المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : شخصيات بيطرية عربية

محمود سلامه الهايشه
29/12/2010, 06:22 PM
الدكتور/ فؤاد الدومي

المركز الأردني للصناعات البيولوجية
ص.ب: 43 – عمان 11941 – الأردن
تليفون: 777924747

محمود سلامه الهايشه
29/12/2010, 06:24 PM
الدكتور/ عاطف شريف

العنوان: 19 شارع أحمد كمال – من شارع الدكتور عبد الحميد بدوي –قسم النزهة – مصر الجديدة/ القاهرة – مصر.
هاتف: 0123946400

محمود سلامه الهايشه
29/12/2010, 06:25 PM
الدكتورة/ وفاء أمين الرماضنة

محافظة البلقاء – دير علا
مديرية زراعة وادي الأردن – قسم الثروة الحيوانية
هاتف: 795549234

محمود سلامه الهايشه
29/12/2010, 09:01 PM
المهندس الزراعي/ هرمز اسكندر ساكو

بغداد – العراق

محمود سلامه الهايشه
30/12/2010, 05:53 PM
الدكتور/ أحمد محمد سالم

إدارة الثروة الحيوانية – وزارة الشؤون البلدية والزراعة – قطر
الدوحة : ص.ب. 23211
هاتف: 009745265703

محمود سلامه الهايشه
31/12/2010, 04:49 PM
فاضل عبد الجليل الحلواجي

ص.ب: 2669 المنامة – البحرين
هاتف خاص: 243335 ، هاتف العمل: 727705
فاكس: 233424-00973

محمود سلامه الهايشه
11/01/2011, 08:31 PM
د. محمد شجاع الدين

صنعاء – ص.ب: 14848
هاتف: 1235892 (00967) 125589 (00967)
فاكس: 125189 (00967)

محمود سلامه الهايشه
10/02/2011, 12:50 PM
(الدكتور/ محمد البدوي)

الاسم: محمد محمود البدوي علي
تاريخ الميلاد: 18/3/1979.
الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج.
العنوان: جمهورية مصر العربية-محافظة الدقهلية- مركز بلقاس-ميدان المحطة.
التليفون: (محمول) 0020168740176
الوظيفة والمهنة: دكتور مهندس زراعي، خبير في مجال الإنتاج الحيواني.
العمل: محطة بحوث الإنتاج الحيواني بسخا- محافظة كفر الشيخ، منذ عام 2000.
الشهادات الحاصل عليها:
• بكالوريوس العلوم الزراعية-قسم الإنتاج الحيواني-كلية لزراعة-جامعة المنصورة-بتقدير عام (جيد) عام 1999.
• ماجستير العلوم الزراعية-قسم الإنتاج الحيواني-كلية الزراعة-جامعة المنصورة-عام 2003.
• دكتوراه الفلسفة في العلوم الزراعية-قسم الإنتاج الحيواني-كلية الزراعة-جامعة المنصورة-عام 2008.
• عنوان رسالة الماجستير: دراسات غذائية وفسيولوجية على المجترات "الأداء الإنتاجي والتناسلي للحملان المغذاة على علائق تحتوي على مستويات مختلفة من كسب حبة البركة":

• عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه: دراسات غذائية وفسيولوجية على المجترات الصغيرة "تأثير إضافة زيت السمك على الأداء الإنتاجي والتناسلي للنعاج":
http://www.alexagri.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11452 http://www.arc.sci.eg/fp7forum/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=48
الخبرات والمهارات:
• تربية الأغنام والماعز.
• إدارة مزارع الأغنام والماعز.
• تغذية ورعاية الأغنام والماعز وتكوين العلائق.
• برامج التلقيح الصناعي في الأغنام.
• تحسين معدلات الخصب بالهرمونات.
• جمع وتقييم السائل المنوي وتحضيره للاستخدام في الدراسات العلمية وكذلك التلقيح الصناعي.
• القيام بعمل السجلات الخاصة بالأغنام والماعز.
• عمل دراسة جدوى لمشاريع الأغنام والماعز بأنماطها المختلفة (تسمين-إنتاج مواليد-تنشئة قطعان).
• مهارة جمع عينات الدم في الأغنام والماعز.
• طرق رفع حيوية الحيوانات المنوية بالإضافات أو الترشيح.
• طرق تجميد السائل المنوي وحفظه لحين التلقيح.
• جمع عينات اللبن من النعاج لتتبع ومعرفة تأثير الأغذية والإضافة العلفية على مكونات اللبن.
• طرق فطام النعاج دون المساس بسلامة الضرع والحفاظ عليه من الالتهابات للمواسم القادمة.

محمود سلامه الهايشه
17/02/2011, 09:31 PM
الدكتور/ أحمد إسماعيل محرم

Dr. Ahmed Ismail Mehrim
Lecturer of Fish physiology, Fac. of Agri., Mansoura Univ., Egypt
Mobile: 0020122569610 or 0020102915069 Home: 0020506673599 Work: 0020502245274
My C.V.(Arabic) :

My C.V.(English) :

Good sites: http://adel-ebooks.mam9.com/


محمود سلامه الهايشه
18/02/2011, 04:47 PM
أ.د/ عبد الحميد محمد عبد الحميد
أستاذ تغذية الحيوان والأسماك-كلية الزراعة – جامعة المنصورة.
عـنوان المراســلة : قسم إنتاج الحيوان - كلية الزراعة - جامعة المنصورة – ص ب 35516 المنصورة – مصر
تليفون محمول : 0126229075
تليفون العــمـــل: 2245274/050 & 0502236002 & 0502268606
تليفون المنزل : 2523593 / 050
فاكس العمل : 2245268/050 & 2221688/050
البريد الإلكتروني: abdmohabd@yahoo.com

محمود سلامه الهايشه
17/04/2011, 05:10 PM
أ.د. يحيى عطيفي
أستاذ بكلية الطب البيطري
جامعة الإسكندرية

محمود سلامه الهايشه
29/04/2011, 04:34 PM
الاستاذ الدكتور

عبدالخالق رمضان الشيخ
الأستاذ بكلية الطب البيطري - جامعة الزقازيق

تليفون : 0105064421

Email: onetwovet@yahoo.com

محمود سلامه الهايشه
01/05/2011, 02:13 PM
EL-Rashdy M.Redwan (M.Sci., Ph.D.)
Antibody Laboratory, Protein Research Department,
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute,
Mubarak City for Scientific Research and Technology Applications,
New Borg EL Arab 21934,
Tel: +203 45 93 420, +20101571172
fax: +2034593423

محمود سلامه الهايشه
01/05/2011, 10:29 PM
هيام مرسي أبو العلا

Haiam Morsy Aboul-Ela
B.Sc. (Biochemistry; Special degree), Pg.D. (Biotechnology), M.Sc. (Marine Biotechnology).
Marine Chemistry Lab.
Environmental Division
The National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF).
Alexandria branch.
Tel. +2 03 480 1499
Fax. +2 03 480 1553
URL1. http://www.haiamaboulela.webs.com
URL2. http://marinenaturalproducts.blogspot.com/

محمود سلامه الهايشه
02/05/2011, 07:07 PM
الدكتور/ علاء الدين عيسى

Alaa Eldin Eissa, D.V.M, Ph.D. (Michigan State University, USA)
President, Egyptian Society of Environment and Aquatic Animal Health
MSU International Alumni Ambassador (Egypt)
Associate Professor
Department of Fish Diseases and Management
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University
Giza 12211, Egypt
Cell : 2-0177278625 and 2-0111185035
Work : 202-35720399 X 231
Fax : 202-35725240
Email : aeissa2005@gmail.com

محمود سلامه الهايشه
12/05/2011, 12:51 PM
السيد فراج السيد
مدرس مساعد بالمعهد القومى لعلوم البحار والمصايد - الاسكندرية

El-Sayed Farrag El-Sayed
Assistant lecturer, population dynamics lab.
National Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries (NIOF).
Qayetbay, Al-Anfoushy, Alexandria, Egypt.
P.O. Box: 21556
Mobile: +2 0122996921
E-Mail: sayed_fathy79@yahoo.com

محمود سلامه الهايشه
21/05/2011, 01:39 PM
الدكتور/ عبد الحكيم إبراهيم المر
كلية الطب البيطري - جامعة الزقازيق

Abd El Hakeem Ibraheem Elmor
lecturer in Fish diseases and Management Department
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Zagazig University


محمود سلامه الهايشه
07/06/2011, 09:12 PM
۩ الدكتور مهند الوائلي:
مدير منتدى المعرفة البيطرية

Dr. Mohannad Al-Waili
Email: malwylie@yahoo.com
Tel: 0045 - 50251501
Copenhagen- Denmark

مادي مدني
07/06/2011, 09:27 PM
شكرا استاذ محمود

جهد طيب ورائع .

محمود سلامه الهايشه
08/06/2011, 03:04 PM
۩ م/عبدالرحمن أحمد خطابى
باحث مساعد بالمعمل المركزي لبحوث الثروة السمكية - مركز البحوث الزراعية - مصر

Eng.AbdelRahman Khattaby
Researcher associate
Fish Production and Aquaculture Systems Department
Central Laboratory for Aquaculture Research (CLAR)
Abbassa, Abou-Hammad, Sharkia, Egypt
Tel: work: +2055-3401028
Mobile : +20109016959
Sit Admin for

محمود سلامه الهايشه
12/07/2011, 12:13 AM
أ.د. منال مصطفى زكي
كلية الطب البيطري - جامعة القاهرة

Dr. Manal Moustafa Zaki, B.V.Sc., Ph.D.
Department of Veterinary Hygiene and Management
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University
Giza 12211 Egypt
Tel: 202-39800127
Fax: 202-35725240
Email: drmanalmoustafa2008@yahoo.com

محمود سلامه الهايشه
02/08/2011, 01:36 PM
د. هناء أحمد - قسم البيوتكنولوجي - معهد بحوث صحة الحيوان - الدقي - الجيزة.

Dr Hanaa A. Ahmed
Senior Researcher, Biotechnology Dept.
Animal Health Research Institute (AHRI)

Dokki, Giza
Tel: +2 02 333 748 56
Fax: +2 02 333 500 33
Mobile: +2 011 044 47 47
E-mail: hanaakader@hotmail.com

محمود سلامه الهايشه
18/08/2011, 04:12 PM
د. علاء الدين عبد المعطى عيسى
أستاذ أمراض الأسماك المساعد
قسم أمراض الأسماك
كلية الطب البيطري- جامعة القاهرة

محمود سلامه الهايشه
08/09/2011, 12:49 AM
د.حامد رجب حامد
بكالوريوس وماجستير العلوم البيطرية - جامعة الخرطوم
قسم تفتيش اللحوم- جهاز أبو ظبي للرقابة الغذائية
e-mail : hamid.ragab@adfca.ae

محمود سلامه الهايشه
08/09/2011, 01:04 AM
د.عبد الرحمن زنونى
استشاري الأغنام والماعز- مدرس بقسم الإنتاج الحيواني -كلية الزراعة -جامعة المنيا-جمهورية مصر العربية zanuny60@yahoo.com -zanuny60@hotmail.com –

محمود سلامه الهايشه
18/10/2011, 02:05 PM
أ.د. يحيى عطيفي
رئيس قسم الطفيليات
كلية الطب البيطري
جامعة الإسكندرية

محمود سلامه الهايشه
18/10/2011, 02:09 PM
ا.د. إسماعيل عبدالمنعم محمد عيسى
كلية الطب البيطري-جامعة قناة السويس
حائز على جائزة الدولة التشجيعية في العلوم الزراعية (مجال أمراض الأسماك) عام 1998؛ و جائزة التميز العلمي والإبداع 2008 من جامعة قناة السويس


محمود سلامه الهايشه
21/04/2012, 05:54 PM
الدكتور/حامد محمد جعفر-أستاذ تغذية الحيوان بمركز البحوث الزراعية

Ministry of Agriculture
Agricultural Center
Animal Production Research Institute
Department of Animal Nutrition

Personal Details:
Name: Prof. Dr. Hamed Mohamed Gaafar
Job: Chief Researcher of Animal Nutrition
Birth date: 17 May 1962 Birth place: Kafr El-Sheikh
Nationality: Egyptian Religion: Muslim
Gender: Male Martial status: Married
Address: Egypt, Kafr El-Sheikh, Sakha Animal Production Research Laboratories
P. pox: 9011
Telephone: Home/+20473239156; Work/+20473225128; Mobile/+20163087881
E-mail: hamedgaafar@gmail.com
College/University Degree Subjects of study Date
Kafr El-Sheikh, Fac. of Agric., Tanta Univ. B. Sc. of Animal Production Animal Sciences 1985
Kafr El-Sheikh, Fac. of Agric., Tanta Univ. M. Sc. of Animal Nutrition Metabolism of some minerals in cattle and buffaloes 1994
Kafr El-Sheikh, Fac. of Agric., Tanta Univ. Ph. D. of Animal Nutrition Performance of growing calves fed ration containing corn silage 2001
Employment History:
Employer Position Dates
From To
Special Sector Engineer of Animal Production 01/07/1988 24/09/1995
Ministry of Agriculture Engineer of Animal Production 25/09/1995 05/11/1996
Animal Production Research Institute Engineer of Animal Nutrition 06/11/1996 30/08/2001
Animal Production Research Institute Associate Researcher of Animal Nutrition 01/09/2001 20/12/2001
Animal Production Research Institute Researcher of Animal Nutrition 21/12/2001 12/01/2007
Animal Production Research Institute Senior Researcher of Animal Nutrition 13/01/2007 Till now
Training attended Place Dates
From To
Ruminant Nutrition Animal Production Research Institute 17/05/1997 22/05/1997
Dairy Animals Husbandry Sakha Dairy Training Unit 07/06/1997 12/06/1997
Animal Nutrition Sakha Dairy Training Unit 21/06/1997 26/06/1997
Computer level 1 Tanta University 01/10/1997 31/10/1997
Intensive English Language Tanta University 21/03/1998 03/05/1998
Ruminant Nutrition Animal Production Research Institute 13/06/1998 24/06/1998
Planning farm (Feed & Animal Nutrition) Sakha Dairy Training Unit 13/02/1999 04/03/1999
Computer level 2 Tanta University 01/04/1999 30/04/1999
Toefl Alexandria University 17/07/2001 21/07/2010

Fields of interest:
1- Research work with regard of the following subjects:
 Ruminant feeding.
 Treatment of by-products and roughage.
 Conservation of green forages.
 Utilization of residues of processing of agriculture products.
 New sources of feedstuffs for ruminants.
 Environmental pollution.
 Analysis of feedstuffs.
2- Introduction of new technology of animal nutrition into farms of different area of Egypt.
3- Training/ supervising of village extension of different areas of Egypt with following subjects:
 Fodder conservation (silage and hay).
 Urea and ammonia treatment of straws.
 Dairy cows and buffaloes feeding.
 Calf rearing.
 Least cost ration formulation.
4- Supervising of graduate student study M. Sc. and Ph. D.
5- Member of scientific societies:
 Egyptian Society of Animal Production.
 Egyptian Society of Nutrition and Feeds.
 Saudi Society for Life Sciences.

1- The 1st Scientific Conference of Animal and Fish Production, 24-25 September, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Egypt.
2- The 9th Scientific Conference of Animal Nutrition, 14-17 October 2003, Hurghada City, Egypt.
3- The 2nd Scientific Conference of Animal Production Research Institute, 27-29 September 2005, Sakha, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt.
4- The 14th Scientific Conference of Egyptian Society of Animal Production and the 3rd Scientific Conference of Animal Production Research Institute, 17-18 December 2008, Cairo, Egypt.
5- FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Sustainable Improvement of Animal Production and Health, 8–11 June 2009, Vienna, Austria.
6- XVth International Silage Conference Proceedings, 27-29 July 2009, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
7- 8th International Symposium of Animal Biology and Nutrition. National Research Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition, 25 September 2009, Bucharest, Rommania.
8- The 12th Scientific Conference of Animal Nutrition, 20-23 October 2009, Sharm El-Sheikh City, Egypt.
9- The 14th International Symposium Forage Conservation, 17-19 March 2010, Brno at Czech Republic.
10- Food, Feed, Energy and Fibre from Land - a vision for 2020, An International Conference to address future challenges for land use. Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 12-14 April 2010.
11- Adapting Animal Production to Changes for a Growing Human Population International Conference. Lleida, Spain, May 19-21, 2010.
12- Australian Society of Animal Production, 28th Biennial Conference, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, 11 - 15 July 2010.
13- The 4th International Conference on Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture (GGAA2010), Banff, Alberta, Canada, October 3-8, 2010.

Published papers:
1- Abdel-Raouf, E.M.; M.K. Mohsen; S.A. Mahmoud and H.M.A. Gaafar (1994). Hair and blood plasma as indicators of minerals status in cattle and buffaloes. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 19(1): 103-116.
2- Bendary, M.M.; S.A. Mahmoud; E.M. Abdel-Raouf; M.K. Mohsen and H.M.A. Gaafar (2001). Economical and nutritional evaluation of ensiling corn crop. Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, 4(Special Issue): 89-103.
3- Mohsen, M.K.; S.A. Mahmoud; E.M. Abdel-Raouf; M.M. Bendary and H.M.A. Gaafar (2001). Performance of growing Friesian calves fed rations containing corn silage. 1- Nutrient digestibility, rumen activity, live body weight gain and economic evaluation. Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, 4(Special Issue): 485-497.
4- Mahmoud, S.A.; M.K. Mohsen; M.M. Bendary; E.M. Abdel-Raouf and H.M.A. Gaafar (2003). Performance of growing Friesian calves fed rations containing corn silage. 2- Blood constituents and carcass traits. Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, 6(Special Issue): 727-738.
5- Gaafar, H.M.A. (2003). Saliva and urine as indicators of mineral status of buffaloes. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 28(1): 147-156.
6- Shitta, A.A. and H.M.A. Gaafar (2003). Effect of replacing berseem hay by vegetable marketing waste silage in the rations on some productive and physiological traits of lactating cows. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 28(8): 5957-5967.
7- Gaafar, H.M.A. (2004). Effect of grain content in corn hybrids on nutritive value of whole plant corn silage. Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, 7(1): 1-10.
8- Gaafar, H.M.A.; A.A. Shitta and S.A. Ibrahim (2004). Some factors affecting on productive performance of suckling Friesian calves. Egyptian J. Basic and Appl. Physiol., 3(2): 273-286.
9- Gaafar, H.M.A.; A.A. Shitta; E.E. Ragheb; A.M.A. Mohi El-Din and A.F. Mehrez (2004). Effect of dietary phosphorus supplementation on productive and reproductive performance of lactating Friesian cows. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ., 30(3): 542-558.
10- El-Nahas, H.M.; G.H. Ghanem; H.M.A. Gaafar and E.E. Ragheb (2004). Effect of feeding berseem and orange wastes silages on productive performance of lactating Friesian cows. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 29(11): 6137-6148.
11- Ghanem, G.H.A.; M.M. Bendary; H.M.A. Gaafar; A.E. Draz and M.I. Abou Youssef (2005). Utilization of rice straw for feeding ruminants. 1- Productive performance of lactating cows fed berseem and different forms of rice straw. Animal Production Research Institute, 2nd Conference, 27-29 September. p. 155-166.
12- Gaafar, H.M.A.; A.M.A. Mohi El-Din; M.E. Omara; A.E. Abdel-Khalek and M.A. Abu El-Hamd (2005). Effect of dietary cadmium and lead contamination on growing rabbits. 1- Productive performance. Animal Production Research Institute, 2nd Conference, 27-29 September. p. 669-680.
13- Gaafar, H.M.A.; A.A. Shitta and E.A. Omer (2005). Probiotic supplementation for suckling Friesian calves. 1- Productive performance. Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, 8(2): 163-173.
14- Gaafar, H.M.A.; R.M. Abou-Aiana; G.H.A. Ghanem and Maha A. Ali (2005). Accumulation of some heavy metals and histological aspects of body tissues of growing Friesian calves fed poultry litter and corn silage. Egyptian J. Anim. Prod., 42(2): 95-107.
15- Gaafar, H.M.A.; M.A. Tag El-Din and R.M. Abou-Aiana (2005). Some factors affecting productive and reproductive performance of Friesian heifers. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 30(2): 819-931.
16- Bendary, M.M.; G.H.A. Ghanem and H.M.A. Gaafar (2006). Utilization of rice straw for feeding ruminants. 2- Productive performance of lactating buffaloes fed rice straw silage. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 31: 5025.
17- Eweedah, N.M.; M.S. Saleh; H.M.A. Gaafar; E.M. Abdel-Raouf and W.M. Hagag (2007). Evaluation of different kinds of silage supplemented with limestone. J. Agric. Res. Kafr El-Shiekh Univ., 33: 16.
18- Abou-Aiana, R.M.; H.M.A. Gaafar; K.F.A. El-Riedy and M.E. Omara (2007). Effect of feeding level and yeast culture supplementation on productive and reproductive performance of growing Friesian calves. J. Agric. Res. Kafr El-Shiekh Univ., 33: 480.
19- Shamiah, Sh.M.; A.A. Shitta and H.M.A. Gaafar (2007). Some factors affecting twinning rate and its effects on postpartum reproductive performance of Friesian cows. Egyptian J. Anim. Prod., 44: 111.
20- Abou-Aiana, R.M.; H.M.A. Gaafar, M.A. Tag El-Din and A.M.A. Hussien (2008). Effect of antiparasitic drugs on growth rate and semen quality of Friesian bulls. Kafrelsheikh Vet. Med. J., 6: 348.
21- Gaafar, H.M.A.; A.M.A. Mohi El-Din and K.F.A. El-Riedy (2008). Effect of biological treatment of corn stover silage on chemical composition, fermentation characteristics and ruminal degradability. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 33: 7101.
22- Gaafar, H.M.A. (2008). Accumulation of some heavy metals in hair, plasma and milk of cattle and buffaloes grazing berseem or reed plants in Egypt. Egyptian J. Anim. Prod., 45: 71.
23- Abou-Elhamd, M.A.; R.M. Abou-Aiana; Sh.M. Shamiah and H.M.A. Gaafar (2008). Some factors affecting on reproductive performance of Friesian cows. Kafrelsheikh Vet. Med. J., 6: 530.
24- Mohi El-Din, A.M.A.; H.M.A. Gaafar; H.M. El-Nahas; E.E. Ragheb and A.F. Mehrez (2008). Effect of natural feed additives on performance of growing Friesian calves. Egyptian J. Anim. Prod., 45 (Suppl. Issue):501.

25- Mohi El-Din, A.M.A.; H.M.A. Gaafar and S.A. Swiefy (2008). Effect of yucca extract supplementation on productive performance of growing Friesian calves. Egyptian J. Anim. Prod., 45 (Suppl. Issue): 527.
26- Gaafar, H.M.A. (2009). Some factors affecting on nutritive value of whole plant corn silage. XVth International Silage Conference Proceedings July 27-29, 2009 – Madison, Wisconsin, USA, p. 383.
27- Gaafar, H.M.A. (2009). Status of some minerals in Friesian calves fed different levels of concentrate feed mixture and corn silage. XVth International Silage Conference Proceedings July 27-29, 2009 – Madison, Wisconsin, USA, p. 385.
28- Gaafar, H.M.A.; M.I. Basiuoni, M.E. El-Gendy and K.F.A. El-Riedy (2009). Effect of protected protein on performance of crossbred ewes and their offspring. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 34: 7696.
29- Mehany, S.B.; A.M.A. Mohi El-Din; H.M.A. Gaafar and E.A. Omer (2009). Effect of supplementing lactating cows and buffaloes by protected fat and protected protein on productive and reproductive performance. Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, 12:3 (Special Issue): 29.
30- Gaafar, H.M.A.; G.H.A. Ghanem; M.M. Bendary; F.I. Zein; A.A.I. Atwa and Hamida M.A. El-Sanafawy (2009). Effect of polluted irrigation water on accumulation of some heavy metals in clay soil, berseem and milk of cows and buffaloes. Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, 12:3 (Special Issue): 71.
31- El-Nahas, H.M., I.M.E. Shakweer; Gaafar, H.M.A. and R.M. Abou-Aiana (2009). Productive performance and semen physical characteristics of Friesian calves fed different proportions of sugar beet tops and corn stover silages. Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, 12:3 (Special Issue): 193.
32- Gaafar, H.M.A.; A.M.A. Mohi El-Din; M.I. Bassiouni and K.F.A. El-Riedy (2009). Effect of concentrate to roughage ratio and baker's yeast supplementation during hot season on performance of lactating buffaloes. Slovak J. Anim. Sci., 42(4): 188.
33- Gaafar, H.M.A.; M.I. Bassiouni, M.F.E. Ali; A.A.Shitta and A.Sh.E. Shamas (2010). Effect of zinc methionine supplementation on somatic cell count in milk and mastitis in Friesian cows. Archiva Zootechnica, 13(2): 36-46,
34- H. M. A. GAAFAR, Sh. M. SHAMIAH, A. A. SHITTA, H. A. B. GANAH (2010). Factors affecting retention of placenta and its influence on postpartum reproductive performance and milk production in Friesian cows. Slovak J. Anim. Sci., 43(1): 6.
35- H M A Gaafar, N M Eweedah, E M Abdel-Raouf and W M Hagag (2010). Effect of limestone supplementation on ruminal degradability of fiber fractions for different kinds of silage. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 22 (5). http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd22/5/gaaf22094.htm

36- M I Bassiouni, H M A Gaafar, A M A Mohi El-Din, A M Metwally and M A H Elshora (2010). Evaluation of rations supplemented with fibrolytic enzyme on dairy cows performance 3. Productive performance of lactating Friesian cows. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 22 (6). http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd22/6/bass22117.htm

37- H.M.A. Gaafar, E.M. Abdel-Raouf and K.F.A. El-Reidy (2010). Effect of fibrolytic enzyme supplementation and fiber content of total mixed ration on productive performance of lactating buffaloes. Slovak J. Anim. Sci., 43(3): 147 – 153.
38- Gaafar, H.M.A.; A.I.A. Abd El-Lateif and Salwa B. Abd El-Hady (2010). Effect of Partial Replacement of Berseem Hay by Corn Silage on Performance of Growing Rabbits. Report and Opinion, 2(9): 68.
39- Gaafar, H.M.A.; A.I.A. Abd El-Lateif and Salwa B. Abd El-Hady (2010). Effect Of Partial Replacement Of Berseem Hay By Ensiled And Dried Sugar Beet Tops On Performance Of Growing Rabbits. Researcher, 2 (9): 10.
40- Gaafar, H.M.A.; A.M.A. Mohi El-Din and K.F.A. El-Riedy (2010). Productive and Reproductive Performance of Friesian Cows under Different Feeding System. Report and Opinion, 2(10): 33.
41- H. M. A. GAAFAR, A. A. SHITTA, Sh. M. SHAMIAH, H. A. B. GANAH (2010). Productive performance of twin Friesian calves in Egypt. Slovak J. Anim. Sci., 43(4): 179-186.
42- Bassiouni, M.I.; H.M.A. Gaafar; M.S. Saleh; A.M.A. Mohi El-Din and M.A.H. Elshora (2010). Evaluation of Rations Supplemented with Fibrolytic Enzyme on Dairy Cows Performance. 1- In Situ Ruminal Degradability of Different Feedstuffs. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 23 (4).
43- H. M. A. Gaafar & Sh. M. Shamiah & M. A. Abu El-Hamd & A. A. Shitta & M. A. Tag El-Din (2010). Dystocia in Friesian cows and its effects on postpartum reproductive performance and milk production. Trop. Anim. Health Prod., 43(2): 229–234.
44- Bassiouni, M.I.; H.M.A. Gaafar; A.M.A. Mohi El-Din; E.A. Omer and M.A.H. Elshora (2011). Evaluation of Rations Supplemented with Fibrolytic Enzyme on Dairy Cows Performance. 2- In Situ Ruminal Degradability of Rations Containing Different Roughages at Two Concentrate to Roughage Ratios. Researcher, 3(2): 21-30.
45- Gaafar, H.M.A.; Basiuoni, M.I.; M.F.E. Ali; A.A. Shitta and A.Sh.E. Shamas (2011). Effect of zinc methionine supplementation on productive performance of lactating Friesian cows. Spanish Journal of Rural Development, 1(1): 53-62, 2011.
46- H.M.A. Gaafar, E.M. Abdel Raouf, M.M. Bendary, G.H.A. Ghanem, and K.F.A. El Riedy. (2011). Effects of Dietary Protein and Energy Levels on Productive and Reproductive Performance of Lactating Buffaloes. Iranian Journal of Animal Science, 1(1): 57-63.
47- M.K. MOHSEN, H.M.A. GAAFAR, M.M KHALAFALLA, A.A SHITTA, A.M YOUSIF (2011). Effect of rumen protected choline supplementation on digestibility, rumen activity and milk yield in lactating Friesian cows. Slovak J. Anim. Sci., 44(1): 13-20.
48- Mohsen MK, El-Santiel GS, Gaafar HMA, El-Gendy HM, El-Beltagi EA (2011). Nutritional evaluation of berseem 1- Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and quality response of berseem. Researcher, 3(5): 21-24.
49- Mohsen MK, El-Santiel GS, Gaafar HMA, El-Gendy HM, El-Beltagi EA (2011). Nutritional evaluation of berseem 2- Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on berseem fed as silage to goats. Researcher, 3(5): 25-30.
50- Mohsen MK, El-Santiel GS, Gaafar HMA, El-Gendy HM, El-Beltagi EA (2011). Nutritional evaluation of berseem 3- Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on berseem fed as hay to goats. Researcher, 3(5): 31-36.
51- Mohsen MK, El-Santiel GS, Gaafar HMA, El-Gendy HM, El-Beltagi EA (2011). Nutritional evaluation of berseem. 4- Effect of phosphorus fertilizer on berseem fed as hay to goats. Researcher, 3(5): 37-42.
52- Gaafar, HMA, Bassiouni MI, El-Gendy ME, Shehab El-Din MT (2011). Reproductive Performance and Economic Efficiency oF Rahmani and Finn and Their Crossbred Ewes. Researcher, 3(5): 70-74.
53- Gaafar, HMA, El-Gendy ME, Bassiouni MI, Shehab El-Din MT (2011). Pre- and Post-Weaning Growth Performance and Economic Efficiency of Rahmani and Finn Lambs and Their Crosses. Researcher, 3(5): 75-79.
54- Gaafar, HMA, El-Gendy ME, Bassiouni MI, Shamiah ShM, Halawa AA, Abu El-Hamd MA (2011). Effect of heat stress on performance of dairy Friesian cows 1- Milk production and composition. Researcher, 3(5): 85-93.
55- Gaafar, HMA, Abu El-Hamd MA, El-Gendy ME, Bassiouni MI, Halawa AA, Shamiah ShM (2011). Effect of heat stress on perfprmance of dairy Friesian cows 2- Reproductive performance. Researcher, 3(5): 94-100.
56- H.M.A. Gaafar, E.M. Abdel Raouf, M.M. Bendary, G.H.A. Ghanem, and K.F.A. El Riedy. (2011). Productive performance of lactating buffaloes fed rations containing sugar beet tops and corn silages. Iranian Journal of Animal Science, 1(1): 1157-123.
57- Gaafar H.M.A., Abd El-Lateif A.I.A., Salwa B. Abd El-Hady (2011). Effect of replacement of berseem hay by ensiled and dried sweet potato vines on performance of growing rabbits. Spanish Journal of Rural Development, 1(2): 55-64,
58- Gaafar H.M.A., A.M.A. Mohi-El din; K.F.A. El-Riedy and M.I. Bassiouni (2011). Productive and reproductive performances of lactating cows and buffaloes fed total mixed rations. Philippine Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science, 37(2): 131-142.
59- E M Abdel-Raouf, I A Abou-Selim, H M A Gaafar, M A A Abd El-Hady and H R Rashed (2011). Effect of udder massage of primiparous and multiparous buffaloes on milk yield and composition. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 23(10).
60- M.K. Mohsen, M.I. Bassiouni, H.M.A. Gaafar, M.H. El-Shafiey, Heba A.A. El-Sanafawy (2011). Effect of whole sunflower seeds supplementation on performance of zaraibi goats. Slovak J. Anim. Sci., 44(4): 154-161.
61- H.M.A. Gaafar, A.I.A. Abd El-Lateif, Salwa B. Abd El-Hady (2011). Effect of replacement of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) hay by berseem silage on performance of growing rabbits. Archiva Zootechnica 14(4): 59-69.
62- Elmenofy, E.K.; M.I. Bssiouni; E.B. Belal; H.M.A. Gaafar; E.M. Abdel-Raouf and S.A. Mahmoud (2011). Improving the nutritive value of ensiled green rice straw 1- Fermentation characteristics and chemical composition. Journal of Agricultural Research Kafr El-Sheikh University, 37(4): 571-582.