المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : unwinding of failed contracts

سمير الخطيب
07/04/2007, 10:05 AM
السلام عليكم:
وردت هذه العبارة في موضوع العقود الدولية .. فهل هناك مايقابلها بلغتنا الأم ..؟
وهل ممكن ان نعبر عنها بالشكل التالي : إلغاء / إنهاء العقود الباطلة ..!

بإنتظار مشاركاتكم مع التقدير ..

سمير الخطيب
07/04/2007, 10:05 AM
السلام عليكم:
وردت هذه العبارة في موضوع العقود الدولية .. فهل هناك مايقابلها بلغتنا الأم ..؟
وهل ممكن ان نعبر عنها بالشكل التالي : إلغاء / إنهاء العقود الباطلة ..!

بإنتظار مشاركاتكم مع التقدير ..

ايمان حمد
07/04/2007, 12:11 PM
unwinding of failed contracts
لا اعتقد انها " انهاء "
بل فتح الملفات القديمة ( دراستها / تحليلها ) لمعرفة السبب فى فشلها

هذا والله اعلم

ايمان حمد
07/04/2007, 12:11 PM
unwinding of failed contracts
لا اعتقد انها " انهاء "
بل فتح الملفات القديمة ( دراستها / تحليلها ) لمعرفة السبب فى فشلها

هذا والله اعلم

سمير الخطيب
07/04/2007, 07:40 PM
,Dear Iman
Kindly see below;
To close out a market position by executing an offsetting order canceling that position.

Disengaging from a speculative foreign exchange Forward Market or Leads and Lags position.

In futures, simultaneous liquidation of both short and long positions when the pricing spread between the cash and futures market closes, or returns to normal. If the spread tightens up, the long and short positions would be reversed again. Also known as spread trading.

Removing a bank's Wire Transfer payments to other banks in the event the bank is unable to cover its end-of-day Net Settlement obligations to other banks.


منذر أبو هواش
08/04/2007, 01:18 AM
أعتقد بأن (حلحلة) أو (فكفكة) هنا أفضل من (تحليل)
unroll, uncoil, loosen, open; relax; become clear

ايمان حمد
08/04/2007, 09:11 AM
,Dear Iman
Kindly see below;
To close out a market position by executing an offsetting order canceling that position.

Disengaging from a speculative foreign exchange Forward Market or Leads and Lags position.

In futures, simultaneous liquidation of both short and long positions when the pricing spread between the cash and futures market closes, or returns to normal. If the spread tightens up, the long and short positions would be reversed again. Also known as spread trading.

Removing a bank's Wire Transfer payments to other banks in the event the bank is unable to cover its end-of-day Net Settlement obligations to other banks.


اخى سمير الخطيب
قرأت ما تفضلت به
ارجو ان تدرج الفقرة التى ورد لها هذا العنوان لنساعدك اكثر

تحية :fl:

سمير الخطيب
08/04/2007, 10:18 AM
أستاذ منذر ابو هواش ..
أستاذة إيمان الحسيني ..
أشكركما .. وردت هذه العبارة بشكل عنوان خلال نقاش فريق عمل مختص بدراسة وتحليل العقود الدولية .. وسأورد هنا جزء من النص عسى ان يفيدنا:

(a) Unwinding of Failed Contracts
Zimmermann, in stressing the great importance of this topic, thought there were
basically five main aspects to be addressed at this preliminary stage:
• Was the suggested topic really a matter of contract law or should it be dealt with
under a separate cover such as the law of restitution or of unjustified enrichment in civilian
terms? In his view it was a matter of contract law: first, because many legal systems treat it
as such; secondly, also PECL, CISG and the Principles themselves, though in a very asystematic
manner, follow the same approach; thirdly, it intellectually relates to contract
• One set of rules or several sets of rules? He definitely was in favour of a single
uniform regime since if a failed contract had to be unwound it did not in principle matter for
what reason the contract had failed. After all, with respect to avoided contracts and
terminated contracts, the Principles already provide substantially similar solutions.
• The current rules of the Principles can very well serve as a starting point, but they
need to be streamlined, harmonised and supplemented.
• One very important issue had not been properly addressed so far: the question of
risk distribution. Who must bear the risk of accidental loss? In his view it should be the
recipient of the performance – the buyer in the case of a sales contract – because there
should be a correspondence between risk and control. But there should also be an exception
to this rule when loss of or damage to the goods is attributable to the seller, e.g. because
the goods were defective or the seller was fraudulent.
• Finally, there should be special rules in the case of long-term contracts where a
substantial part of the performance has already been rendered over the years and it would
be very difficult if not impossible to unwind them.
عذراً لطول النص :)

منذر أبو هواش
08/04/2007, 01:53 PM
unwinding of failed contracts
لا اعتقد انها " انهاء "
بل فتح الملفات القديمة ( دراستها / تحليلها ) لمعرفة السبب فى فشلها

هذا والله اعلم

ربما يصح أن نقول:

تشريح العقود الفاشلة لمعرفة سبب الفشل

مثلما نقول:

تشريح جثث القتلى لمعرفة سبب الوفاة


سمير الخطيب
08/04/2007, 05:59 PM
ربما يصح أن نقول:

تشريح العقود الفاشلة لمعرفة سبب الفشل

مثلما نقول:

تشريح جثث القتلى لمعرفة سبب الوفاة


أضحك الله سنك أستاذنا الفاضل .. بصراحة لم أجد لها مقابلاً ..!! وهنا أعتقد انك تتفق معي بعدم انسجام معاني كلمة ( unwinding ) مع السياق .. ولهذا طرحتها ، فلربما نصل الى نتيجة من خلال البحث :confused:

تحيتي :)