المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ما مقابل milestone

وحيد فرج
26/02/2007, 11:42 AM
ما مقابل milestone في معاملات التعاقدات وطرق السداد والدفع التجارية?

ايمان حمد
26/02/2007, 11:51 AM
أرشح انجاز كبير

تحيتى :fl:

وحيد فرج
26/02/2007, 12:32 PM
Payment Milestones

The Payment Milestones module is a tool for tracking payments due from sponsors based on contract items, which may, or may not, be directly related to patient visits or financial events. Amount due for reaching a milestone can be defined, as well as when the payments related to that milestone are due.

You design the various milestones and then access the latest information via the Payment Milestones Summary Report, or by running the “Milestone Engine” for a particular milestone.

The uses for payment milestones are varied. In a lot of cases, setting up payment milestones in Study Manager may not even be necessary. For instance, if your payments from a sponsor are directly tied to budgeted patient visits, you may not need to create payment milestones. However, you may wish to create payment milestones for tracking payments based on budgeted costs, in parallel with the regular budgeted earned revenue systems. Perhaps, the payment milestones are simply to help you know when to bill the sponsor for certain payments. You will still use the standard systems and reporting described in previous sections to track the actual revenue you are earning. However, since you setup payment milestones for the study as well, you can check the Payment Milestones data to get an administrative summary of when to bill.

Milestones are also useful for tracking bonuses and other payments not related directly to patient visits tracked.

You can set up default milestones associated with your organization, a sponsor organization, or one site in your organization. However, the most common practice is to set them up specifically for each study and site. The basic principles are the same, no matter which option is used.

سمير الخطيب
26/02/2007, 12:33 PM
أعتقد ان ( milestone ) هو العنصر/ العامل النهائي في العقود والذي يشير الى إكتمال مرحلة العمل او المهمة وهو مرتبط بالقرارات التي تحدد المشاريع المستقبلية. :mad:

وحيد فرج
26/02/2007, 12:34 PM
إذا ما هو مقابل Payment Milestones ؟

وحيد فرج
26/02/2007, 12:39 PM
وكمان توضيح
http://www.acs-world.com/CustomerPortal/ReferenceManual/Defining_Payment_Milestones.htm#Setting_up_milesto nes_to

منذر أبو هواش
26/02/2007, 12:43 PM
هدف مرحلي ؟؟؟؟؟
هدف فاصل ؟؟؟؟؟

ايمان حمد
26/02/2007, 12:47 PM
سيدى استاذ فرج

Payment Milestones Modue is a tool for ....
اذن هو تعريف واقترح ان يبقى " مايل ستونز" كما هو كما تسمى " ايرمايلز " باسمها لأنه اسم الخدمة واى تغيير فى المسمى سيخرجها من التسمية المتعارف عليها كمصطلح معروف بين شركات الدفع الالكترونية ( مثل الفيزا ، والماستر كارد والجيم والداينرز وبوينتس .. الخ )

( هو نطام الدفع المرحلى / التدريجى / الفارقة )

اكتبها مايل ستونز وعلى ضمانتى


سمير الخطيب
26/02/2007, 12:50 PM
هو برنامج يتضمن فترات العقد لمتابعة المدفوعات المستحقة على الضامنين / الكفلاء .. :)

ايمان حمد
26/02/2007, 01:00 PM
هو يريد الاسم وليس الشرح اخوتى
والاسم هو ذاته
اما الشرح فاعتقد انه يفهمه

والله اعلم

سمير الخطيب
26/02/2007, 01:08 PM
إذن لنقل انه دفعة ميلستونس :laugh:

وحيد فرج
26/02/2007, 01:10 PM
لا طبعا مفيهاش " ضمانتي " :)
أنا فقط أوردت شرح مصطلح milestone payment للتوضيح .. والمطوب هو ترجمة المصطلح ضمن العقد ؟
أنا طبعا عندي تصور ... ولكن أحب اسمع آراء أهل التخصص .
تحية مباركة

ايمان حمد
26/02/2007, 01:17 PM
سيدى هذا اسم وليس مصطلح !

كما اسمى ايمان وانت اسمك وحيد

والله اعلم


منذر أبو هواش
26/02/2007, 01:20 PM
هو برنامج يتضمن فترات العقد لمتابعة المدفوعات المستحقة على الضامنين / الكفلاء .. :)

برنامج الأهداف البينية أو المرحلية للدفع ؟؟؟؟؟
مجرد اقتراح !!!

غالب ياسين
26/02/2007, 01:20 PM
الدفع على مراحل
وهي شبيهه بالتقسيط:hi:

سمير الخطيب
26/02/2007, 01:21 PM
عودة بعد الفاصل ..
هو نظام خاص يدرج كجدول ضمن بنود العقد ويشتمل على تفصيل متابعة المدفوعات المستحقة على الوكلاء ..
أتمنى أن أكون قد وفقت في الإجابة :hi:

منذر أبو هواش
26/02/2007, 01:22 PM
الدفع على مراحل
وهي شبيهه بالتقسيط:hi:

مع الأستاذ غالب :vg:
برنامج الدفع على مراحل :hi:

سمير الخطيب
26/02/2007, 01:24 PM
جدول المستحقات الأصلية

سمير الشناوي
26/02/2007, 01:27 PM
الاستاذ الفاضل محمد فرج
milestone عموما هي علامة بارزة او نقطة هامة عند الوصول اليها تبدا سلسلة من الاجراءات او المراحل. وهي تشبه benchmark
و في السياق الذي اوردته :
Milestone: means an event upon the occurrence of which the corresponding MILESTONE PAYMENT is due and payable.

وعلى هذا فان payment milestones
هي المستويات او الحدث الذي عند تحققه تبدا اجراءات اخرى

اقترح ترجمتها برنامج متابعة مراحل المدفوعات

سمير الشناوي

ايمان حمد
26/02/2007, 01:29 PM
The Payment Milestones module is a tool for tracking payments due from sponsors based on contract items, which may, or may not, be directly related to patient visits or financial events.

ترجمتى لو انا فى مكانك

نطام المايلز ستوز للدفع هو وسيلة لتعقب الدفعات المستحقة من الرعاة ( راعى حدث معين ) بناءً على بنود عقد والتى من الممكن ان تكون مرتبطة بصورة مباشرة او غير مباشرة بزيارات المرضى او بالتزامات مالية

والله اعلم

( وانا كذلك متأكده )

سمير الخطيب
26/02/2007, 01:31 PM
أتفق مع الأخ .. سمير الشناوي :good:

غالب ياسين
26/02/2007, 01:34 PM
هذا النوع من السداد او الدفع على مراحل كثيرا ما يستخدم في المقاولات او المشاريع الانشائيه
ويعتمد على التدفقات النقديه وعلى ما يسمى projections التنبؤات الماليه المستقبليه

غالب ياسين
26/02/2007, 01:42 PM
On construction projects you begin with a set of plans and an agreed upon cost. As the project develops it becomes necessary or desirable to change the original plans. Sometimes involves a change in the budget. When a change is agreed upon, a change order is generated
Managing your website project this way will save you lots of grief and over-spending. Make sure you have a solid agreement on the initial plan and payment scheme. Then issue formal change orders as you need them. This gives you greater control over the project than in common with many website development projects.

ايمان حمد
26/02/2007, 01:45 PM
استاذ وحيد
ارد عليك بسرعة من العمل وشكلى ح انطرد ( هههه )
قرأت الموضوع بسرعة وحكمى هو تدريجى او مرحلى ( كل مرحلة انجاز تسمى مايل ستون )

ولذا فى الشرح وجب ان تكتب مرحلى او تدريجى

اما الاسم فيجب ان يظل كما هو

اى عندما مثلا اصل الى مايل ستون معين فى مبيعاتى استحق مبلغ معين من العمولة
الرقم او السقف الموضوع كمعيار للمرحلة يسمى مايل ستون ( مستوى او مستويات )


اتمنى وضحت الفكرة


غالب ياسين
26/02/2007, 01:46 PM
Invitation to Bid

This ITB is intended for supported employment providers operating under a current Department of Rehabilitation Services fee-for-service contract to convert their funding to an outcome based, milestone system of payment.


Funds for this ITB will be provided by the Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) under CFDA 84.126A.

For this ITB no new funds are available. All programs funded will be conversion of DRS contract funds by providers having existing (FY 97) fee-for-service contracts for supported employment services. All providers submitting an acceptable bid will be allowed to convert funding. Conversion is mandatory.


The bids will be evaluated by a team of representatives from the Department of Rehabilitation Services using the evaluation form found in Appendix B in combination with requirements defined in this ITB.


There is no predetermined cost for this service. The bidder should estimate costs of their program, and make the bid according to the average estimated cost to deliver the supported employment service.

The proposal should include at least two average per client cost figures, one representing the average cost of serving an individual with a severe developmental disability, and the other representing the average cost of serving an individual who is severely developmentally disabled and meets the definition of "Highly Challenged" as defined in Section A on page 6 of this document. A separate Bid Worksheet (Appendix A) will be required for each bid.

The entire supported employment program of the agency must be converted. If the bidder also serves persons with psychiatric disabilities, two additional per client cost figures should be included, one representing the average cost for serving an individual with a severe mental illness (SMI), and the other representing the average cost of serving an individual who is SMI and meets the definition of "Highly Challenged" as defined in Section B on page 6 of this document.

A separate Bid Worksheet will be required for each bid.

The bid should take into consideration the cost of serving dropouts. The required Bid Worksheet will assist the bidder in this process. Enrolles must meet DRS eligibility criteria and once enrolled should receive only those services which are included in their Individualized Rehabilitation Program. All services must be pre-authorized by the DRS counselor.


Payments will be made in up to six parts (milestones). Milestones for DD consumers and MH consumers are slightly different, as described below.

Payment of a milestone will constitute payment in full for all services delivered during that phase of the program. Each milestone can be paid only once per case.

Payment will be made after clients complete the milestones defined below and required documentation has been submitted.

(1) Determination of Needs:
Outcome: a determination of the client's rehabilitation needs through an assessment of the client's abilities and functional limitations.
Service Description: If assessments are determined to be necessary for an individual, such assessments must be completed in a community setting. The number and length of situational assessments must be negotiated with the DRS Counselor. Payment will be made when the Counselor has sufficient information to determine eligibility and the level of service the consumer requires. Documentation must be submitted to the DRS Counselor within 45 days of the application date.

Required Documentation:

a) Computerized Progress Report (or pre-approved substitute);
b) Situational Assessment Reports and/or Vocational Assessment Forms; and

c) Summary Vocational Assessment Report or Vocational Profile Form.

(2) Vocational Preparation Services (for Psychiatrically Disabled Only):

Outcome: a client who is prepared for the demands and stresses of competitive work.

Service Description: A Pre-Vocational Training Group, an individualized Work Hardening Program or other approved vocational preparation service should be completed. The program, or curriculum, and trainers must be approved in advance by the designated DRS staff.

A combination of group and individual services can be used. The proposal must clearly state the number of hours of service the average client will receive. The minimum required contact hours between Prevocational Training and Work Hardening is 30 hours. Groups are limited to a total of 8 individuals.

Required Documentation:

a) Dates and hours of attendance (attendance sheets submitted);

b) Enrollee has completed program; and

c) Enrollee has achieved 75% of pre-defined competencies.

(3) Placement

Outcome: A job placement has been made which matches the vocational objective contained in the IRP.

Service Description: Job Analysis and Task Analysis have been performed and forms completed. The job in which the individual has been placed meets all supported employment guidelines and the client has begun work.

Group placements will be allowed only for individuals with developmental disabilities who meet the definition of Highly Challenged. The milestone payment allowed will be 7.5% of the bid rather than 15%. The group placement must meet all supported employment guidelines. Wages of individuals working in the group must meet these two criteria: (1) wages are paid by the employer; and (2) represent minimum wage or better.

Required Documentation:

a) Computerized Progress Report (or approved substitute);

b) Employment Verification Form signed by employer;

c) Task Analysis Form; and

d) Job Analysis Form.

(4) 4 Week Job Retention

Outcome: Individual has worked successfully for 4 weeks at or above the minimum work hours set by the DRS Counselor and has received the support services defined in the IRP.

Service Description: The purpose of the job retention phase is to provide intensive on and off job site supports which assist the worker in adjusting to the demands of the integrated work environment.

Group placements are permitted only for individuals with developmental disabilities who meet the definition for "Highly Challenged". The milestone payment allowed will be 12.5% of the bid rather than 25%.

Required Documentation:

a) Employment Verification Form (verification of continued employment and hours worked per week will be required for payment); and

b) Computerized Progress Report.

(5) 10 Week Job Retention (for DD Consumers Only)

Outcome: Individual has worked successfully for 10 weeks at or above the minimum work hours set by the DRS Counselor and has received the support services defined in the IRP.

Service Description: The purpose of the job retention phase is to provide intensive on and off job site supports which assist the worker in adjusting to the demands of the integrated work environment to lead toward successful stabilization.

Group placements are permitted only for individuals with developmental disabilities who meet the definition for "Highly Challenged". The milestone payment allowed will be 10% of the bid rather than 20%.

Required Documentation:

a) Employment Verification Form (verification of continued employment and hours worked per week will be required for payment); and

b) Computerized Progress Report.

(6) Stabilization

A. Consumers with Developmental Disabilities Only:

Outcome: The individual has been employed a total of 17 weeks, having received support services as defined in the IRP, and meets all required criteria.

Service Description: The purpose of the stabilization phase is to provide retention of employment and gradual withdrawal of intensive support.

Group placements will be permitted only for DD consumers meeting the criteria of Highly Challenged. This milestone will be paid at 5% of the bid rather than 10%.

Required Documentation:

Verification of the following:

a) The individual has been employed for a total of at least 17 weeks;

b) A written Employer Evaluation has been submitted which indicates acceptable job performance during the most recent month;

c) A current Client Job Satisfaction Questionnaire has been submitted which indicates client/family satisfaction;

d) The individual has received support services defined in the IRP, including a minimum of two individual contacts and one employer contact per month;

e) The individual has worked at least two entire shifts without job coach support in one week, as verified in the employer evaluation (This may be waived by the DRS Counselor if the consumer meets criteria for Highly Challenged);

f) The individual has met the weekly work goal in the IRP; and

g) The individual has been switched to extended services funding.

B. Consumers with Psychiatric Disabilities Only:

Outcome: The individual has been employed for a minimum of 10 weeks and meets all criteria stated below.

Service Description: The purpose of the stabilization phase is to provide gradual withdrawal of intensive support and retention of employment.

Required Documentation:

Verification of the following:

a) The individual has been employed for a total of at least 10 weeks.

b) A written Employer Evaluation has been submitted which indicates acceptable job performance during the most recent month;

c) A current Client Job Satisfaction Questionnaire has been submitted which indicates client/family satisfaction;

d) The individual has received support services defined in the IRP, including a minimum of two individual contacts and one employer contact per month; and

e) The individual has met the weekly work goal in the IRP; and

f) The individual has been switched to extended services funding.

(7) Status 26 Closure

Outcome: The outcome of the entire process is a worker who meets all required criteria and can be considered rehabilitated by the DRS Counselor.

Service Description: Closure will be determined to have been made when the case is ready for closure according to the DRS Counselor, and the contractor has submitted all required documentation. The worker must have worked at least 60 days beyond stabilization and received adequate training and support after placement, as identified in the IRP. Support Services must include at least two support contacts and one employer contact per month (beginning at least 60 days prior to closure these contacts must be billed to the extended services funding source). The closure milestone is paid after transfer of funding from DRS to the Extended Services funding source because it is a withholding of portions of earlier milestone payments, paid at the end to encourage the consumer's case reaching 26 closure.

Required Documentation:

a) Current Employer Evaluation Form;
b) Current Computerized Progress Report (or pre-approved substitute); and

c) Current Client Job Satisfaction Questionnaire.


A. Consumers with Developmental Disabilities:

The Highly Challenged individual must meet at least one of the following:

a) Is taking psychotropic drugs and has a behavior plan; or
b) is unable to toilet self; or

c) has an ongoing, documented pattern of challenging behaviors (e.g. explosive behavior, physical aggression, self abuse, destruction of property, etc.); or

d) has a secondary disability which alone would qualify the person as severely disabled by DRS criteria.

B. Consumers with Psychiatric Disabilities:
The Highly Challenged individual must meet at least three of the following:

a) Has been unemployed for 30 or more months of the last 36 months; or
b) had four or more jobs which lasted less than a month; or

c) within the last 6 months has a record of at least three of the following: social withdrawal, poverty of speech, poor hygiene, poor medication compliance, difficulty with initiating tasks, 3 months or more of inactivity; or

d) 3 or more hospitalizations in the last two years; or

e) receives SSI or SSDI; or

f) has drug or alcohol abuse as a secondary diagnosis; or

g) has Borderline Personality Disorder as a Primary or Secondary Diagnosis; or

h) is symptomatic despite good medication compliance.


A. The Contractor Agrees To:
1) Provide DRS Counselor access to information regarding program participants within the limits of the statutes and regulations concerning client confidentiality and release of information.

2) The proposal must include an outcome based performance plan which commits to achieving a specific number of 26 closures during the contract year. Progress on plan objectives must be reported to the CRS Unit by the 15th of the month following the end of each calendar quarter.

3) Provide employment support services to participants including a minimum of two support contacts and one employer contact per month which will continue to be available after closure as long as the individual is employed.

4) Assign a vocational coordinator who will be responsible for coordination with the DRS counselor and CRSU technical assistant and for implementation of this contract.

5) Attend quarterly meetings of vocational coordinators as required by the CRSU.

6) Participate in the required computer data information system.

7) Provide no services until authorization is received from the DRS counselor.

8) Halt new enrollments if the percentage of individuals NOT highly challenged who retain employment for 4 weeks falls below 50% of the individuals determined eligible for the program. This will be reported in the Outcome Based Performance Plan quarterly report. New enrolles can be accepted when the percentages return to above the minimum. Exceptions can be made by the assigned DRS Field Representative.

9) Participate in required quarterly training/meetings of Supported Employment Program Managers as scheduled by CRSU.

10) Participate in required staff training as follows:

(a)for each new coach hired, provider must assure the individual completes the pre-course training and checklist as outlined in the manual provided by the University of Oklahoma;

(b)each job coach must complete training and become certified not more than 6 months after hire. Job coaches must pass the certification test administered in conjunction with the University of Oklahoma's job coach training program with a score of 75 or over within 6 months after hire to be considered billable under this contract.

(c)Any direct supervisor of job coaches must also be a certified coach either by passing the certification test, if job coach training has been completed, or by taking the training and passing the test.

B. Department of Rehabilitation Services Agrees To:

1) Assign one or more DRS Counselors to the program with case service funds for purchase of such client services as transportation, maintenance, uniforms, etc.

2) Provide access to information regarding program participants within the limits of the statutes and regulations concerning client confidentiality and release of information.

3) Provide diagnostic, evaluation, counseling and guidance, and other vocational rehabilitation services as necessary to mutually approved clients.

4) Provide authorizations in a timely manner to the Project Coordinator or designee.

5) Discontinue referrals if the percentage of individuals NOT highly challenged who retain employment for 4 weeks falls below 50% of individuals determined eligible for the program. Exceptions can be made by the assigned CRS Unit Field Representative.

6) Provide vendor with copy of the completed IRP and medical evaluations.

7) The DRS Counselor will notify the provider when determination of eligibility has been completed.



In order to be considered for selection, applicants must submit a complete response to the ITB. The proposal must be typewritten and the original submitted with four (4) copies to the Department of Central Services by 2:00 pm on the due date. Proposals must be clearly identified with the Department of Central Services Bid Number indicated in the transmittal letter. Proposals must be mailed or hand delivered in a sealed envelope according to the deadline specified on the "Invitation to Bid" to:

Department of Central Services
State Capitol Building, Room B4

Oklahoma City, Ok 73105

(405) 521-2132

All proposals become the property of the State of Oklahoma upon receipt and will not be returned to the applicants. The Department of Rehabilitation Services is not liable for any cost incurred by contractors in the preparation or submission of the proposal.

The awarding of a contract may be contingent upon appropriation of funds by Federal or State authorities. Any Award of Contract resulting from this Invitation to Bid will be made only by the Department of Central Services. Contents of the invitation to Bid, including any amendments, the vendor's response and the Award of Contract shall be the contractual obligation and no additional contract will be issued. Where conflicts exist between the Invitation to Bid and the vendor's response, the ITB shall take precedence or be controlling.

The state reserves the right to issue amendments to the ITB prior to closing date. Failure to acknowledge receipt of amendments in accordance with the instruction in the ITB transmittal letter may result in proposals not being considered.

DRS reserves the unilateral right to renew the awarded contract, at the same terms and conditions, one year at a time, for up to three full years.


Each application should contain information in the following order:

1) Face Sheet Form: Complete the attached form (Appendix C) with identifying information, abstract, and signature of responsible official. The "Face Sheet Form" should be submitted as a cover to the proposal.
2) Proposal Narrative: The narrative should contain the information described in the "Proposal Narrative" section of this ITB. The narrative should be typed on standard 8.5 x 11" paper with text on one side only.

3) Assurances Forms: The forms provided (Appendix D) should be signed by a responsible official and returned attached to the proposal.

4) Attachments: Attachments will include any supporting documentation such as letters of agreement, commitment or support. Attachments should be on standard sized paper with text on one side only.



The proposal must include a clear description of the population to be served including the percentage of individuals who are anticipated to meet the "highly challenged" and describe the basis on which this figure was developed. Any unique aspects of the service area which may impact on costs should be specified (e.g. rural or urban, low education or income levels, transportation problems, percent minority, unemployment rate, etc.)

Describe the overall plan for the project and the outcomes expected to be achieved in an Outcome Based Performance Plan. Specify clearly the sequence of planned activities with dates. A graphic representation (GANTT chart) of the sequence and relationship of project activities is recommended.

A. Staff Competency: Describe: (a) the planned staffing pattern and provide job descriptions, including required qualifications and experience for project staff; (b) how the program will be supervised and managed; (c) where in the organization structure the program will be placed; and (d) any long term changes in the current organization design which will result from the proposed program.

B. Capacity to Meet Recording Requirements: Applicants should commit to the standardized data approach of the DRS/CRSU and describe procedures to ensure reporting forms are submitted accurately and on time.

C. Describe how this program will be integrated into existing services and anticipated staff/client ratios.

D. Describe how the transition from hourly services to the milestone system will be handled with the front line staff. Describe planned training to insure services are delivered in the most efficient and effective manner. Describe the extent of front line staffs involvement in development of your proposal. Describe measures to be taken to insure the focus will be on outcomes for the clients rather than process.


A detailed budget for the program should be developed with a narrative description of the budget categories.

In addition to the budget, a chart of projected income and expenditures by month should be developed. This will serve as the anticipated payment plan and should reflect a realistic assessment of income, including allowance for dropouts. A detailed description of the method and costs used to determine the final bids must be included. Describe how expenses will be covered prior to first payment (60-90 days).



Instructions: Complete one Bid Worksheet for each bid, one for each fee computation. For bid computation only, FTE's and costs should be divided into separate projects, one serving the severely disabled and the other the highly challenged.

A. COST OF SERVICES (detailed budget must be attached)

Salaries $____________

Fringe $____________

Travel $____________

Training $____________

Equipment $____________

Supplies $____________

Rent & Util. $____________

Other $____________

Total Costs $____________


% of Bid # Completing Weight Billing Units
1) Determination of Needs 10% ____________ X 2 = _______

2) Placement 15% ____________ X 3 _______

4) 10 Week Retention 20% ____________ X 4 = _______

5) Stabilization 10% ____________ X 2 = _______

6) VR Closure 20% ____________ X 4 = _______

Total Units of 5% = _______

1) $____________ divided by ____________________ = ____________
Total Costs from A Total Units from B Cost/Unit

2) $____________ X 20 = _______________ per Client
Cost/Unit of 5% Bid Amount



Instructions: Complete one Bid Worksheet for each bid, one for each fee computation. For bid computation only, FTE's and costs should be divided into separate projects, one serving the severely disabled and the other the highly challenged.

A. COST OF SERVICES (detailed budget must be attached)

Salaries $____________

Fringe $____________

Travel $____________

Training $____________

Equipment $____________

Supplies $____________

Rent & Util. $____________

Other $____________

Total Costs $____________


% of Bid # Completing Weight Billing


1) Determination of Needs 10% ____________ X 2 = _______

2) Vocational Preparation 10% ____________ X 2 = _______

3) Placement 10% ____________ X 2 = _______

4) 4 Week Retention 20% ____________ X 4 = _______

5) Stabilization 20% ____________ X 4 = _______

6) VR Closure 30% ____________ X 6 = _______

Total Units of 5% = _______


1) $____________ divided by ____________________ = ____________

Total Costs from A Total Units from B Cost/Unit

2) $____________ X 20 = _______________ per Client

Cost/Unit of 5% Bid Amount



REVIEWER NAME:_____________________________________________ ________________

AGENCY:___________________________________________ _________________________

APPLICANT NAME:_____________________________________________ ______________

ADDRESS:__________________________________________ ________________________

Maximum Score Rating


Criteria: Application demonstrates

understanding of the population to be



Criteria: Project plan is clear and

achievable, given resources identified

by applicant. Outcomes projected are

clear and acceptable. Vocational goal

setting will be done collaboratively

with clients. Job development and

client job site training strategies

are identified. Support services

are adequate to ensure retention.


& MANAGE 15 _____

Criteria: Applicant demonstrates

sufficient staffing commitment,

including a project coordinator,

to assure success of the project.

MH funded client support services

are identified and committed to

the project.

Applicant commits to full participation

in the computerized data collection


Applicant demonstrates a realistic

plan for transition to the milestone

system, including a staff training



Criteria: Applicant demonstrates

the organization experience to assure

financial and administrative control

of the project. Projection of

income and expenditures is realistic

and the organization has identified

how it will cover the first 60-90

days expenditures prior to the first

payment. The financial basis for

establishing the bid is clearly

documented and supports the cost

figure. Budget reflects a cost

effective use of state funds.

V. EXTRA POINTS 10 _____

Criteria: In previous contract

performance, applicant has

demonstrated ability to meet prior

contract goals, including required

26 closures and has demonstrated

good fiscal management of program.



I. Target Population 0 - 5 _____

II. Project Design 0 - 20 _____

III.Capacity to Implement 0 - 15 _____

IV. Budget 0 - 50 _____

V. Extra Points 0 - 10 _____

TOTAL SCORE 0 -100 _____


I recommend a grant award for this application [ ]

I do not recommend funding this application [ ]

ايمان حمد
26/02/2007, 02:04 PM
الاستاذ الفاضل محمد فرج
milestone عموما هي علامة بارزة او نقطة هامة عند الوصول اليها تبدا سلسلة من الاجراءات او المراحل. وهي تشبه benchmark
و في السياق الذي اوردته :
Milestone: means an event upon the occurrence of which the corresponding MILESTONE PAYMENT is due and payable.

وعلى هذا فان payment milestones
هي المستويات او الحدث الذي عند تحققه تبدا اجراءات اخرى

اقترح ترجمتها برنامج متابعة مراحل المدفوعات

سمير الشناوي

اتفق واخى سمير تماما على ان هذا الشرح لما يقوم به النظام
ولكن يبقى الأسم كما هوووووو


سمير الخطيب
26/02/2007, 05:02 PM
سلمت يداك أستاذ غالب ياسين :laugh: هل يوجد المزيد :vg:

وحيد فرج
26/02/2007, 10:06 PM
السلام عليكم
أظن أن الشرح هو:
التسديد على دفعات طبقا لتوقيتات محددة مقابل ماتم إنجازه في المرحلة التعاقدية.
هذا هو المفهوم ولكن هل من ترجمة مختصرة للمصطلح؟

معتصم الحارث الضوّي
26/02/2007, 10:09 PM
درجت العادة على استخدام مصطلح : الهدف المرحلي .

تحيتي و تقديري

ايمان حمد
26/02/2007, 10:21 PM
درجت العادة على استخدام مصطلح : الهدف المرحلي .

تحيتي و تقديري

اوافق معتصم
ولكن الاسم يظل كما هو

شكرا لك معتصم

كلما حاولنا اختصرنا قليلا وقرب المعنى


معتصم الحارث الضوّي
26/02/2007, 10:24 PM
الأخت الكريمة إيمان
لم أفهم المقصود من رسالتك .. أرجو شاكرا التوضيح .

تحيتي و تقديري

سمير الشناوي
26/02/2007, 10:24 PM
استاذ معتصم
اوافقك تماما
بارك الله فيك .هذه هي الكلمة المناسبة. كنت ابحث عنها طوال اليوم.
احسنت يا سيدي

مع خالص تقديري

ايمان حمد
26/02/2007, 10:47 PM
الأخت الكريمة إيمان
لم أفهم المقصود من رسالتك .. أرجو شاكرا التوضيح .

تحيتي و تقديري

اخى العزيز معتصم
قصدت ان ترجمتك ممتازة لانها قصرت جملة كانت سطر شرح فى كلمتين فقط
ومع مزيد من المحاولات ربما نصل لكلمة واحده فقط

تحيتى على جهودك وتواجدك الجميل دائما :good:

غالب ياسين
26/02/2007, 10:50 PM
الدفع على مراحل
وهي شبيهه بالتقسيط:hi:

:tired: :tired: :tired:

معتصم الحارث الضوّي
27/02/2007, 02:53 AM
الزملاء الكرام

دفعات مرحلية : Interim Payments
هدف مرحلي : Milestone

هذه الصيغ التي كنا نلتزم بها في ترجمة العقود خاصة عقود الإنشاءات و المناقصات .

فائق تحيتي و تقديري

وحيد فرج
27/02/2007, 06:45 AM
إخواني أخواتي
الدفع على دفعات متساوية طبقا لتوقيتات محددة شرط الإنجاز.

وحيد فرج
27/02/2007, 06:51 AM
هدف مرحلي : Milestone
الأستاذ معتصم : هدف مرحلي ترجمةحرفية للكلمة وليست لها علاقة بما أوردته أعلاه من إستخدام لمصطلح MILSTONE PAYMENTS

منذر أبو هواش
27/02/2007, 07:03 AM
الدفعات (المتساوية)
Milestone Payments

وأضاف السيّد / راجات ، أن برنامج الدفعات المتساوية ، وهو برنامج فريد من نوعه ، يتيح لحاملي بطاقات سامبا الإئتمانية شراء إحتياجاتهم بالسعر النقدي والسداد على دفعات متساوية تمتد الى 12 شهرا" دون دفعة أولى أو فوائد أو رسوم إضافية

معتصم الحارث الضوّي
27/02/2007, 07:32 AM
الأستاذ الفاضل وحيد فرج
إجابتي كانت عن سؤالك الأصلي بخصوص معنى المصطلح عموماً ، و إليك محاولة لترجمة المصطلح في سياق المثال الذي تفضلت بإيراده :

The Payment Milestones module is a tool for tracking payments due from sponsors based on contract items, which may, or may not, be directly related to patient visits or financial events.

نسقية الدفعات المرحلية الموقوتة أداة لتعقب الدفعات المستحقة على رعاة الأحداث تبعاً لبنود العقد - و التي قد تتصل أو لا تتصل مباشرة بزيارات المرضى أو الوقائع المالية .

تحيتي و تقديري

ايمان حمد
27/02/2007, 07:35 AM
الدفعات (المتساوية)
Milestone Payments

وأضاف السيّد / راجات ، أن برنامج الدفعات المتساوية ، وهو برنامج فريد من نوعه ، يتيح لحاملي بطاقات سامبا الإئتمانية شراء إحتياجاتهم بالسعر النقدي والسداد على دفعات متساوية تمتد الى 12 شهرا" دون دفعة أولى أو فوائد أو رسوم إضافية

مشكور استاذ منذر على مشاركاتك المهمة ومحاولاتك الدائمة
ليست بالضرورة متساوية

ولك الشكر

ايمان حمد
27/02/2007, 09:00 AM
أرشح السقوف المتفق عليها فى بنود العقد

وحيد فرج
27/02/2007, 09:38 AM
إخواني أخواتي أشكركم جميع على تفاعلكم الثري ودعوني أضرب لكم مثالا قد يسهم في حل المعضلة:

هب أنني كلفت مقاولا ببناء عمارة سكنية ( لا قدر الله ) واتفقت معه على أن طريقة تسديد مستحقاته تكون على النحو التالي :
يستحق المقاول مبلغ 1000 عند الإنتهاء من بناء الدور الأول ومبلغ 2000 عند الإنتهاء من الدور الخامس ومبلغ 20000 عند الإنتهاء من الدور العاشر في التوقيتات المحددة وهكذا.
هذا هو مايسمى بطريقة Milestone Payments
ملاحظة : هذا بعد أن رجعت لأهل العلم من المحاسبين وأهل اللغة .
والله أعلم

ايمان حمد
27/02/2007, 09:41 AM
إخواني أخواتي أشكركم جميع على تفاعلكم الثري ودعوني أضرب لكم مثالا قد يسهم في حل المعضلة:

هب أنني كلفت مقاولا ببناء عمارة سكنية ( لا قدر الله ) واتفقت معه على أن طريقة تسديد مستحقاته تكون على النحو التالي :
يستحق المقاول مبلغ 1000 عند الإنتهاء من بناء الدور الأول ومبلغ 2000 عند الإنتهاء من الدور الخامس ومبلغ 20000 عند الإنتهاء من الدور العاشر في التوقيتات المحددة وهكذا.
هذا هو مايسمى بطريقة Milestone Payments
ملاحظة : هذا بعد أن رجعت لأهل العلم من المحاسبين وأهل اللغة .
والله أعلم

عملى فى قسم التمويل العقارى
وهذه تسمى دفعات مجدولة

لكن النظام هذا نظام ادراة المدفوعات ويعطى فلاشات عن مواعيد استحقاقاتها

كما ان المشاركة رقم 3 تختلف

هلال الفارع
27/02/2007, 09:59 AM
الأخوات والإخوة في عاصمة الترجمة العتيدة..
جهودكم جبارة، ومأجورون إن شاء الله،
انطلاقًا من وحدة المصير بين منتديات واتا العظيمة،
ولما رأيته من تصميم منكم للوصول إلى النتائج المرضية،
فقد قمت بسؤال من لهم معرفة - لا أدري حجمها -
وأفادوني بالآتي:
Milestone Payments
تعني دفعات معتبرة ( رئيسة )
Meagre Payments
يعني دفعات ضئيلة ( ثانوية )

اللهم سدد .. يا الله!
تحيات لكم جميعًا.

ايمان حمد
27/02/2007, 10:02 AM
الأخوات والإخوة في عاصمة الترجمة العتيدة..
جهودكم جبارة، ومأجورون إن شاء الله،
انطلاقًا من وحدة المصير بين منتديات واتا العظيمة،
ولما رأيته من تصميم منكم للوصول إلى النتائج المرضية،
فقد قمت بسؤال من لهم معرفة - لا أدري حجمها -
وأفادوني بالآتي:
Milestone Payments
تعني دفعات معتبرة ( رئيسة )
Meagre Payments
يعني دفعات ضئيلة ( ثانوية )

اللهم سدد .. يا الله!
تحيات لكم جميعًا.

طب والله استاذ هلال هى هكذا !
فعلا ممكن اعتبارها
شكرا لك ولهم
وجهة نظر خاصة ، لأن هذه المحطات الرئيسية تستوجب اخذ قرار عندها

اتمنى ان نسمع رأى استاذ وحيد اذن .

غلب حصانى

سعيدة انا بتوجية اللغويين ومتابعاتهم تطوراتنا !!!:good:

تحية لغوية معتبرة :fl:

وحيد فرج
27/02/2007, 10:16 AM
نعم أستاذة إيمان هي فعلا مجدولة ولكن السداد مرتبط بالإنجاز .
هكذا قالوا لي
المدهش أن القواميس التجارية لم تتعرض لهذا المصطلح !!!
أنا على فكرة ليست لدي ترجمة خاصة بالمصطلح إنما هي محاولات لفهمه:fl:

ايمان حمد
27/02/2007, 10:20 AM
شكرا لك على التوضيح استاذ وحيد

وفى هذه الحالة ايضا السداد مرتبط بالوصول الى السقوف المتفق عليها مسبقا

وهى فعلا دفعات او محطات دفع رئيسية


غالب ياسين
27/02/2007, 12:18 PM
اخواني الكرام
لقد سبق وان اوضحت بان الدفع يتم على مراحل
وان هذا مرتبط بالانشاءات والمقاولات:fight:

منذر أبو هواش
27/02/2007, 12:35 PM
أفاد الأستاذ هلال أن
Milestone Payments
تعني دفعات معتبرة ( رئيسة )
وأن مقابلها:
Meagre Payments
يعني دفعات ضئيلة ( ثانوية )

وما دمنا نعرف أن المعنى المعجمي لـ
مَعْلَم – عَلَم - نقطة هامة - علامة بارزة

فلماذا لا يكون مقابل المصطلح
(Milestone Payments)
(دفعات مَعْلَمِيّة) ؟

وحيد فرج
27/02/2007, 01:05 PM
أستاذانا المحترم : منذر أبو هواش
فلماذا لا يكون مقابل المصطلح
(Milestone Payments)
(دفعات مَعْلَمِيّة)

الرد :
هل تظن أن أحدا سيفهم بسهولة( مَعْلَمِيّة)
أعتقد أنها صعبة شويتين !!

منذر أبو هواش
27/02/2007, 01:13 PM
هو واحد من اتنين
يا نقول
دفعات مَعْلمِيّة
يا إما نقول
دفعات عَلَمِيّة أو عَلامِيّة؟
خلينا نخلص بأه
ولا انت شايف ايه حضرتك؟ :)

ايمان حمد
27/02/2007, 08:59 PM
مازالت صعبة وغير متداولة استاذ منذر
لا حرمنا سخاؤك

احترامى :good:

ياسر أبو النور
28/02/2007, 02:22 AM
الأخوة الأفاضل
اسمحوا لي أن أدلو بدلوي بين العمالقة من مترجمي واتا :
يبدو أن هذه الكلمة ليست محيرة لنا نحن فقط فهناك منتديات أخرى للترجمة احتاروا في ترجمتها أيضا وتبين من البحث الآتي:
تدور المعاني القريبة لكلمة milestone : تسديد موقوت – موعد تقييم – مرحلة
ومن خلال توضيح الأستاذ وحيد عن ارتباط الدفع بما تم من أعمال فلماذا لا تكون ترجمتها : Milestone = المراحل المشروطة أو المراحل التقييمية وتكون :
Milestone Payments = الدفعات المرحلية المشروطة
Payment Milestones = مراحل الدفع المشروطة
وشكرا لكم

ايمان حمد
28/02/2007, 06:33 AM
مشكور على المشاركة الشاملة استاذ ياسر

مرحبا بأطلالتك مرة اخرى فى ترجم كلمة

تقديرى :fl:

ياسر أبو النور
28/02/2007, 07:36 PM
شكرا لك اختي الكريمة
ننتظر رد الاخ وحيد فرج
شكرا لكم

أحمد المدهون
28/10/2017, 11:31 PM
أشكر السائل وكل من شارك في هذه المناقشة العلمية الرصينة.

في دراسة بعنوان (إدارة المشاريع عملي) للأستاذ زاهي رستم:
المعلم (Milestone) هو حدث هام يتحقق ضمن المشروع ( إنجاز مرحلة من المشروع) أو حدث مفروض على المشروع (موعد التسليم النهائي، تسليم أنموذج...)

وبناء عليه يكون المعنى المقصود من طريقة الدفع Payment Milestones هو:
دفعات مرحلية مشروطة (موزعة على مراحل فترة المشروع ومرتبطة بمعالم محددة فيه).

كل التقدير لكل من ساهم في إثراء هذا الحوار الماتع.
