المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Citizen's Dream

حجي حبيب
29/10/2009, 10:12 AM
السلام عليكم احبتي في واتا ولاسيما في منتدى الشعر
اليكم بعض من قصائدي باللغة الانكليزية
استاذ حبيب العبيدي

by Habeeb Ibraheem

When to stroll in homeland without ID card
When to lie down with no fear
When to drink water with no choke
When to see thee a raised banner
When to have our nation with no malice
With no wail or cry?
Oh ! My wounded homeland in full bloods
Ye – my nation unfairly judged
How much youth bled on thy land
And chagrin lie on your land
In morrows & at nights ?
Hold thy tears & bloods and live
Lofty as nations in grace
A dear forbearing homeland – Ye Iraq
Of noble people , origin & history
Whose records from thee registered
Along eras and years in that den
Denning a lion on lands
As others escapers really are ( be) .

حجي حبيب
29/10/2009, 10:27 AM
Citizen's Dream by Habeeb Ibraheem
When to stroll in homeland without ID card
When to lie down with no fear
When to drink water with no choke
When to see thee a raised banner
When to have our nation with no malice
With no wail or cry?
Oh ! My wounded homeland in full bloods
Ye – my nation unfairly judged
How much youth bled on thy land
And chagrin lie on your land
In morrows & at nights ?
Hold thy tears & bloods and live
Lofty as nations in grace
A dear forbearing homeland – Ye Iraq
Of noble people , origin & history
Whose records from thee registered
Along eras and years in that den
Denning a lion on lands
As others escapers really are ( be) .
Inborn Affinity by : Habeeb Ibraheem
Having same sleep and wake up
Full scene decked with friendship .
Sun , the Bedouin & camel pass
Challenging yellow hell sands cross .
Along that the triple keep friends ,
Guiding each and advising in solaces
Sincerer than Man's sons .
A friend , a guide and solace
Same roving & same steps .
In that all – yellow grounds
Lifting dipped feet from boiling sands
They went in life strollers .
Cruisers they crossed deserts
With sun they toil in hardness
With moon they rest and hold chats .
Inborn Affinity by : Habeeb Ibraheem
Having same sleep and wake up
Full scene decked with friendship .:mh78:
Sun , the Bedouin & camel pass
Challenging yellow hell sands cross .
Along that the triple keep friends ,
Guiding each and advising in solaces
Sincerer than Man's sons .
A friend , a guide and solace
Same roving & same steps .
In that all – yellow grounds
Lifting dipped feet from boiling sands
They went in life strollers .
Cruisers they crossed deserts
With sun they toil in hardness
With moon they rest and hold chats .
Inborn Affinity by : Habeeb Ibraheem
Having same sleep and wake up
Full scene decked with friendship .
Sun , the Bedouin & camel pass
Challenging yellow hell sands cross .
Along that the triple keep friends ,
Guiding each and advising in solaces
Sincerer than Man's sons .
A friend , a guide and solace
Same roving & same steps .
In that all – yellow grounds
Lifting dipped feet from boiling sands
They went in life strollers .
Cruisers they crossed deserts
With sun they toil in hardness
With moon they rest and hold chats .