المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ماهي الكلمة التي تصف ال formality

سهام جمال
09/06/2009, 09:04 PM
I want to ask about the term used in the dictionaries that refers to the
formality of the word? Thanx

سهام جمال
09/06/2009, 09:16 PM
:another question
Is there is a cartain term that describes if the word is countable or not? I'll be waiting for your replies

ياسر احمد
18/02/2010, 11:31 AM
good morning
we talk about "formality" when we speak with people whom we don't know
or with people whom we respect like teachers
and "informal" is used in our daily life with friends, classmates, etc
for countable or uncountable it depends on the word itself
this means that you need to learn them by heart
i hope that i've answered your questions

سمية عبدالقادر شيخ محمود
07/03/2010, 10:44 AM
Hi... In English there are 8 Parts of speech which explain how the word is used. For the countable and uncountable, I think it depends on which part of speech is it. Only nouns can be either countable or uncontble. The cuntable nouns has both singular and plural form while te uncountble noun has only one form. That is what I think... I hope that this will be the answer u need
