المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ماهو الفعل من reparation ؟

01/02/2007, 08:03 PM

Dalal Khaled
04/02/2007, 01:38 AM
أخي الحيسب

الفعل من كلمة reparation هو repair

تحياتي لك

ايمان حمد
04/02/2007, 01:50 AM
اتفق ودلال تماما


وحيد فرج
04/02/2007, 10:43 AM
السلام عليكم
فقط للتنويه
الفعل هو repair ولكن علينا أن ننتبه إلى معنى الفعل هنا : يرمم ، يصلح ، يصون ولا يعني يعوض عن خسارة

–verb (used with object) 1. to restore to a good or sound condition after decay or damage; mend: to repair a motor.
2. to restore or renew by any process of making good, strengthening, etc.: to repair one's health by resting.
3. to remedy; make good; make up for: to repair damage; to repair a deficiency.
4. to make amends for; compensate: to repair a wrong done.
–noun 5. an act, process, or work of repairing: to order the repair of a building.
6. Usually, repairs. a. an instance or operation of repairing: to lay up a boat for repairs.
b. a repaired part or an addition made in repairing: 17th-century repairs in brick are conspicuous in parts of the medieval stonework.

7. repairs, (in bookkeeping, accounting, etc.) the part of maintenance expense that has been paid out to keep fixed assets in usable condition, as distinguished from amounts used for renewal or replacement.
8. the good condition resulting from continued maintenance and repairing: to keep in repair.
9. condition with respect to soundness and usability: a house in good repair.


[Origin: 1300–50; ME repairen < MF reparer < L reparāre, equiv. to re- re- + parāre to prepare; see pare]

علما بأن الإسم يكون reparation بمعنى ترميم أو إصلاح
وهناك فرق بينها وبين reparations بمعنى تعويض وفي هذه الحالة قد يجوزإستخدم الفعل repair > ولكن الأفضل إستخدام compensate

—Related forms
re·pair·a·ble, adjective
re·pair·a·bil·i·ty, re·pair·a·ble·ness, noun

—Antonyms 1–3. break, destroy.

وحيد فرج
04/02/2007, 11:09 AM
هناك بعض القواميس تستخدم repair بمعنى يعوض إلا أن الكثير من القواميس لاتذكر الفعل بهذا المعنى ومن قد يشعر البعض بشيئ من التناقض ولكن بصفة عامة لم أجد من أهل اللغة البريطانيين من يجيز إستخدام الفعل بهذا المعنى.

ياسر أبو النور
04/02/2007, 11:20 AM
فتح الله عليك يا استاذ وحيد وليس هناك ما اقوله سوى ما ذكر في قاموس اكسفورد عن شرح

(reparations) [pl.] money that is paid by a country that has lost a war, for the damage, injuries, etc. that it has caused

[U] the act of giving sth to sb or doing sth for them \in order to show that you are sorry for suffering that you have caused:
Ex: Offenders should be forced to make reparation to the community.