المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : هل هذه العبارات صحيحة.؟؟

أماني نصر الزرد
21/01/2010, 12:11 PM
السلام عليكم ..
هل هذه العبارات صحيحة؟
Put right or wrong to the following statements and correct the wrong ones
1-Criteria do not vary from time to time, but the difference both in European language and in Arabic never consisted in the actual words used but in the method of approach.

wrong-criteria vary from time to time

2-Arabic is not capable of precise expression that is almost totally free from redundancies.

wrong-Arabic capable of ....

3-There is a tendency towards uniformity of denotation most obviously shown in the Arabic terminology in the physical sciences. In the human sciences this ideal of precision remains an aspiration, for the abstractions.


4-Apart from the difficulties said to be attributable to the different modes of thought or reasoning, with the underlying diachronic problems hence of classification are rendered even more difficult by the texture of classical Arabic itself.

لم افهم المطلوب من هذه العبارة لكن اتوقع ان الاجابة صحيحة