المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : i need an answer to this question

هانى رضا
05/05/2011, 08:17 PM
?.................,Hanan thought she was late for school
question tag

أكمل المغربي
06/05/2011, 08:54 PM
Question tag

- Hanan thought she was late for school, didn't she?

هبة الله عدي
07/05/2011, 02:05 PM
Hanan thought she was late for school ,wasn't she?

هانى رضا
08/05/2011, 11:19 PM
why didn't she is the right answer

محمود الحيمي
09/05/2011, 07:29 AM
الأستاذة الفضلى هبة الله،

As a general rule in question tag expressions if the sentence is positive, the tag will be negative. If the sentence is negative, the tag will be positive. oiu
- You haven't seen him, have you? XXX
- She met him, didn't she? xxx
The auxiliary verb is repeated in the tag. If, however, there is no auxiliary, you can use do/does/did. xxx

هبة الله عدي
09/05/2011, 11:21 AM
الاستاذ القدير محمود الحيمي,
أشكر تفضلك بشرح القاعدة,واعذر هناتي في الترجمة اذ انني لست صاحبة اختصاص
لكن شغفي باللغة دفعني للمحاولة
كل التقدير

ناصر العبدلي
09/05/2011, 12:06 PM
Hanan thought she was late for school ,wasn't she?
Dear Hanixx
It's generally understood that for getting the right answer to any question no matter how confusing it is, the first advisable step is to define the form and analyze its constituent parts.xx
let's take the first part of the sentence, that goes before the comma. (Hanan thought she was late for school), the first question that should be asked is "what is the form of this sentence". Certainly, the answer will be Indirect Speech, however, we still need to know the tense, and constituent elements of which this indirect speech form is built up. The tense is past simple, and the form splits into two main parts:
Hanan thought (incomplete sentence, however it can't stand by its own),xx
(Subject+ Main Verb)xx
she was late for school (full meaningful sentence)xx
(Subject+Verb Predicate)xx
In the above two parts there is no auxilary verbs, the two verbs (thought, and was) are the past tens for think and is respectively, and both are main verbs.xx
The second part of the sentence completes the meaning of the first part: Hana thought (What??). The answer is as follws:xxHanan thought she was late for school.xx
(Subject+Verb+Noun Predicate)xx
we have come to know that the form is indirect speech, the tens is past simple, the constituent parts are Subject+main verb+NP, I think it is easy now to identify the tag question for "Hanan thought she was late for school".xx
Hanan thought she was late for school, didn't she? (this is the correct form for tag question).xx
Dr. Mahmoud Alhaimi has precisely illustrated the forms of tag questions, and when to use the negative or posative tag qesiton form eithr by main or auxiliary verb, that is based on the syntactic formula for English sentence.xx
I just wanted to bring to your notice (Mr. Hani) that Immediate Constituent Analysis (ICA) helps much in clearing all grammatical doubts we may come across.xx
Warm regards ]

عزت الخطيب
09/05/2011, 01:19 PM
?.................,Hanan thought she was late for school
question tag

didn't she


wasn't she

both answers are right

ناصر العبدلي
09/05/2011, 03:37 PM
didn't she
wasn't she
both answers are right
To my enitre understanding, the right answer is (didn't she) for it does tag the verb (thought) and not (was). The sentence is in a form of reported speech, and consists of the following elements:
Hanan (Subject)+ thought (verb)+ she was late for school (Noun Predicate).
A verb is the part of speech that always taged and not the NP.

عزت الخطيب
09/05/2011, 04:44 PM
To my enitre understanding, the right answer is (didn't she) for it does tag the verb (thought) and not (was). The sentence is in a form of reported speech, and consists of the following elements:
Hanan (Subject)+ thought (verb)+ she was late for school (Noun Predicate).
A verb is the part of speech that always taged and not the NP.

ألم تفعل ذلك الفعل وهو التأخر (didn't she)
ألم تكن متأخرة wasn t she

المعنى جائز في الحالتين
شكرا أخي العزيز

محمود الحيمي
09/05/2011, 07:29 PM
شكراً جزيلاً أستاذ ناصر على الشرح الوافي والكافي فقد بينت المسألة بإيجاز مفيد وأشكر لك مرة أخرى هذا الأسلوب الممتع في التحليل والوصول إلى النتائج.
كل الود.

ناصر العبدلي
09/05/2011, 10:50 PM
شكراً جزيلاً أستاذ ناصر على الشرح الوافي والكافي فقد بينت المسألة بإيجاز مفيد وأشكر لك مرة أخرى هذا الأسلوب الممتع في التحليل والوصول إلى النتائج.
كل الود.
الشكر في الأصل لك أستاذنا القدير

بندر الصبحي
19/06/2011, 06:20 PM
The sentence should read
Hanan thought she was late for school, didn't she?
This is the only correct answer