المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مصر تمنع ماضي من دخول اراضيها ومسيرة غزة العالمية مستمرة LAST NEWS FROM GAZAFREEDOM MARCH

النظرة اللبنانية المقاومة
18/12/2009, 05:57 PM
الحركة العالمية لمناهضة العولمة والهيمنة الأميركية والصهيونية
Arabic – English
مسيرة الانسانية لاجلك يا غزة هذا القليل
اعلن رئيس الحركة العالمية لمناهضة العولمة والهيمنة الاميركية والصهيونية الأخ فادي ماضي عن اكتمال التحضيرات والاستعدادات لاسبوع غزة التضامني الاستراتيجي ويومها العالمي ومسيرتها نحو الحرية الكبرى وتحت شعار غزة ضمير العالم في اكثر من 110 دول حول العالم حيث سيكون ابرز هذه النشاطات التضامنية الاعتصامات امام سفارات الكيان الغاصب ومجسمات ضخمة ترمز الى سجن غزة الكبير ومسيرة غزة العالمية وبعض المسيرات الرمزية نحو الحدود الدولية مع فلسطين المحتلة والندوات والمهرجانات وعرائض الشارع ورفع العلم الفلسطيني والعراقي في اغلب مدن وعواصم العالم ومسيرات الشموع الليلية والتي ستبدا جميعها يوم الاحد 27 ديسمبر 2009 وتنتهي في يوم الاحد 3 يناير 2010
واذ اعرب عن امله ان تتمكن هذه الفعالية الدولية الضخمة والتي هي نتيجة عمل دؤوب دام لاكثر من ثلاث سنوات وهي سنين الحصار الغاشم على قطاع غزة الاسير من تحقيق فعلي لكسر الحصار نهائيا الا انها المسيرة ورغم كل الضغوطات والعراقيل والصعوبات تمكنت من تحقيق اهدافها قبل انطلاقتها واعادت غزة قضية راي عام انساني دولي وبامتياز واظهرت مظلومية الشعب الفلسطيني المحاصر داخل جدران عزل عنصرية ومعابر مصطنعة وسلطة متناحرة وفقدان كل مقومات اساليب الحياة التي يتنعم بها سكان الارض جمعاء وتحت غائلة الفقر والجوع التي قاربت مستويات قياسية قل نظيرها حتى في مجاعة شعوب افريقيا
وحرب الاعتقالات المستمرة دون هوادة وتهديم البيوت وتشريد الاسر والقصف اليومي وايذاء المدنيين والتهديدات المعلنة بشن الحرب وليس اخرا قيام جدار فولاذي ضخم على الحدود المصرية وفق اخر التقارير والانباء يمنع ويوقف وصول اي مساعدة انسانية بما فيها الغذاء والدواء
واشار الى ان بعض الوفود الدولية المتضامنة وصلت بالفعل الى القاهرة وان المشاركة العربية والاسلامية في المسيرة تحسنت كما ونوعا وان قيادات شابة عربية اخذت زمام المبادرة وهي تبشر بميلاد فجر جديد في الأمة وهي تعكف على التحضير وخوض معارك الأمة كافة حتى ما بعد غزة مضيفا ان الجاليات العربية والاسلامية في بلاد الاغتراب رغم كل حملات التشويه والتمييز العنصري وضغوطات حراب لوبيات الضغط الصهيونية العالمية الا انها ولاول مرة ستشكل العمود الفقري لاغلب النشاطات التضامنية العالمية وهو تأكيد واصرار على ارتباط هؤلاء بوطنهم الأم وبقضايا امتهم وعلى راسها الاحتلال الاميريكي والصهيوني لفلسطين والعراق
وربط بين قرار الحكومة المصرية برفض منح تاشيرات الدخول لبعض الشخصيات العربية للمشاركة في مسيرة غزة العالمية وبناء الجدار الفولاذي والمحاولات الدؤوبة للصهيونية العالمية لاجهاض المسيرة وسط عجز عربي واسلامي رسمي غير مسبوق وبين عدم تحرك المجتمع الدولي الرسمي لوضع حد لمأساة غزة الانسانية بمثابة اصرار مشترك مع تواطؤ مفضوح على كسر ارادة وعزيمة الشعب الفلسطيني الذي يحمل ارثا تاريخيا عظيما في مقاومة المحتل والمستعمر ,داعيا القوى السياسية والشعبية العربية والاسلامية الى اتخاذ موقف جاد تجاه كل المسائل التي تبقي مأساة غزة دونما اي معالجة واقعية
واذ اكد على وجوب قيام نهضة شعبية عربية عارمة تعيد رسم كل الخرائط وتضع اسسا جديدة لتفعيل دور الشارع العربي في مواجهة جميع المخططات التامرية التي لم تكل ولم تيأس منذ سايكس بيكو وحتى اليوم فان الفرصة التاريخية سانحة لتضامن شعوب العالم كافة في هذه المرحلة الدقيقة مع حركة التحرر والنضال العربي التي بدأت تاخذ شكلا واطارا تنظيميا مختلفا تماما عما عهدته سنوات الصراع العربي الصهيوني الطويلة وان احد انعكاسات مسيرة غزة العالمية الايجابية والمهمة هي ولادة حركة تحررية شابة في المجتمع المصري والعربي خلعت ثوب الانعتاق للمفاهيم التي كانت سائدة والني كانت تدير معركة الانتصار لكل قضايا الأمة وهي اليوم تشهد على بداية عصر التحولات الكبرى في المنطقة
واضاف ان الحركة العالمية التي تناضل في كل الساحات الدولية ورغم الكم الهائل من الشعارات المزيفة والمنظمات المخترقة صهيونيا ومصانع تفريخ مؤسسات المجتمع المدني الممولة من اجهزة الاستخبارات وسيل المواقف السياسية المبتذلة وقمع السلطات للحركة الشعبية الدولية المدنية بقوة السلاح لم يعيق نمو حركة النضال داخل صفوفها بل اطلقت مسيرة غزة العالمية روحا نضالية ستشهد لها ساحات العالم وتبشر بمولد انتفاضة فجر الحرية
واختتم قائلا لن يثنينا اي قرار مهما بلغ من الجبروت والطغيان من قول الحقيقة كاملة عن كل ما يحيق بامتنا من اخطار وان الظن المشتبه بتحييدنا عن معركة النضال وادراك جوهر الصراع مع عدو امتنا الابدي والمصيري وان ترافق مرحليا بشكل او باخر من عرقلة جهود منظمي المسيرة الانسانية الذين هم من صلب وابناء شعبنا واهلنا والباقون على مسرح الكفاح والجهاد مهما اتى من دخلاء وتحت اي شعار وعنوان يعمي العيون والابصار ويخلط الالوان فستبقى الحقيقة التي يجب ان تعرف وتمارس وتقال
وتوجه الى اهل غزة الاباء والشموخ مبديا اسفه لاذعان السلطات المصرية للضغوط الصهيونية ومنعه من دخول ارض مصر و قاهرة المعز وقلعة الشهيد الرمز جمال عبد الناصر سيد احرار العرب وان هذا المنع الغير حضاري واللاانساني وساما اخر يشرف صدور مناضلي ومجاهدي الحركة العالمية وكل الشرفاء والمقاومين التي تؤكد ان غزة ستبقى ضمير العالم وهي جزء مقدس من تاريخ الأمة بترابها الطاهر والثائر وهي ملحمة كربلاء وانتصار الدم على السيف ونموذج النصر الالهي العظيم وملهمة الثوار هي عز العرب وكرامتهم وعنفوانهم هي هاشم وشعب ابي طالب هي ميسلون والبراق هي القادسية وحطين هي خالد وصلاح الدين هي قانا الأبية وعيتا الشعب وبنت جبيل الاسطورة الجهادية و
سناتيها من السماء ومن الارض من تحت الانفاق ومع ذرات الهواء ولن تتوقف مسيرة غزة العالمية الا عندما يتحرر كل شبر من ارضنا المحتلة في فلسطين والجولان ومزارع شبعا
واخيرا عهدا يا غزة الاباء والشموخ ان نبقى مقاومة وكلنا مقاومة وان منعونا من الوصول الى ثرى ترابك الطاهر
اليس الصبح بقريب ولتعلمن نبأه بعد حين والله اكبر والنصر للمؤمنين
تعلن الحركة العالمية لمناهضة العولمة والهيمنة الاميركية والصهيونية بدء فعاليات مسيرة غزة الابية نحو الحرية
في يوم الجمعة الموافق 1 كانون الثاني 2010 هو يوم غزة العالمي تحت شعار غزة ضمير العالم
وقيام اسبوع غزة التضامني الاستراتيجي العالمي الذي ينعقد في 27 ديسمبر 2009وحتى مساء 3كانون الثاني 2010
كل التفاصيل على هذه الروابط أولا بأول مشاركتكم هي عنوان ضمائركم الحية
لتبرعاتكم العاجلة والمساهمة معنا في نقل المشاركين من القاهرة الى رفح مع متطلبات المسيرة يرجى الاتصال على الارقام التالية داخل مصر
للاستعلام والاتصال داخل جمهورية مصر العربية
- محمود جابر المنسق الاعلامى بمصر هاتف / 0020102815578
- د/ عبد الصمد الشرقاوى هاتف / 020111684730
- إيهاب شوقي هاتف / 0020120658296
- د / محمد زعزوع هاتف / 0020106401552
- د/ محمد قطب هاتف / 0020168505468
- ريهام اللبودى هاتف / 0020122658450
المانيا: TEL:0049-711-7354796 MOBILE:0049-172-8774071 FAX:0049-711-7354754
Prime global movement against globalization and American hegemony and Zionism brother Fadi Madi, from the completion of preparations and preparations for the Gaza Strip a week of solidarity day strategic and global march towards freedom and under the banner of the major Strip conscience of the world in more than 110 countries around the world, where would be the highlight of these activities solidarity sit-ins in front of the embassies of the usurper entity and Models symbolizes the huge big prison of Gaza Strip and the march of global and symbolic marches across the international border with occupied Palestine, seminars, festivals and street petitions and raising the Palestinian flag and, in most Iraqi cities and capitals of the world marches and candlelight at night and all of which will start on Sunday, December 27th, 2009 and ending on Sunday, January 3rd, 2010
Expressing the hope that the massive international event, which is the result of hard work has lasted for more than three years, the years the brutal siege of the Gaza Strip to achieve a real soldier to break the siege once but the march despite all the pressures, obstacles and difficulties were able to achieve its objectives before its launch and re-Strip the issue of public opinion in international humanitarian and injustice with distinction and showed the beleaguered Palestinian people within the walls of racism and isolation of artificial crossings and the authority of feuding and the loss of all elements of lifestyles to enjoy the earth's population as a whole and under the scourge of poverty and hunger, which is nearing record levels, a rare, even in the peoples of Africa famine
Arrests and the war continued unabated and the destruction of homes and displacing families and the daily bombings and civilian casualties and declared threats to wage war but not least, a huge steel wall on the Egyptian border, according to latest reports, and Anbar to prevent and stop the arrival of any humanitarian assistance including food and medicine
He noted that some international solidarity delegations have already arrived in Cairo and the Arab and Islamic participation in the process improved the quality and quantity, and a young Arab leaders have taken the initiative and marks the birth of a new dawn in the nation is in the process of preparation and all the battles of the nation until after Gaza, adding that the Arab communities and Islamic countries abroad despite all the campaigns against racial discrimination and the pressures of bayonets to the World Zionist lobbies pressure but for the first time will form the backbone for most activities is a confirmation of global solidarity and determination to link these issues to their homeland and their nation, led the American and Zionist occupation of Palestine and Iraq
The link between the Egyptian government's decision to deny visas to some Arab personalities to participate in the march of global and Gaza steel construction of the wall and the persistent attempts of the Zionist world to pre-empt the march amid the inability of Arab and Islamic official is unprecedented and the inaction of the international community to put an official end to the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza as a joint venture with the insistence of overt collusion to break the will and resolve of the Palestinian people, which carries a great historic legacy to resist the occupier and colonizer
While he confirmed that there should be a renaissance of Arab popular massive redraw all the maps and lay new foundations for activating the role of the Arab street, in the face of all conspiratorial schemes tireless efforts did not despair since the Sykes-Picot and even today, the historical window of opportunity in the solidarity of all peoples of the world at this critical stage with the liberation movement and the Arab struggle that began to take form and regulatory framework completely different than the years of conflict custody of the Arab-Zionist and one of the implications of the long march of Gaza and the positive global task is the birth of the liberation movement in the young Egyptian and Arab society stripped dress emancipation of the concepts that were prevalent and Olney was running battle victory for all issues of the nation is today attest to the beginning of the era of major shifts in the region
He added that the global movement, which is struggling in the international arena and despite the vast quantity of counterfeit logos and Zionist organizations infiltrated plants breeding civil society institutions funded by the intelligence services and the sale of political positions vulgar and suppression of the authorities of the People's Movement civilian international force of arms did not impede the progress of the struggle within the movement, but fired Dvovha march Gaza militant spirit of the World will have you to the world and preach the birth of the dawn of freedom uprising
Lastly, any decision will not deter us, no matter how mighty and the tyranny of telling the whole truth about all that afflicts our nation from the dangers that the suspect probably Pthieddidna about the battle of the struggle and grasp the essence of the conflict with the eternal enemy of our nation and the fateful and to accompany the progress one way or another to block the efforts of the organizers of the march humanity who are solid and our people and our people and the rest on the stage of struggle and jihad whatever came from outsiders and under any slogan and address of the blind the eyes and visual and mixed colors will remain the truth that you must know, practice, and is said
He went to the people of Gaza parents stepping up and expressing regret for compliance with the Egyptian authorities to pressure the Zionist and prevented him from entering the land of Egypt and Cairo, goats, Castle Martyr symbol, Gamal Abdel Nasser Sayed free Arabs, and this prohibition non-civilized and inhumane, toxic oversees the issuance of another Mujahideen activists and the global movement and all the honorable and the resistance which confirms that Gaza will remain the world's conscience, which is part of the sacred history of the nation and its soil-Tahir, a revolutionary epic of Karbala and the triumph of blood over the sword and the model of "divine victory" great and inspiring is the Ezz Al-Arab rebels, dignity and Anfoanhm is Hashem and the people of Abi Talib is Maysaloun and tantalizing are Qadisiyah, Hittin is Khaled Salah al-Din is proud of Qana, Aita Shaab, Bint Jbeil and jihadist myth
Snatiha from the sky and the ground from under spending and atoms of air will not stop the global march of Gaza is liberated only when every inch of our occupied land in Palestine and the Golan Heights and Shebaa Farms
Prime global movement against globalization and American hegemony and Zionism brother Fadi Madi, the General Program to the march of the World Strip
Goats from Cairo to Gaza
Of free people around the world to the Arabs and the proud people of bravery
Process of emancipation from the shackles of occupation and siege,
Global public outcry against oppression and injustice and aggression
A rejection of the case of defeatism and surrender, and discrimination, and fragmentation and division to the whole Arab and Islamic world
The human conscience in a coma for three years and still on a war of genocide against the two million people forcibly and oppress prisoners in Gaza
On the first anniversary of the Gaza holocaust Arabic
Announces the global movement against globalization and U.S. hegemony and the Zionist Kicks Strip proud march towards freedom
On Friday, January 1, 2010 is the day of the World Gaza Strip under the banner of the world's conscience
And begin final preparations for the Gaza Strip a week of global strategic solidarity which takes place at December 27, 2009 and until the evening of January 3, 2010
According to the following table:
Move from all around the world to Cairo in no later than December 25, 2009 after the confirmation from the embassies of Arab Republic of Egypt on the terms of his visa to Egypt
Gathering in the Egyptian capital of Cairo, starting from Dec. 10, and regulates each participant trip to Cairo, according to schedule on that the last day to receive instructions and how to walk is on December 25 this year
Are receiving all applications for participation in the march at the headquarters of the Egyptian Bar Association, that any public gathering will be the first Bar Association, Abd El Khalek Tharwat next to the Press Syndicate
Registration begins immediately or send mail Alktheroni Titles blades listed below or by telephone or in person to the headquarters of the Egyptian Bar Association or center Arab Republic, 21 El Abdin
Been assigned to each of the brothers honored as the overall coordinator for the march: Sheikh Mohammed Nimer Zgmot Mufti of Palestine in the Diaspora \ Lebanon, Egypt, Dr. Mahmoud Jaber \ media Mohamed Barakat, Germany \ and Dr. arisen for adopting the fugitive head of Arab communities in Germany
Does not require any visa from the Palestinian authorities a valuable Gaza-based coordination with the governmental and popular to break the siege in Gaza
Move all the delegations from Cairo to El Arish and Gaza Rqk and then return to Cairo to logistically by the Egyptian public has all the requirements of agriculture from the march
Meeting on Saturday, December 26th to discuss the latest preparations and preparations
Leave Cairo to El-Arish on December 27
Walk to the Rafah border crossing on December 28 and wait for the rest of the delegations late
Access to Gaza on the morning of Dec. 29 and move to areas designated by the Palestinian government and the receipt of the march in Gaza on the World
Length of stay in Gaza until the end of the march of events and activities in the Gaza Strip entered World January 1, 2010
Visit program will be developed in the Gaza Strip according to the instructions of the authorities ornaments, and according to the possibilities available
Gaza freedom march
International call \day of Gaza \1\January 2010
This uprising – intifada – is dawn of freedom everywhere around the globe and is against Antihumanity/Antijustice/Repression/Opression/Occupation/war/Globalization/Hegemony
We ask all to take part in the worldwide protest and actions in the days of Gaza of Palestinian intifada
and we must make a sign in unity so we want to have actions around the world in the same time,
the same way and with all power we have. We must motivate and bring on the way all our brothers and sisters, friends and people we know and we have to go to the main important places, what means Embassies, consulates especially from US And Israeli will start after salatul juma3 on Friday 1 January 2010
Please be aware of the information's and announcements of local groups in your town and area and country and help to organize people take part everywhere.
Between 12 h and 4 h pm in all cities and in mass demonstrations around the globe.
parties and communities should force their governments to do so officially.
The head of the global movement against globalization and American hegemony and Zionism Mujahid brother Fadi Madi,invited all members and cadres and organizations and bodies of the global movement to actively participate in the march and serious larger freedom to Gaza, which start from around the world heading to Gaza at the end of the month of December, and gather in Cairo on 27 and enter the Gaza, the Rafah crossing and the sea and all the crossings, which divided the land of beloved Palestine on January 1, 2010
And be the beginning of 2010 was the public outcry to conquer the world of injustice, aggression and occupation, which will be announced from Gaza Hashem and to withstand the beginning of a new era in the uprising of the dawn of freedom and the participation of a large crowd for the first time in human history, personalities and parties, organizations and individuals from the continents of the world at large ', which is the most important step since the founding of the global campaign to break the siege of Gaza, which led to many successes in spite of all repressive measures and the threat and the policy of injustice and abuse of kinship with many of the Arab political policy conferences and forums that are responsive to the demands of security and intelligence agencies without any serious action and active in support of our people
Stand up Arab peoples of the world participated in Srechtha against imperialism and international Zionism and went to Gaza in any way appropriate form with the peoples of the world free of human shields to protect children and women in Gaza
Those who could not participate in the march, the result of any complexity or border security Vliqm any activity of a solidarity sit-ins and demonstrations, articles, associations and voluntary contributions, raised Palestinian flags and posters and to mobilize the whole nation in the days of Gaza, calling on the media all the way to allocate these days to explain the suffering of Gaza survive and shed light on the issue occupation and resistance and support the steadfastness of the Palestinian and Iraqi peoples
People Cry of Freedom and the global humanitarian universal uprising against oppression and injustice and aggression
You are all invited and all the political spectrum, social, cultural, religious, professional and trade union and civil society all men and women, children and old people to participate meaningfully and effectively in the day of wrath and defiance and resilience
January 1, 2010 on the will and resistance, loyalty, and redemption
We now have the greatest and biggest event of struggle since the catastrophe of 48 of the Gaza holocaust after 2009 has not, there is room to linger and think and wait for the outcome of a summit or a meeting or forum and the conference and what happened in Gaza cannot be forgotten. The roots of the Popular Resistance now come together with this global initiative and the success of this initiative is the biggest defeat of the Zionist movement and therefore should include the largest number of civil society organizations in the world
We call this cry and we are not concerned with any internal political conflict and not on the Palestinian arena. Or any other Arab arena as we are concerned first and foremost and the last is to provide elements of steadfastness to our people, our people and continue the course of our teachers and our faithful martyrs first and immortals flags of justice Humanitarian
An end to the military occupation that began in 1948 is a major condition for establishing a just and lasting peace. For over six decades, the Palestinian people have been denied freedom and rights to self-determination and equality. The hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who were forced out of their homes during Israel’s creation in 1947-48 are still denied the rights granted them by UN Resolution 194.
Sources of Inspiration
The Gaza Freedom March is inspired by decades of nonviolent Palestinian resistance from the mass popular uprising of the first Intifada to the West Bank villagers currently resisting the land grab of Israel's annexationist wall.
It draws inspiration from the Gazans themselves, who formed a human chain from Rafah to beit hanoun, tore down the border barrier separating Gaza from Egypt, and marched to the six checkpoints separating the occupied Gaza Strip from Israel.
The Freedom March also draws inspiration from the international volunteers who have stood by Palestinian farmers harvesting their crops, from the crews on the vessels who have challenged the Gaza blockade by sea, and from the drivers of the convoys who have delivered humanitarian aid to Gaza.
If Israel devalues Palestinian life then internationals must both interpose their bodies to shield Palestinians from Israeli brutality and bear personal witness to the inhumanity that Palestinians daily confront.
If Israel defies international law then people of conscience must send non-violent marshals from around the world to enforce the law of the international community in Gaza
The March is yet another link in the chain of non-violent resistance to Israel's flagrant disregard of international law.
Citizens of the world are called upon to join ranks with Palestinians in the January 1st March to lift the inhumane siege of Gaza.
Israel’s blockade of Gaza is a flagrant violation of international law that has led to mass suffering. The U.S., the European Union, and the rest of the international community are complicit.
The law is clear. The conscience of humankind is shocked. Yet, the siege of Gaza continues. It is time for us to take action! On January 1, 2010, we will mark the New Year by marching alongside the Palestinian people of Gaza in a non-violent demonstration that breaches the illegal blockade.
Our purpose in this March is lifting the siege on Gaza. We demand that Israel end the blockade. We also call upon Egypt to open Gaza’s Rafah border. Palestinians must have freedom to travel for study, work, and much-needed medical treatment and to receive visitors from abroad.
As an international movment we are not in a position to advocate a specific political solution to this conflict. Yet our faith in our common humanity leads us to call on all parties to respect and uphold international law and fundamental human rights to bring an end to the Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territories since 1948 and pursue a just and lasting peace.
The march ca only succeed if it arouses the conscience of humanity.
Please join us.
لمزيد من المعلومات والاستفسارات وكيفية المشاركة والمساهمة يرجى الاتصال بالعناوين ادناه
هلم نبني وحدة اتجاه وهدف ورؤيا بالبطولة المؤمنة المؤيدة بصحة لعقيدة لنحيا امة عزيزة بأبنائها شامخة بشهدائها جديرة بالحياة تصنع نصر الغد الأتي بالأجيال التي لم تولد بعد إذا كنت من عشاق المقاومة ومن الراغبين بالمشاركة في التحليل والموقف فاضغط على
الوصلة أدناه
للاستعلام والاتصال داخل جمهورية مصر العربية
- محمود جابر المنسق الاعلامى بمصر هاتف / 0020102815578
- د/ عبد الصمد الشرقاوى هاتف / 020111684730
- إيهاب شوقي هاتف / 0020120658296
- د / محمد زعزوع هاتف / 0020106401552
- د/ محمد قطب هاتف / 0020168505468
- ريهام اللبودى هاتف / 0020122658450
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