المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أرجو ترجمة هذه الفقرة

موزة الزعابي
26/12/2008, 11:41 AM
وحضَر كتَاب اليمين قاعدة الحزب الجمهوري ل >> السيناريو الأسوأ<< وما سيعنيه فوز أوباما وهيمنة الديموقراطيين على الكونجرس في السنوات الأربع المقبلة، فيما اعتبر البعض أن ترشيح الجمهوريين سارة بايلن لمنصب نائب الرئيس، كان الخطأ الأكبر والضربة القاضية في حياة ماكين السياسية.
وخلافا لدورتي الانتخاب عامي 2000 و2004 والتي تقاربت فيها إلى حد كبير استطلاعات الرأي قبل التصويت، وسَع الديموقراطيون قفزتهم أمس، لتصل إلى 14 نقطة مئوية بحسب استطلاع لشبكة >>سي بي أس<< التلفزيونية وصحيفة >>نيويورك تايمز<< مستفيدين من تصدر الأزمة الاقتصادية أولويات الناخب بدل >>الحرب على الارهاب<< والأمن القومي أو المسألة العرقية، باعتبار أن أوباما هو أول مرشح أفريقي-أميركي للرئاسة الأمريكية.

هدى علي عبدالله
26/12/2008, 07:23 PM
السلام عليكم

هذه ترجمتي . أرجوا تصويبي و لكم جزيل الشكر

and what the victory of Obama and the democratics' predominance

over the Congress during the four coming year will mean, whereas

some people think that republicans' nominating of Sara Palain as

a vice president was the biggest mistake and the death blow to MaCain's

political life . In contrast to the 2000s and 2004s' elective session

in which there was a converge in the soundings before the selection,

the republicans widen their jump to reach to 14 points according to

CBS television Survey and NewYork times . They make good use of the new

primacies of the constituents of the economical crisis instead of terrorism war

national security ,and racial distinction as

Obama is the first African nominee for the American presidency

والله أعلم

نضال سيف الدين خالد
27/12/2008, 09:10 AM
The rightist advocators of the republicans prepared the bulk of the republican party to the worst anticipated scenario and the unfavourable consequences of the dominance of the democratics over the congress in the coming four years whereas ,some of the sentaors consider the nomination of mrs.sara baylon to the post of vice president was the unforgivable mistake and the mortal blow in mr.mc cain political procession
contrary to the two elapsed voting sessions held in 2000 and 2004 in which the results of questionnares conducted by cbs tv.network and new york times newspaper shows the gap has been widened to 14 percent of points tv.network which determine that the democratics have exploited sagaciously the negative repercussions of the economic crisis which represents the priority in voters' trends instead of the obssession of war against terrorism,national security and racial discrimination issue as mr.obama with his african origin is the first candidate to the american presidency.

نوار صبح
27/12/2008, 07:16 PM
أشكر الزملاء على جهدهم، وأقترح ترجمة الفقرة كما يلي:

The right-wing columnists have prepared the Republican Party's electorate for the worst-case scenario and the aftermath of Obama's victory and the Democrats' control of Congress in the four coming years; while some others considered the Republicans' nomination of Sara Palin for Vice President to be a serious mistake and a knockout to McCain's political career.

Unlike the Presidencies of 2000 and 2004, where the polls were largely close before voting, the Democrats highly scored yesterday to reach 14 points according to the CBS Television Network and the NYT, exploiting the economic crisis that has been heading the voter's priorities instead of the war on terror and the national security or the racial issue, since Obama is the first Afro-descendent US presidential nominee.

موزة الزعابي
27/12/2008, 07:24 PM
Thanks Huda and Nidhal for your help ,, I really appreciate it

موزة الزعابي
27/12/2008, 07:30 PM
Thanks Nawar very much ,,

نوار صبح
27/12/2008, 07:33 PM
Thanks Huda and Nidhal for your help ,, I really appreciate it

Anyway, I'm here to help others whenever and wherever I'm able to even if you forgot to mention what I've done.

Mohammad Nawwar Sobh