والتقدم ، ومنطلقا للتطوير والتحديث ، في كافة جوانب الحياة ، في هذا البلد الكريم ، فصارت مملكة البحرين مفخرة لشقيقاتها ،واحتلت مركزا متقدما في دليل التنمية البشرية الصادر عن برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي، وما ذلك بعجيب على بلد جعل تطوير التعليم مدخلا لتطوير الإنسان وتحقيق سعادته ورخائه ، ولست هنا بصدد تعداد المنجزات التعليمية الكبيرة التي تحققت ولكن تكفي الاشارة الى مشروع جلالة الملك حمد لمدارس المستقبل واختيار منظمة اليونسكو مملكة البحرين مقرا للمركز الاقليمي للتعلم الالكتروني ، والشكر موصول لكم يا صاحب المعالي ، فقد جعلتم من وزارة التربية والتعليم خلية نحل تتفتح على الخبرات والتجارب ، وأحدث معطيات التقنية والعلوم ، وتنتقي منها أفضل ما يفيد من ثمار المعارف الإنسانية المتطورة ، فاقتحمت وزارة التربية والتعليم ــ بكم ومعكم ــ مجالات تطويرية عديدة ، تستحق الفخر والثناء ، وتستوجب الإشادة والتقدير ، والشكر لكم ، ولإخوانكم أصحاب المعالي ــ أعضاء المؤتمر العام لمكتب التربية العربي لدول الخليج ــ على حفزكم لمسيرته وخططه ، ودعمكم لمشروعاته وبرامجه التطويرية ، التي تقف بدوله الأعضاء على أحدث ما لدى المؤسسات الدولية من تجارب في مجالات العلوم المختلفة ، وما هذا اللقاء الذي يجمعنا اليوم ، ونتشرف برعاية معاليكم له ، إلا واحد من تلك البرامج التي تترجم توجهات المكتب نحو تحسين الأداء وتجويد العطاء في برامج العمل المشترك .

صاحب المعالي أيها الجمع الكريم :
نظرا لأهمية مادتي الرياضيات والعلوم في منظومة المناهج التعليمية فقد حظيتا من وزارات التربية والتعليم في دولنا الأعضاء بعناية خاصة فتعددت البرامج والفعاليات التي استهدفت تطويرمناهج العلوم والرياضيات أهدافا ومحتوى وفعاليات تدريس وتقويم، وإدراكا من وزارات التربية والتعليم لأهمية تمكين طلابنا وتطوير قدراتهم ليكونوا مؤهلين للتنافس مع قرنائهم في العالم، توجهت إلى المشاركة في المسابقات والدراسات الدولية التي تهدف إلى الوقوف على المستويات الحقيقية للتحصيل الدراسي في مختلف المواد الدراسية وبشكل خاص في العلوم والرياضيات .

وتمثل دراسات التوجهات العالمية في العلوم والرياضيات (TIMSS) احدى أهم المسابقات الدولية وتقوم عليها باقتدار الرابطة الدولية للانجاز التعليمي (IEA)، التي نشرف اليوم بوجود قائد العمل فيها السيد المحترم هانس ويجميكر معنا ، ومن هنا جاء التوجه نحو مشاركة طلابنا في هذه المسابقة المهمة حيث اكتملت مشاركة جميع الدول الأعضاء في مكتب التربية العربي لدول الخليج في الدورة الأخيرة للتيمز في العام الماضي .

وتحقيقا للهدف الأسمى والأهم لهذه الدراسات الدولية المتمثل في تطوير مناهج ومخرجات تدريس العلوم والرياضيات وجه أصحاب المعالي أعضاءالمؤتمر العام مكتب التربية إلى القيام بدور حقيقي وعملي للتنسيق مع ال IEA حول ما يتوجب على وزارات التربية والتعليم عمله لتجسيد الاستفادة الحقيقية من هذه الفعالية الدولية الهادفة. وتنفيذا لذلك تم عقد اجتماع مع السيد ويجميكر وزملائه الأكارم في مركز المعلومات بمدينة هامبرغ في أغسطس الماضي واتفق على برنامج تعاوني بين المكتب وال IEA يهدف بالدرجة الأولى إلى بناء القدرات الوطنية في جميع مجالات تنفيذ اختبارات التيمز ابتداء باستخراج العينات ووصولا إلى كتابة التقارير الوطنية وتحديد مشروعات قرارات التطوير المطلوبة. وقد تم اقتراح مجموعة من البرامج التي سينفذها المكتب بالتعاون مع ال IEA في الدورة المالية القادمة أي ابتداء من 2009 ، وحيث إن النتائج المبدئية لاختبارات التيمز 2007 سيتم إطلاقها ابتداء من الشهر القادم (يونيو) فقد تم الاتفاق على عقد هذا البرنامج التدريبي في هذا الموعد، لتكون فرقنا الوطنية المتخصصة جاهزة للتعامل مع البيانات الكثيرة والمعقدة، ليتحقق بذلك هدف المشاركة. ولكي لا نقف عند حدود النتائج وترتيب الدول في الاختبارات وكفى، فإن علينا نتوجه بعزيمة القادرين إلى توظيف هذه النتائج للتعرف على جوانب القوة لتعزيزها وعلى جوانب الضعف في مناهج الرياضيات والعلوم بكل حلقاتها ووضعها أمام المسؤولين عن التعليم في دولنا لتتخذ القرارات التطويرية المناسبة التي تجعل من مجالي الرياضيات والعلوم ، ميدانا لتنمية الفكر ، واستقامة السلوك ، وتوليد الإبداع ، وخلق القدرة على المنافسة لدى الطلاب والطالبات .

صاحب المعالي .... السيدات والسادة
في هذا الإطار يجيء البرنامج التدريبي ، الذي نتشرف بافتتاحكم له ، لتهيئة الكوادر الوطنية المتخصصة القادرة على قراءة بيانات الاختبارات قراءة صحيحة ، وتمليكهم المعرفة التامة لبناء قواعد البيانات ، وإجراء التحليل اللازم المتعمق لنتائج الطلاب ، واستنباط علاقات الارتباط بين مستوياتهم والمتغيرات المدرسية والاجتماعية المؤثرة من حولهم ، وإعداد وإصدار التقارير الوطنية ، التي تسهم في صناعة القرار التربوي . وهنا أتوجه إلى الزملاء والزميلات الأكارم المشاركين من دولنا في البرنامج لأقدم لهم التحية والتقدير وأشكر لهم تفاعلهم في التحضير لهذه المناسة من خلال الموقع الذي خصص لهم على بوابة المكتب وأشيد بقدراتهم وكفاءتهم والتي تجعلني على يقين بأنهم سيثرون برنامجنا هذا ويحققون هدفه المنشود.
صاحب المعالي ، أيها الإخوة والأخوات
إن من دواعي سعادتنا بهذا البرنامج ، أنه ينفتح بنا على الخبرات العالمية المتميزة ، كما أنه يجيء متزامنا مع قيام المكتب بتنفيذ مشروع تطويري لمناهج الرياضيات والعلوم ، وفق أحدث السلاسل المعتمدة في العالم ،والذي تشارك فيه وزارة التربية والتعليم بمملكة البحرين و ستبدأ نواتجه بالظهور بدءا من العام الدراسي القادم بمشيئة الله.
فشكرا لكم يا صاحب المعالي على رعايتكم المثالية للمكتب ونشاطاته، وللزملاء والزميلات في وزارتكم الموقرة الذين بذلوا كافة الجهود لإنجاح ملتقانا هذا، وأخص بالذكر سعادة الدكتور عبدالله المطوع وكيل الوزارة لشؤون التعليم والمناهج، وعضو المجلس التنفيذي للمكتب ولسعادة الدكتورة هدى العوضي (مستشار الوزير للدراسات والبحوث، والمنسق الوطني لمشروع التيمز) ولكافة العاملين من الوزارة معنا اليوم.

واسمحوا لي معالي الوزير بأن أتقدم بوافر الشكر والتقدير إلى سعادة السيد هانس ويجميكر على حضوره واهتمامه الشخصي بالاشراف والمتابعة رغم ما نعرفه عن مشاغله الكثيرة وارتباطاته المسبقة والشكر أيضا للسيد ديرك هاستيد Dr. Dirk Hastedt)) نائب المدير العام التنفيذي للرابطة الدولية(IEA) والسيد أوليفر نشميدت (Oliver Neuschmidt) منسق إدارة البيانات العالمية.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .

ايمان حمد
15/10/2008, 01:20 PM
Speech of the General Director of the Bureau of Arab Education for Gulf States
At the inaugural ceremony of the training programme on international competition tests of mathematics and science
Manama 19 - 23 / 5 / 2008 A.D

In the Name of Allah , The Most Gracious , The Most Merciful

May peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you
His Excellency, the revered brother, Dr. Majid bin Ali al-Naimi, Minister of Education, Kingdom of Bahrain
His Excellency Dr. Hans Wagemaker, Executive Director General of the International Association for Evaluating Educational Achievement (IEA)

Your Excellencies
Brothers and Sisters

It gives me pleasure in this important occasion that brings us together here at the dear land of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the domain of joint educational work whose progress is sponsored by our respected leaders May Allah keep them safe, to extend the highest and most profound thanks and appreciation to His Majesty, King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa, for the care and interest he affords to education. He has made of the educational rise a basis for development and progress, and the starting point for development and modernization in all aspects of life in this great country. The Kingdom of Bahrain became the pride of its counterparts of other Arab countries; therefore, it occupied a leading position in the human development directory issued by United Nations Developmental Programme (UNDP). This is not strange for a country that made development of education an introduction for the development of man as well as the achievement of his happiness and prosperity. It is not my concern here to count the great educational achievements which have been made. However, it is sufficient to refer to His Majesty King Hamad’s project of schools of the future. This is in addition to the Kingdom of Bahrain being selected by the UNESCO as the headquarters for the Regional Centre for e-learning. You are given credit, Your Excellency, as you have made of The Ministry of Education a bee cell blossoming on the expertise and experience, and the most updated technology and Sciences, selecting the optimal benefit out of the fruits of advanced human knowledge. Thus, several developing fields were introduced into the ministry of Education by and with you, which are worthy of pride and praise, and deserves praise and appreciation. Thank you and your brothers, your Excellencies, members of the General Conference of the Bureau of Arab Education for the Gulf States for urging its progress and plans, and supporting for its developmental projects and programs, which conveys to its member states the most updated experiences in different fields of science among international institutions. This meeting, which brings us together today, and under the auspice of your Excellency, is only deemed as one of these programmes which interpret the Bureau’s approaches towards improving the performance and enhancing the contribution in the joint work programmes.

Your Excellency, the respected assembly:

Due to the importance of mathematics and science in the curricula matrix they have both received special attention from the ministries of education in our Member States. Programmes and activities targeted at developing the curricula of science and mathematics proliferated in terms of the objectives, content and teaching and evaluation. As the Ministries of Education have realized the importance of enabling our students and developing their abilities to be eligible to compete with their counterparts in the world, they turned to participate in competitions and International Studies aiming at identifying the real levels of study attainment in various academic subjects, particularly in science and mathematics.

The studies of international trends in science and mathematics (TIMSS) serve as one of the most important international competitions and efficiently run by the International Association of educational achievement (IEA), honored today by the presence of the work leader, the esteemed Dr. Hans Wagemaker with us. Hence, it comes the trend towards our students participation in this important competition where the participation of all Member States in the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States was Completed in the last session of TIMSS last year.

To achieve the optimal and most important objective of these international studies represented in of the development of curricula and teaching output of science and mathematics, their Excellencies members of the General conference directed the Education bureau to play a real and practical role in order to coordinate with the IEA in regard to what the ministries of Education should do to embody the real benefit of this effective international endeavor. In order to implement this, a meeting was held with Mr. Wagemaker and his eminent colleagues in the Information Center in the City of Hamburg last August and agreed on establishing a collaborative programme between the Office and the IEA principally aiming at building national capacities in all areas of the implementation of TIMSS tests, starting from getting access to samples and concluding to writing national reports and identifying of required development decisions projects. A group of programmes have been proposed to be implemented by the Bureau in cooperation with the IEA during the next fiscal session i.e. starting from 2009. Since the initial results of TIMSS tests 2007 will be launched starting from next month (June), it has been agreed to hold this training program at this time, so that our national specialized teams will be prepared to deal with the diverse and complex data, so as to achieve the goal of such participation. In order not to be limited merely by the results and the ranking of countries in the tests, we should turn with the determination of the powerful to employ these findings to identify the strengths and enhance them, as well as the aspects of weaknesses in the curricula of math and science with their links and referring them to our education officials in our countries to make the appropriate development decisions that would make the areas of Mathematics and science, a field for the development of intellect, integrity of behaviour, and to generate creativity, and create competitiveness among all students of both sexes.

Your Excellency .... Ladies and Gentlemen

In this context comes the training programme, which we are honored by your inauguration of it to prepare the specialized national cadres capable of reading the test data properly and providing them with full knowledge of building databases, and conduct the necessary in-depth analysis of the students results, and infer the correlations among their levels and school and social influential variables around them. This is in addition to the preparation and issuance of national reports, which contribute to the making of the educational decision. Here I wish to address our distinguished colleagues from our participating countries in this program to extend our greetings and appreciation and thank them for their interaction in the preparation of this occasion through the site allocated for them at the gate office. Furthermore, I would like to pay tribute to their capacity and efficiency and which makes me certain that they would enrich our program and achieve the desired objective.

Your Excellency, dear brothers and sisters,

We would like to express our happiness for this program as it exposes us to the outstanding world experience. Moreover, it comes synchronized with the Bureau’s executing an evolutionary project of math and science curricula, according to the latest approved international chains, involving the Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Bahrain whose outputs will start emerging starting from the next academic year God willing.

Thank you, Your Excellency on your ideal auspices of the bureau. and its activities. I would like to thank as well my colleagues in your esteemed ministry who have made every effort in order to ensure the success of this symposium, and in particular His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al Mutawa, deputy foreign minister of education and curricula, and a member of the bureau’s Executive Board and Her Excellency Dr. Huda Al-Awda (Minister's advisor for Studies and Research and The National Coordinator of the TIMSS) and all employees of the ministry attending here today.

Allow me Your Excellency, the minister, to extend to Hans Wagemaker my deep thanks and appreciation for his attendance as well as his personal interest and supervision and follow up despite what we all know concerning his diverse tasks and commitments . I would like to thank also Dr. Dirk Hastedt, Deputy Executive General Director of the International Association (IEA) and Mr. Oliver Neuschmidt, the global data management coordinator. Thank you all,

May peace and ِAllah's mercy and blessings be upon you.

ترجمته لزميل لى بصورة شخصية

يمكن لمشرفى قسم الترجمة اقامة ورشة عمل عليه و تصحيحه

لا تستغربوا .. انا لست مترجمة معتمدة ولا هى مهنتى .. انا مصرفية بحتة !

مع التحية

معتصم الحارث الضوّي
15/10/2008, 03:13 PM
الأخت الكريمة إيمان
أشكرك على هذه المبادرة، وأرجو شاكرا تنسيق الترجمة على النمط المعتاد :) فقرة بالإنكليزية تليها فقرة بالعربية.

فائق تقديري

ايمان حمد
15/10/2008, 03:17 PM
شكرا على الأشارة زميلنا العزيز معتصم
ان شاء الله فى اقرب فرصة

عامر العظم
15/10/2008, 03:46 PM
الأستاذة إيمان
أحييك على مبادراتك الفعالة وأرفق لك ترجمة أخرى لنفس النص لعلها تثري النقاش الترجمي..

Address of the Director General of the

Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States (ABEGS)

In the Launching of the

Training Program on (TIMSS) International Tests

Manama – Kingdom of Bahrain


In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

May peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you.

Your Excellency Dr. Majid bin Ali al- Nuaimi, Minister of Education, Kingdom of Bahrain,

Your Excellency Dr. Hans Wagemaker, Executive Director, International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA),

Your Excellencies,
Brothers and sisters,
On this important occasion which gathers us on the land of the Kingdom of Bahrain within the framework of common educational work, lead by our esteemed leaders, God bless them, it is my pleasure to extend our highest gratitude and thankfulness to H.M Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, for all the attention and care he pays to education.

Thanks again to H.M The King who has made educational renaissance the basis for development and progress, and a catalyst for development and modernization in all aspects of life in this lightened country. Thanks to those exceptional efforts exerted, the Kingdom of Bahrain became a source of pride amongst sister countries, and occupied a leading rank in the Human Development Index issued by the United Nations Development Programme. It is no wonder to a country which made educational development a passage for the development and welfare of human being.

In fact, I am not here to enumerate the significant educational achievements that have been realized, yet it is fair enough to point to King Hamad Schools of the Future Project, and the selection of the Kingdom of Bahrain as a headquarter for the regional center of E-Learning. Also thanks to your Excellency as you make the Ministry of Education a bee cell open to expertise and experiences, and latest technologies and Sciences to select therefrom the fruits of best advanced human knowledge.

Thanks to you and your efforts, the Ministry of Education accessed various developmental fields that deserve praise and appreciation. Also, thanks shall be extended to their Excellencies members of the General Conference of the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States for your encouragement to the bureau mission and plans, as well as your support to its projects and developmental programs, where Member States follow up the latest updates in international institutions in various fields of sciences.

This meeting which brings us together today, under your esteemed patronage, is one of those programs that translate the tendency of the Bureau towards improving the performance and quality of joint action programs.

Your Excellency,
Esteemed Audience,

Given the importance of Mathematics and Science in educational curricula system, they have received special attention from the Ministries of Education in the Members States. Accordingly, various programs and activities targeting the development of Science and Mathematics curricula were adopted, in terms of themes, content, teaching methodologies and assessment. The Ministries of Education having realized the importance of empowering our students and developing their capabilities to be eligible to compete with their counterparts globally, they approached the participation in international competitions and studies that aim to identify the real levels of school achievement in different subjects, especially in Science and Mathematics.

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) represents one of the most important international competitions, supervised by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), whose Executive Director, Dr. Hans Wagemaker, honors us by being here today.

Hence the trend towards the participation of our students in this important competition, where the participation of all Member States in the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States was finalized in the last round of TIMSS last year.

To achieve the ultimate and the most important goal of these international studies of curricula development and outputs of teaching Science and Mathematics, Their Excellencies addressed the Members of the General Conference of the Bureau to play real and sound role in coordination with the IEA on what should be done by the Ministries of Education to embody the actual benefit of this effective international event.

To implement this, a meeting was conducted with Dr. Wagemaker and his distinguished colleagues in the Information Center in the City of Hamburg last August.

In this meeting it was agreed on a collaborative program between the Bureau and the IEA aiming primarily at building national capacities in all areas of implementation of (TIMSS), starting from collecting samples, writing national reports and identifying required draft development resolutions.

A group of programs has been proposed and will be implemented by the Bureau in cooperation with the IEA next year, starting 2009.

Since the initial results of (TIMSS) tests 2007 will be launched next month (June), it has been agreed to hold this training program at this time, so that our specialized national teams can be ready to tackle the many and complex data, so that the goal of participation can be achieved.

In order not to stick to results and the ranking of countries in Tests and stop; we should, with all determination, deploy those results to identify points of strengths and reinforce same; and points of weaknesses in the curricula of Mathematics and Science at all levels and report same to officials of education in our countries.

In view of that, they can take sound development decisions that make Mathematics and Science, fields for development of thought, integrity of conduct, as well as generation of creativity and competitiveness amongst students.

His Excellency.... Ladies and Gentlemen

Within this framework, comes your launching of this training program which is meant to habilitate specialized national cadres capable of well-interpreting tests' data, empower them with comprehensive knowledge to build databases, perform profound and necessary analysis of students results, develop linkage relationships between students' levels on one hand, and school and social variables affecting them on the other; and finally prepare and publish national reports that contribute to educational decision- making.

Here, I would like to avail this opportunity to extend thanks to the participant colleagues in the programme; and extend our appreciation and regards for their interaction in preparing for this occasion through the designated website on the bureau portal.

Also I laud their competencies and expertise, which make me confident that they will enrich our program and achieve the designated objective.

Your Excellency,
Dear brothers and sisters,

I am very pleased that this program opens us to distinctive global expertise. It also concurrently comes at the time the office is implementing a developmental project for Mathematics and Science curricula according to the latest chains internationally recognized, in which the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain participates therein, and which outputs will start to emerge in the next academic year, God willing.

Thank you, Your Excellency for your patronage of the Bureau and its activities.

Thanks to colleagues in your esteemed Ministry who have exerted every effort to make our meeting a success.

Also, I would like to extend special gratitude to His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al Mutawa, Deputy Minister for Education and Curricula, and member of the Executive Board of the Bureau.

Also thanks to Her Excellency Dr. Huda Al-Awadi (Minister's advisor for Studies and Research, and the National Coordinator of TIMSS project) and to all employees of the Ministry.

Finally, I would like to seize this opportunity, to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Hans Wagemaker for his presence, personal supervision and follow-up despite his fully occupied schedule, and thanks also to Dr. Dirk Hastedt Co-Director of IEA, and Mr. Oliver Neuschmidt, Coordinator of Global Data Processing Centre.

May peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you.

ايمان حمد
15/10/2008, 06:35 PM
السلام عليكم

الأستاذ عامر المحترم

والله انى قرأت هذه الترجمة باستمتاع كبير وهى فى الواقع افضل من ترجمتى العلمية بمراحل
اعجبنى استخدام concurrently اجدها ارق من synchronzed
اعجبنى استخدام laud ولو اننى استخدمها كثيرا فى الترجمة الدينية بمعنى التسبيح والثناء ولكن استخدامها هنا كان رائع جدا ليعنى الثناء الكثير
سقطت لكمة واحده وهى to فاضفتها حتى تظل الترجمة بأناقتها ..
واستخدام مرة Allah ومرة God لازم كله واحد

بصراحة احسنت استاذى .. ترجمتك ر شيقة وبروفشنال

بوركت الهمم :good:

جمال الأحمر
16/10/2008, 01:53 AM
الأستاذة إيمان حمد...
أحييك على هذه الرغبة الشديدة في الترجمة، والنشاط فيها...
قد لا تتعجبين لو أخبرتك أن كثيرا جدا من المبدعين في الترجمة ليسوا منها رسميا...والله يؤتي فضله من يشاء.
واسمحي لغير متخصص في الترجمة أن يدلي بدلوه...

أ - لـــفظ: God
1- في المعاجم المزدوجة (انكليزي / عربي، وعكسهما)
جاء في "المورد الوسيط" (انكليزي/ عربي)، لمنير البعلبكي -عليه رحمة الله-، ط 6، عام 1983، ص:251
god:n., vt : - ربّ، - الله cap ،/ - يؤلّه

وجاء في "المورد"، لروحي البعلبكي،
الله: God, the One and Only Allah; the Lord,Diety, ,
والله، تالله، بالله: by God!
الله أكبر:God is great, God is the greatest
لا إله إلا الله:there is no god but God
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم: in the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
اللهم: O God, O Lord

وهكذا يبين المعجمان، حسب ما أفهم منهما، أن لفظ god الانكليزي،
- عند كتابة حرفه الأول صغيراsmall هكذا g يكون بمعنى (إله)
- وعند كتابة حرفه الأول كبيرا capital هكذا يكون بمعنى (الله)

2- في كتب ترجمة تفسير معاني القرآن،
وقد درج على هذا بعض مترجمي تفسير معاني القرآن، منهم (عبد الله يوسف علي) -على ما زاد من انحرافات اعتقادية في ترجمته-، ولكن أحد أكبر هؤلاء المترجمين (M.M.Picktahll)، خالف ذلك، واستعمل لفظ الله.
وهذا يوحي بالتساوي في الاستعمال، وكأنهما مترادفان.

3- في فتاوى للمقيمين بأرض غير المسلمين:
قال جمع من العلماء: لا بأس من استعمال لفظ God,أو Dieu بدل لفظ (الله)، لحاجة الدعوة، ولتأليف الناس على الإسلام.

ولكن هنا سؤالان:

س1- هل كانت الفتوى متجاهلة معنيي اللفظين، أم كانت عالمة بالأمر، ولكن في المسألة استثناء شرعي؟
ج1- إن لفظي (رب) و (إله) من الألفاظ العامة، وكذلك الشأن للفظ (god)،
وقد حولوا god إلى اسم علم عندما جاءوا بحرفه الأول كبيرا capital

س2- فهل يقبل الإسلام أن يكون لفظ God اسم علم لله، أو أن يكون اسما من أسمائه الحسنى؟
ج2- إن كل ما يتعلق بالله تعالى من أسماء، وصفات وأفعال، هو أول سبب جاءت من أجله كل الرسالات السماوية. فإذا كان الناس لا يعرفون ربهم، فماذا يعرفون؟ إن لفظ (الله) Allah؛ اسم علم للإله الخالق المعبود بحق، ولن يكون اسم God اسم علم له سبحانه، ولا اسما من أسمائه الحسنى...لهذا جاءت رسالة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. جاءت الرسالات ليعلم الناس أن ربهم الذي خلقهم اسمه الله، the One and Oly God، هذه العبارة صحيحة المقصد في جزء فقط؛ لأن العقيدة النصرانية تؤمن أن الخالق واحد أحد، لكنه مندمج في الأقنوم الثلاثي. فلهم معتقداتهم، أما الإسلام فلا يعرف ربا اسمه الخاص God. وهكذا تصير كتابة God في وسط الجملة خطأ إملائيا لا غير، ومعناه (إله) بكل بساطة. والله أعلم.

عامر العظم
16/10/2008, 08:09 AM
العزيزة إيمان

أشكرك لكن أنا أخشى التفضيل بين الترجمات لأن كل ترجمة تظل عملا إنسانيا إبداعيا يستحق الاحترام والتقدير..وصلني اليوم، على بريد المجموعة الإخبارية، ترجمة لنفس الكلمة للدكتور سعيد خواجة وطلبت منه أن ينشرها بنفسه هنا.

سعيد الخواجة
20/10/2008, 05:10 PM
تحية طيبة وبعد،
لا أدري إن كنت فهمت المطلوب بشكل صحيح أم لا، ولكنني قمت بعمل الترجمة للكلمة ، آملا أن تكن مناسبة من حيث الأسماء والمناصب...
مع التحية..
د. سعيد الخواجة

سعيد الخواجة
20/10/2008, 05:10 PM
In the Name of God the Compassionate the Merciful
Peace and Blessings of God be Upon You,
Your Excellency Dr. Majid Bin Ali Al-Nu'aimi, Minister of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain; his Excellency Dr. Hans Wagemaker- the Executive Director of "IEA" ; Your Excellencies, brothers and sisters:
It is a great pleasure for me in this invaluable occasion that gathers us here on the lands of the dear Kingdom of Bahrain, to meet you within the mutual educational field, guided and inspired by our great leaders may God protect them, where I would offer the utmost thanks and appreciation for His Majesty King Hamad Bin Issa Al-Khalifa for the attention He pays for the development of education, as he made the educational upswing as a basis for development, a keystone for modernization in all life aspects in this gracious country. As a result, the Kingdom of Bahrain has become a source of pride among its neighbors, occupied an advanced rank in the Human Development Guide issued by the USAID. However, this is not strange for a country that consider the development of education an introduction form man development and prosperity, and I am not to count the so many educational achievements, but it is enough to indicate to the project of King Hamad for the future schools and UNESO's choosing the Kingdom of Bahrain a residence for the Regional Center for Electronic Education. Furthermore, thanks and appreciation for your Excellency the Minister of Education; where you made the Ministry of Education a beehive that is open for experiences, a place that receive the latest products of science and technology and an entity that chooses the best fruit of the latest human knowledge. In this essence, the Ministry of Education has approached various fields- through and with you; thanks for you and your brothers members of the General Forum of Educational Office in the Gulf States- for your hard efforts, support and encouragement for its plans and course, and this gathering where we meet and honored by your patronage thereof, is only one of many programs that translate the intentions of the Office towards improving the both the quality and performance and production within the mutual work programs.
Your Excellencies, ladies and Gentlemen;
Due to the significance of science and mathematics in the educational curriculum, we been honored by the Ministries of education in our member states with special care; the programs and events that targeted the development of science and mathematics varied, with more objectives and content in terms of instruction and evaluation. However, understanding the importance of enabling our students to develop their abilities to be qualified to compete with the peers in the world, the Ministries of the member states have participated in the international contests and studies that aim at exploring the real levels of the students' achievement in various subject materials, especially science and mathematics.

The "TIMSS" represent one of the international contests under the supervision of "IED", with presence of His Excellency Dr. Hans Wagemaker. Hince, came the desire to engage our students in this significant contest, with the participation of all member states in the Arab Educational Office of the Gulf States, who participated in the last round for Excellence in the last year.
However, to achieve the utmost and most important goal of these international studies represented in the development of curriculum and outputs of teaching science and maths, their Excellencies the members of the General Forum instructed the Educational Office to play a real and practical role with the "IEA" in terms of the functions of the Ministries of Education, and what they should do to make real use of this objective international event. In implementation thereof, a meeting was held with Dr. Hans Wagemaker and his respected colleagues in the information Center in Hamburg city, last August. It has been agreed to conduct a collaboration program between the Office and "IEA" that aims first to build the national capacities in all fields of implementing the excellence tests, starting from taking the samples until writing the national reports and defining the necessary development decisions. In this regard, a set of programs that will be implemented by the Office in cooperation with "IEA" have been proposed during the next financial terms (at the beginning of 2009). On the other hand, since the initial results of the Excellence tests for the year 2007 will be announce as of the beginning of the next month (June), it has been agreed to conduct this training program on this time, so that our national professional teams will be ready to deal with the large complex quantities of data. In order to achieve the objective of the participation, but not to stop when having the results and arrange the countries in terms of the tests.. and that all.. then we have to – with strong determination- employ these results to determine the strength points and enhance them, and to know the weakness points in the curriculum of science and maths with all fact and present them before the educational officials in our countries so as to take the suitable developmental decisions, that can make the fields of science and maths a place to develop thought, correct behavior, generate creativity and clean competition among the learners.
Your Excellency,
The training program comes within this framework, of which we have the honor of your inauguration thereof, and in order to prepare the national professional cadres to correctly read the data of the tests, enable them to gain full knowledge to build data bases, make appropriate deep analysis of the students' results, derive the relationships among their levels and the affecting school and social variables and to prepare and issue the national reports that will contribute in making the educational decision, and here, I would like to convey a deep salute for our respected participant colleagues, thank then for preparing this event through the sited allocated within the program, and I am quite certain of their capabilities that they will enrich our program and achieve the projected target .

Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen;
It is of our great pleasure to state that this program is open for the distinguished international experiences, where it also comes in concurrence with the implementation of a project to develop the science and math curriculum, based on the latest series approved worldwide, of which the Ministry of Education in the Bahrain is a participant. However, the results of this project will arise by the beginning of the next year "God's willing" . Therefore, thanks and appreciation for you Excellency for your ideal patronage for the Office and its activities, and thank for the colleagues in your esteemed Ministry, who exerted all efforts to achieve the success for our Forum, and special thanks for H.E. Dr. Abdullah Al-Mtawe' General Secretary for Education and Curriculum at the Ministry, member of the Executive Board of the Office and H.E. Dr. Huda Al-Awadi (Consultant of the Minister for Studies & Research) and the National Coordinator of the "Excellence" Project, and thanks for all the employees of the Ministry who work with us today.
Kindly allow me to thank and offer appreciation for H.E. Dr. Hans Wagemaker for his presence and personal care, supervision and follow up, despite his full schedules, thanks also to Mr. Dirk Hastedt- Vice Excecutive Director of "IEA" and Mr. Oliver Neuschmidt- Coordinator of the International Data.
Peace be Upon You.

محمد السباعي إبراهيم
26/07/2009, 06:39 PM
شكرا لكل من أدلى بدلوه في المشاركة و لكن لفت انتباهي كلام
د-جمال الاحمر بخصوص لفظة God & Allah
و أردت القول ان كلمة Allah أقوى في التعبير عن لفظ الجلالة
محمد السباعي
معيد كلية اللغات و الترجمة

إبراهيم الفيومي
09/05/2012, 08:03 PM
ممكن ترفقولنا رابط لمصدر الكلمة الأصلية لو تكرمتم :think::think::think: