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05/01/2009, 06:15 PM
Business and Management Abbreviations

1. 3D View, Touch and Look through
2. AAOIFI Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institution
3. AASI Indonesian Sharia Insurance Association
4. ABF Asian Bond Fund
5. ABMI Asian Bond Market Initiatives
6. ACD Asian Cooperation Dialogue
7. ADB Asian Development Bank
8. AFTA Asian Free Trade Agreement
9. AKKI Indonesia Credit Card Association
10. AMPK Card Based Payment Instruments
11. APBN State Budget
12. APBN-P Revised State Budget
13. APBN-PAN Audited State Budget
14. APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
15. APERINDO Indonesian Retail Association
16. API Indonesian Banking Architecture
17. APMK Card Based Payment
18. ASA ASEAN Swap Arrangements
19. ASBISINDO Indonesian Sharia Banking Association
20. ASEAN Association of South-east Asian Nations
21. ASKI Indonesian Financial System Architecture
22. ASKRINDO Indonesian Insurance Credit
23. ATM Automatic Teller Machine
24. ATMR Risk Weighted Asset Calculation
25. ATSI Indonesia Cellular
26. BAPEPAM Capital Market Supervisory Agency
27. BAZNAS Council for National Zakat
28. BBM Fuel (Oil)
29. BCP Business Continuity Planning
30. BDSP Business Development Services Provider
31. BEER Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate
32. BEJ Jakarta Stock Exchange
33. BG Non-negotiable Payment Order to Account Benefeciary
34. BI Bank Indonesia
35. BII Indonesia International of Bank
36. BI-RTGS Bank Indonesia - Real Time Gross Settlement
37. BI-SSSS Bank Indonesia - Scripless Security Settlemen System
38. BIS Bank For International Settlement
39. BKPM Investment Coordinating Board
40. BKT Banks with Limited Business
41. BLS Baseline Economic Survey
42. BLT Cash Direct Assistance
43. BMPK Maximum Credit Line
44. BNI Bank Negara Indonesia
45. BNM Bank Negara Malaysia
46. BOE Bank of England
47. BOJ Bank of Japan
48. BOK Bank of Korea
49. BOP Balance of Payment
50. BOT Bank of Thailand Botasupal Coordinating Board for Eradication Counterfeit Money
51. bp basis point
52. BPA Bond Pricing Agency
53. BPD Regional Develovment Bank
54. BPR Rural Bank
55. BPRS Sharia Rural Bank
56. BPS Central Bureau of Statistics (Statistic Indonesia)
57. bps basis point
58. BRER Bilateral Real Exchange Rate
59. BRI Bank Rakyat Indonesia
60. BRR Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Body
61. BSA Bilateral Swap Area
62. BSA Bilateral Swap Arrangement
63. BTN Bank Tabungan Negara
64. BTO Bank Take Over
65. BTS Base Transceiver System
66. BUMD Regional Government Enterprises
67. BUMN State-Owned Enterprises
68. BUMS Demand Deposit of Private Enterprises
69. BUS Sharia Bank
70. BUSN National Private Bank
71. CAR Capital Adequacy Ratio
72. CBS Claims on Busines Sector
73. CBS Currency Board System
74. CCs Cash Centers
75. CEIC China Economic Information Center
76. CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
77. CIT Cash in Transit Activities
78. CGI Consultative Group on Indonesia
79. CLMP Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam
80. CMI Chiangmai Initiative
81. CP-SIPS Core Principle Systemically Important Payment System
82. CPI Consumer Price Index
83. CPO Crude Palm Oil
84. DAK Special Allocation Fund
85. DAU General Allocation Funds
86. DBH Profit Sharing Fund
87. DDA Doha Development Agenda Depnakertrans Department of Manpower and Transmigration
88. DHN National Black List
89. DI Dependency Index
90. DIPA The Timely Release of Budget
91. Expenditure Approvals
92. Dir Director
93. DJIK Financial Institutions Directorate
94. General
95. DPK Third Party Funds
96. DPR The House of Representatives
97. DPRD Regional House of Representatives
98. DSN National Sharia Board
99. DSR Debt Service Ratio
100. DTI Information Technology Directorate
101. DVP Delivery versus Payment
102. EBITDA Earning Before Income Tax,
103. Depreciation and Amortization
104. ECB European Central Bank
105. EIA Energy Information Administration
106. EII Emerging Industry Index
107. ELQ Employment Location Quotient
108. EMEAP Executive Meeting of East Asia and Pacific Central Bankers
109. EO Exchange Offer
110. ETF Exchange Traded Funds
111. ETP Electronic Trading Platform
112. ETWG Economic and Financial Monitoring
113. EUR Euro
114. EWS Early Warning System
115. f o b free on board
116. FASBI Bank Indonesia Deposit Facility
117. FDI Foreign Direct Investment
118. FKSPN National Payment System Communication Forum
119. FoBF Fund of Bond Fund
120. FOMC Federal Open Market Committee
121. FPD Contingency Financing Facility
122. FRT Fixed Rate Tender
123. FSAP Financial Sector Assesment Program
124. FTA Free Trading Arrangement
125. FTA Free Trade Agreement
126. FTE Fine Tune Expansion
127. FTK Fine Tune Contraction
128. FTO Fine Tune Operation
129. FtS Failure to Settle
130. GATS General Agreement on Trade and Services
131. GBHN Broad Outline of the Nation’s Direction
132. GCG Good Corporate Governance
133. GDP Gross Domestic Product
134. GFCF Gross Fixed Capital Formation
135. GOE Group of Experts
136. GWM Minimum Capital Requirement
137. HIMDASUN Government Bond Sellers Association
138. HJE Retail Selling Price
139. IAP Individual Action Plan
140. ICEF Indonesia China Energy Forum
141. ICOR Incremental Capital Output Ratio
142. IDB Indonesian Development Bank
143. IDR Indonesian Rupiah
144. IFSB Islamic Financial Service Board
145. IHK Consumers Price Index
146. IHPB Composite Wholesale Price Index
147. IHSG Jakarta Composite Index
148. IIFM Internasional Islamic Financial Market
149. IJERT Indonesia Japan Energy Round Table
150. IMF International Monetary Fund
151. INKOWAPI The Female Entrepreneur Cooperation of Indonesia Inpres Presidential Instruction
152. I - O Input - Output
153. IOSCO International Organization of Securities Commissioners
154. IPO Initial Public Offering
155. ITB Business Tendencies Index
156. ITF Inflation Targeting Framework
157. IUT Permanent Business License
158. JABALNUSRA Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara
159. JBIC Japan Bank for International
160. Cooperation
161. JCI Jakarta Composite Index
162. JIBOR Jakarta Interbank Offered Rate
163. JII Jakarta Islamic Index
164. JPSK Financial Safety Net
165. JPY Japanese Yen
166. JCR Japan Credit Rating
167. JSX Jakarta Stock Exchange
168. KALISULAMPUA Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua
169. KAP Earning Asset Quality
170. KBI Bank Indonesia Branch Office
171. KCS Sharia Branch Office
172. Kep Decision
173. Keppres Presidential Decree
174. KKBI Bank Indonesia Branch Office Coordinator
175. KKMBs Bank Partner Financial Consultants
176. KMK Minister of Finance Decree
177. KP Headquarter
178. KPKM Micro and Small Business Credit
179. KPMM Minimum Capital Requirement
180. KPPN The State Treasury Service Office
181. KPR Housing Credit
182. LDCs Least Developing Countries
183. LDR Loan to Deposit Ratio
184. LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate
185. LLL The Legal Lending Limit
186. LLM Capital Flows
187. LME London Metal Exchange
188. LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
189. LOFSA Labuan Off-shore Financial Services Authority
190. LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
191. LPS Depository Guarantee Institution
192. LQ Location Quotient
193. m t m month to month
194. M0 Base Money
195. M1 Narrow Money
196. M2 Broad Money
197. Mendagri Minister of Internal Affairs
198. MDI Multilateral Development Institutions
199. MEO Memorandum of Understanding
200. MFG Manila Framework Group
201. MK Ministry of Finance
202. MNDP Medium-Term National Development Plan
203. MSME Micro-Small-Medium-Enterprise
204. MTN Medium Term Notes
205. MTS Medium-Term Strategy
206. MUI Indonesian Moslem Scholars
207. MW Mega Watt
208. NAB Net Asset Value
209. NAD Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
210. NAV Net Asset Value
211. NCG Net Claims on Government
212. NEER Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
213. NIM Net Interest margin
214. NII Net Interest Income
215. NKRI Republic of Indonesia
216. NOP Net Open Position
217. NPF Non-performing Financing
218. NPI Indonesian Balance of Payments
219. NPLs Non Performing Loans
220. NRI Natural Rate of Interest
221. OMO Open Market Operation
222. O/N Overnight
223. OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
224. OPT Open Market Operation
225. ORI Obligation Retail State
226. PAIF Pan Asian Index Fund
227. PakJan January Banking Policy Package,
228. Pakto October Banking Policy Package on Increasing and Protecting Capital Market Investors
229. P4M Agreement
230. PAPSI Accounting Standard for Indonesian Sharia Banks
231. PBC People’s Bank of China
232. PBI Bank Indonesia Regulation
233. PDB Gross Domestic Product
234. PDF Probability Density Function
235. PDN Net Open Position
236. PEAC Promoting Enterprises Access to Credit
237. PEMDA Regional Governments
238. PEPI Raising Exports and Increasing Investment
239. PER Price Earning Ratio
240. PGN The National Gas Company
241. PHK Layy off
242. PIK Center for Credit Information
243. PKES Sharia Economic Information Centre
244. PKM Micro Credit Project
245. PLN State Electrcity Enterprise
246. PLN Foreign Debt
247. PMA Foreign Direct Investment
248. PMDN Domestic Investment
249. PMN National Madany Capital
250. PMTB Gross Fixed Capital Formation
251. PMTDB Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation
252. PNBP Increasing Non-Tax Revenues
253. POSINDO Indonesian Post Offices
254. PPA Asset Management Company
255. PPh Income Tax
256. PPM Post Program Monitoring
257. PPN Value Added Tax
258. PPP Public Private Partnership
259. PPUK Small Denomination Currency Exchange Company
260. PPWDK Clearing Document Printing Company
261. PROPENAS National Development Program
262. PSPU Program Syariah Peduli Ummat
263. PTA Preferential Trade Agreement
264. PTKP Non-tax Revenue
265. PT KSEI The Indonesian Central Depository
266. PUAB Interbank Money Market
267. PUAS Sharia Interbank Money Market
268. PvP Payment versus Payment
269. PYD Financing Extended
270. RBA Reserve Bank of Australia
271. RBDPO Refired Blenched Deodorized Palm Oil
272. RBNZ Reserve Bank of New Zealand
273. RCA Revealed Comparative Advantage
274. RDG Board of Governor’s Meeting
275. RDU Money Distribution Planning
276. REER Real Effective Exchange Rate
277. Reksa Dana Mutual Fund
278. RMCB Regional Multi Currency Bonds
279. ROA Return on Asset
280. Rp Rupiah
281. RRH Daily Average
282. RTA Regional Trading Arrangement
283. RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement
284. RUU Preliminary Act
285. S&P Standard and Poor’s
286. SBI Bank Indonesia Certificate
287. SBU Sharia Business Unit
288. SDI Islamic Human Resource
289. SE Circular Letter
290. SECDe South Sumatera Eastern Community
291. SID Debtors Information System
292. SIMTRAK Inter-office Transportation Monitoring System
293. SIPUK Small Business Information
294. SIPS Systemically Important Payment System
295. SKB Coordinated Decree
296. SKDU Business Survey
297. SKNBI Bank Indonesia National Clearing System
298. SLT/BLT Direct Cash Transfer
299. SOE State Owned Enterprises
300. SUN Government Bond
301. SUP Government Securities
302. SUSENAS National Survey on Social and Economics
303. SWBI Wadiah Certificate of Bank Indonesia
304. SWIPS System-Wide Important Payment System
305. T-Bonds Treasury-Bonds
306. TAP MPR People’s Representative Decree
307. TDL Electricity Base Tariff
308. TFP Total Factor Productivity
309. TIMNAS National Team
310. TKI Indonesian Foreign Workers
311. TPI Inflation Control Team
312. TPT Textile and Textile Products
313. Trw Quarter
314. UIP Uncovered Interest Rate Parity
315. UK United Kingdom
316. UKM Small and Medium Enterprise
317. ULN Foreign Loan
318. UMKM Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise
319. UMP Minimum Salary by Province
320. UMR Minimum Salary by Regional
321. UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
322. US United States
323. USAID United States Agencies for International Development
324. USD United States Dollar no longer fit for circulation
325. UTLE Bank notes
326. UU Act
327. UUS Sharia Business Unit
328. UYD Circulated Currency
329. Valas Foreign Currency
330. VAT Value After Tax
331. VRT Variable Rate Tender
332. WEO World Economic Outlook
333. WTI West Texas Intermediate
334. WTO World Trade Organization
335. Y o Y year on year
336. ZASW Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, Wakaf