المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حملة من اجل السيد اوجلان المسموم وراء القضبان

08/04/2007, 10:19 PM
حملة من اجل السيد اوجلان المسموم وراء القضبان
وداد عقراوي

مكوث السجناء السياسيين في السجن امر صعب اما تسميمهم داخل السجن فذلك انتهاك صريح لحقوقه ومسؤلية كبيرة تتحملها السلطات دون نقاش، ليس على النطاق الوطني فحسب بل على المستوى الدولي ايضاً. سمعنا عن تسميم السجناء في سجون عالم تحت الارض بمواد الثاليوم او السيانيد او الزرنيخ او اكاسيد الزئبق او بعض السموم الاخرى مثل بكثيريا ومستخلصات العفن، واليوم نواجه خبر تسميم السيد اوجلان ـ السجين السياسي في الجزيرة المهجورة في اللامكان. سُممت أجواء خلاياه بمواد مشعة وكيماوية لدرجة الاختناق والاذعان. التجارب المخبرية على عينات من شعره تشير الى مستويات عالية جداً من عناصر السترونسيوم والكروم والمستويات اعلى بكثير من المستويات العادية. اي ان النتائج التي حددها خبراء المختبر تبرز تعرض السيد اوجلان الى تسمم مزمن. ومسألة تسميم اي سجين هي مسألة تدخل في صميم قضايا حقوق الانسان.

نبذة سريعة عن المادتين السامتين
سمعنا عن السترونسيوم المشع بعد اجراء تجربة لقنبلة نووية حرارية بقدرة تدميرية هائلة في بيكيني وهي احدى جزر مارشال. جزيرة رونغالاب المرجانية كانت تبعد 150 كيلومتر عن مكان الانفجار الا ان رماد القنبلة الاشعاعي سقط كالثلج بعدها بساعات على سكانها. لم يحصد هذا الرماد اجساداً اخرى ليحولها الى رماد، ولكن السترونسيوم المشع دخل الاجسام عبر الفم وبنى بيتاً له في العظام. نتيجة لذلك أصيب اغلبية الاطفال والبالغين بالأورام السرطانية الخبيثة.

اما معدن الكروم فيتعرض الشخص له من خلال التنفس او الطعام او الشراب او بالتلامس الجلدي معه او مع مركباته. معدلاته في المياه او الهواء بوجه عام قليلة جداً، الا ان مياه الآبار الملوثة به تحتوي على الكروم 6.
تشمل المخاطر المرتبطة بهذا المعدن حدوث طفح جلدي واضطرابات المعدة والقرح واضطرابات في الجهاز التنفسي وسرطان الرئة وضعف فى كفاءة الجهاز المناعي وضمور فى الكليتين والكبد وتحفيز حدوث طفرات في الجينات. درجة المخاطر تعتمد على درجة وحالة تأكسده. النوع السادس مثلاً للكروم هو سام جداً وتأثيره على الجلد يظهر مباشرة الأعراض التالية: القرح، التهاب طبقة الجلد الخارجية، حساسية الجلد واضطرابات اخرى.

المعاهدات الدولية
تركيا ملزمة بموجب العهد الدولي الخاص بالحقوق المدنية والسياسية الذي اعتمد وعرض للتوقيع والتصديق والانضمام في 16 ديسمبر1966 ودخل حيز النفاذ في 23 مارس 1976، والذي وقعته تركيا في 15 اغسطس 2000 وصادقت عليه في 23 سبتمبر 2003، بعدم اخضاع احد للتعذيب ولا للمعاملة او العقوبة القاسية او اللاانسانية او المهينة. وعلى وجه الخصوص، لا يجوز إجراء أية تجربة طبية أو علمية على احد.

علاوة على ذلك ، وقعت وصادقت تركيا على الاتفاقية الاوروبية لمنع التعذيب والمعاملةاو العقوبة اللاانسانية او المهينة في 11 كانون الثاني 1988 و 26 شباط 1988 على التوالي.
بالاضافة الى البروتوكول رقم 1 للاتفاقية الاوروبية لمنع التعذيب والمعاملةاو العقوبة اللاانسانية او المهينة والاتفاقية الدولية لمناهضة التعذيب وغيره من ضروب المعاملة او العقوبه القاسية او اللاانسانية او المهينة.

عن الحملة
التحرك الموصى به هو إرسال مناشدات بحيث تصل بأسرع وقت ممكن للإعراب عن القلق ازاء حالة السيد عبد الله اوجلان الذي تم احتجازه فى سجن امرالي المعزول منذ 15 فبراير 1999.... ولذلك تطالبون السلطات الى ضمان سلامة السيد اوجلان ودعم تحقيق دولي مستقل حول نتائج الفحوص التي اشارت الى انه قد تسمم وهو في السجن، وتؤكدون ايضاً على الحصول على تأكيدات بانه سيعامل معاملة طيبة، وسينقل الى المستشفى وسيوفرون له اي علاج طبي قد يحتاجه.

ترسل المناشدات إلى فخامة الرئيس احمد نجاة سيسر رئيس الجمهورية التركية، وكذلك الى معالي رئيس الوزراء ومعالي وزير الخارجية ومعالي وزير الصحة ومعالي وزير الداخلية ومفوض حقوق الانسان في مقر مكتب الامم المتحدة المعني بالادوية والجريمة والى اعضاء مجلس اوربا في كل من بروكسل وباريس وترسل نسخ منها الى السفارات التركية في برلين ولندن.
يرجى نسخ الرسائل ومن ثم اضافة التوقيع و العنوان الى الرسالة وارسالها على العنوان او رقم الفاكس او الايميل المرفق.

Zındanda zehırlendırılen sayın ÖCALAN ıçın kamapanıya

Wıdada Ekerawı


Siyasi hükümlülerin hapishanelerdeki durumlari oldukça zor. Ama onun (sayin Abdullah Ocalan’in) hapiste zehirletilmesin de ve tabii ki haklarinin ayaklar altına alınmasında tartışmasız olarak yalnizca Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti sorumludur.

Bu sorumluluğu yalnızca ulusal bazda değil; aynı zamanda uluslararsı bazdada tartışılamaz.

Duyuyoruz ki dünya da tutuklu ve hükümlüler değişik metotlarla zehirletiliyorlar. Bunlardan bazıları tehlikeli kimyasal sınıfa dahil Thallium (Tl), siyanit, Kurşun (Pb), cıva (Hg) gibi maddelere ek olarak; çeşitli bakteriler, küflü maddeler de kullanılmaktadır.

Sayın Öcalan da bir ada hapishanesinde, bu türden muamelelerle karşıkarşıyadır. Bedeni çeşitli kimyasal ve radyoaktif maddelerle zehirletilmekte ve bu zehirletme hayati tehlike sınırına varmıştır.

Saç örnekleri üzerinde yapılan uzman analizlerden de bu saldırı kanıtlanmıştır ki Stronsium ve krom elmentlerinin miktari bir insan vücudunda bulunması gereken oran anormal derecede aşılmıştır,

Uzman araştırmacıların ulaştığı sonuç odur ki: sayın Öcalan zamana yayılmış bir zehirletilmeye tabi tutulmaktadır.

Zehirletme tutuklunun yaşam hakkına tecavüzdür. Bir yaşam kastıdır.

Stronsium elementi atom bombalarının patlamasından sonra bülgenin üzerine toz partikülleri şeklinde yağmakla birlikte radiyoaktif rüzgar veya yağmur bulutlarıyla yiyeceklere geçerek veya havada solunum yoluyla vücuda girer.

Atom denemeleri yapılan yerlerin daha çok 150 km çevresindeki alanlarda, başta çocuklar olmak üzere; büyük bir insan grubu kansere yakalanırlar.

Krom maddesinde ise durum biraz daha farklı. Bu daha çok kuyu sularında biriken krom 6 şeklinde ortaya çıkar. Bu maddenin vücuda girip birikmesi sonucu kaşınma, deride döküntü, yara vb. rahatsızlıklar a sebebiyet verir.

Bununla da kalmayarak genetik yapı üzerinde tahribatlar da gerçekleştiriyor. Tahribatların oranı bu maddenin vücutta uğradığı oksitlenme derecesiyle paraleldir.

Krom-6, tür olarak krom serisinin en zehirlisidir. Deri üzerinde anında derideki renk değişimi belirtileriyle kendini gösterir.

Deri yaraları, iltihablanma, deri allerjileri bubeliti şekillerinden bazılarıdır.

Uluslar arası anlaşmalar :

Türkiyenin imzaladığı 16 Aralık 1966, 23 mart 1976 ve 23 eylül 2000 yılı uluslararası anlaşmalara göre hiç kimseye işkence yapılamaz, hakaret, insanlık dışı muamelelere maruz bırakılamaz. Kendisi üzerinde iradesi dışında tıbbi veya herhangi bilimsel bir deneme yapılamaz.

Yine Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Avrupa işkenceyi önleme anlaşmasını 11 ocak 1988 ile 26 şubat 1988 Avrupa protokolüne imza atmıştır.

Kampanya Hakkında :

İstenen odur ki derhal Sayın Öcalan’ın 1999 şubatından bu yana tutulduğu İmralı tecridine karşı reaksıyon gösterilmelidir. Ayrıca Türk devlet yöneticilerindenö sayın Öcalan’ın sağlığının korunması ve aynı zamanda uluslararası bir araştırmaya gerekli yakınlığı göstermesini talep edilmelidir.

Ortaya çıkacak sonuçlar üzerine sayın Öcalan tam teşekküllü güvenli bir hastaneye kaldırılarak tedavi altına alınıp sağlığı yeniden iade edilmelidir.

Bu çağrı Başta Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı Ahmet Necdet Sezer, Başbakanı R. Tayyip Erdoğan, Dışişleri bakanı Abdullah Gül, Sağlık Bakanlığına, Birleşmiş milletlerin insan hakları ile ilgili birimine, Avrupa parlementosu üyelerine gerekli protesto yazışmaları yapılmalı Brüksel ve Paris nezdinde girişimler yapılmalı. Türk Londra, Berlin vb. Yerlerdeki Türk büyükelçiliklerine de gerekli görülen biçimlerde girişimler gerçekleştirilmeli ve konuya dikkat çekilmelidir.

Silav û rêz.

Wîdad Akreyî

Kampanyaya ji bo birêz Abdulah Ocalan ku li zîndanê hatîye jehrîdan

Wîdad Akreyî

Mayîna girtîyê sîyasî di zîndanê da pir zor e, lê jehrdana wî di nav zîndanê da binpêkirina mafên wî ye û herweha mesûlîyeteke mezin e ku desthilat bêyî munaqeşe berpirsiyar e. Ne tinê di asta neteweyî da, herwisa di asta navneteweyî da jî wisa ye.
Me bihîstîye ku girtîyên di zîndanên cîhanê yên di bin erdî da, bi maddeyên talyûm, sîyanît, zirnîx û cîwaya bi karbon û hindek jehrîyên dîtir yên wekî bakterî û bermayên kûfikî, hatine jehrîdan û îro me xeberê jehrîdana birêz Ocalan jî wergirtîye, ku di giravekê da bi tecrîdeke mezin zîndanî ye. Hucreyên leşê wî bi maddeyên kîmyewî û radyoaktîv hatîne jehrîdan û ev jehrîdan gihiştîye dereceya fetisandinê. Ceribandina ku li ser pora wî hatîye kirin di laboratûwarê da, nîşan dide ku maddeyên sitronsîyon û kromê ji dereceya normalîyê wêdatir di asta herî bilind da heye.
Encamên ku bisporan di laboratûwarê da bi dest xistî, dîyar dikin ku birêz Ocalan di nav dirêjîya demî da tête jehrîdan. Meseleya jehrîdana her girtîyekê, meseleya mudaxelekirina mafê mirovan e.

Agahîyeke lezîn li ser herdu maddeyên jehrê:
Me bihîst sentrosyûma radyoaktîv piştî ceribandina bombeya nukleerî qudreteke xwe ya mezin ji bo xirabkirinê li Bekinî, ku giravekî li okyanûsa mezin e, giravê mercan ku 150 Km dûrî cihê teqînê bû, lê toza wê bombeya radyoaktîv piştî bi seetan wekî befrê li ser xelkê wê derê barî. Toza wê bombeyê bi rêya nefesê kete nav leşê mirov û tesîreke giran li nîveka organ û hestîyan kir. Di encamê da piranîya zarok û mezinan bi kanserê ketin.
Lê belê, madenê kromê bi rêyên cuda, wekî bêhn wergirtin, xwarin, vexwarin û temasa destî dikeve nava bedena mirov. Nisbeta wê di avê û bayî da bi giştî pir kêm e. Lê di nav ava bîran ya qirêj da, kroma şeş heye. Xeterîyên vî maddeyî di çerm da xurandinê, di firşik da birîn û nerehetîyê çêdike. Di genên mirov da tesîrên cuda yên xirab jî pêktîne. Dereceya xeterîya wê girêdayî dereceya oksîdebûna maddeyê di leşî da ye. Newlê kromê şeş pir bi jehrî ye û tesîra wê jî li ser çerm di cih da derdikeve û bi van rengan xuya dibe: Birîn, iltihabkirina çerm, alerjîya çerm û hwd.

Peymanên navneteweyî
Tirkîye li goreyî peymana navneteweyî ya sîyasî û sivîl ku îmza kirîye û di 16yê Kanûna 1966ê da tesdîq kirî û 23yê Adara 1976ê da jî di pratîkê da bi kar hatîye û peymana ku di 15yê Tebaxa 2000ê da û di 23yê Îlonê da jî tesdîq kirîye, ku kesek neyê îşkence kirin anjî kesek bi kiryarên dijwar û nemirovî û heqaret û bi taybet nabe ku çu ceribandinên tibbî û ilmî li ser kesekê bikin.
Ji vê jî zêdetir Tirkîyeyê peymaneke Ewrûpî ya dijî îşkence û muameleya nemirovî û heqaretê jî di 11yê Çileya 1988ê da û 26ê Sibata 1988ê tesdîq kirîye, li rex protokola hejmar 1 ya peymana Ewrûpî ya li jor hatîye behs kirin.

Derbareyê kampanyayê da
Karê ku tête xwastin, di demekî pir lezîn da banga bişînin û nerehetîya xwe ya derbareyê rewşa birêz Abdullah Ocalan, ku ji 15yê Sibata 1999an were di hefsa Îmralî da hatîye tecrîd kirin, kivş bikin. Hûn dê ji desthiltadara bixwazin ku tendurustîya birêz Ocalan bête parastin û herweha hûn dê piştgirîya lêkolîneke navneteweyî ya serbixwe li ser encamên van ceribandinên hatine kirin ku birêz Ocalan pê hatîye jehrîdan û hûn tekîd dikin ku digel wî dê muameleyeke baş bête kirin û neqlî nexweşxaneyekê bibe ku bête tedawî kirin.

Ev bange ji bo meqamê serokkomar Ehmed Nejdet Sezer û meqamê serokwezîr û wezîrê derve û wezîrê tendurustîyê û nûnêrê mafên mirovan li bûroya UNê ya ku bi derman û sûcan ra mijûl dibe û endamê meclisa ewrûpa li Bruksel û Parîsê û dê nimûne jî biçin sefareta Tirkîyeyê ya li Berlîn û Londonê.
Hêvîdar im ev name bêne kopî kirin û bêne îmza kirin û adres jî lê bête zêde kirin û bête şandin ji bo adres, fax û e-mailên li jêr.

Silav û rêz.

Wîdad Akreyî

President of the Republic of Turkey
E-mail: cumhurbaskanligi@tccb.gov.tr

Your Excellency,

By this letter, I want to express my concern about the case of Mr Abdullah Ocalan who has been kept at the Imrali Sole Inmate Closed Prison since 15 February 1999.

The laboratory tests made on Mr Ocalan’s hair samples have shown that much higher than normal levels of the elements strontium and chromium are present. The test results have been identified by the expert laboratory to represent chronic intoxication.

I wish you to call on the authorities to ensure the safety of Mr. Ocalan and to support an independent international investigation of the results of the test which are pointing that he has been poisoned while in prison and wish also to seek assurances that he will be well-treated, allowing him immediate access to relevant hospitals and any medical treatment he may require.

I would like to remind you that Turkey has an obligation under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights not to subject anyone to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation.

Furthermore Turkey has signed and ratified the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment at 11 Jan 1988 and 26 Feb 1988 respectively. In addition protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment and the international convention against torture and other cruel, Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

I urge you to invite delegates and experts from the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Degrading and Ill-treatment (CPT) to investigate this case and start new analysis.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter

Yours sincerely,

Mr Recep Tayyıp Erdoğan,
Office of the Prime Minister,
06573 Ankara,
Fax: + 90 312 417 0476,
Email: tayyiperdogan@rterdogan.com
Dear Prime Minister
By this letter, I want to express my concern about the case of Mr Abdullah Ocalan who has been kept at the Imrali Sole Inmate Closed Prison since 15 February 1999.

The laboratory tests made on Mr Ocalan’s hair samples have shown that much higher than normal levels of the elements strontium and chromium are present. The test results have been identified by the expert laboratory to represent chronic intoxication.

I wish you to call on the authorities to ensure the safety of Mr. Ocalan and to support an independent international investigation of the results of the test which are pointing that he has been poisoned while in prison and wish also to seek assurances that he will be well-treated, allowing him immediate access to relevant hospitals and any medical treatment he may require.

I would like to remind you that Turkey has an obligation under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights not to subject anyone to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation.

Furthermore Turkey has signed and ratified the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment at 11 Jan 1988 and 26 Feb 1988 respectively. In addition protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment and the international convention against torture and other cruel, Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

I urge you to invite delegates and experts from the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Degrading and Ill-treatment (CPT) to investigate this case and start new analysis.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter

Yours sincerely,

Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister Mr. Abdullah Gul
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
06100 Ankara
E-Mail: abdullah.gul@basbakanlik.gov.tr or agul@abdullahgul.gen.tr

Dear Minister

By this letter, I want to express my concern about the case of Mr Abdullah Ocalan who has been kept at the Imrali Sole Inmate Closed Prison since 15 February 1999.

The laboratory tests made on Mr Ocalan’s hair samples have shown that much higher than normal levels of the elements strontium and chromium are present. The test results have been identified by the expert laboratory to represent chronic intoxication.

I wish you to call on the authorities to ensure the safety of Mr. Ocalan and to support an independent international investigation of the results of the test which are pointing that he has been poisoned while in prison and wish also to seek assurances that he will be well-treated, allowing him immediate access to relevant hospitals and any medical treatment he may require.

I would like to remind you that Turkey has an obligation under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights not to subject anyone to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation.

Furthermore Turkey has signed and ratified the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment at 11 Jan 1988 and 26 Feb 1988 respectively. In addition protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment and the international convention against torture and other cruel, Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

I urge you to invite delegates and experts from the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Degrading and Ill-treatment (CPT) to investigate this case and start new analysis.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ
Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey
The Republic of Turkey
Ministry of Health
Mithatpasa Cad. No: 3 Sihhiye
Fax: +90 (312) 4339885
E-Mail: info@saglik.gov.tr

Dear Minister

By this letter, I want to express my concern about the case of Mr Abdullah Ocalan who has been kept at the Imrali Sole Inmate Closed Prison since 15 February 1999.

The laboratory tests made on Mr Ocalan’s hair samples have shown that much higher than normal levels of the elements strontium and chromium are present. The test results have been identified by the expert laboratory to represent chronic intoxication.

I wish you to call on the authorities to ensure the safety of Mr. Ocalan and to support an independent international investigation of the results of the test which are pointing that he has been poisoned while in prison and wish also to seek assurances that he will be well-treated, allowing him immediate access to relevant hospitals and any medical treatment he may require.

I would like to remind you that Turkey has an obligation under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights not to subject anyone to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation.

Furthermore Turkey has signed and ratified the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment at 11 Jan 1988 and 26 Feb 1988 respectively. In addition protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment and the international convention against torture and other cruel, Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

I urge you to invite delegates and experts from the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Degrading and Ill-treatment (CPT) to investigate this case and start new analysis.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter

Yours sincerely,

Herrn Abdulkadir Aksu,
Ministry of Interior,
Içisleri Bakanligi,
06644 Ankara,
Telefax: (00 90) 312 418 1795
E-Mail: aaksu@icisleri.gov.tr or abdulkadir.aksu@tbmm.gov.tr

Dear Minister

By this letter, I want to express my concern about the case of Mr Abdullah Ocalan who has been kept at the Imrali Sole Inmate Closed Prison since 15 February 1999.

The laboratory tests made on Mr Ocalan’s hair samples have shown that much higher than normal levels of the elements strontium and chromium are present. The test results have been identified by the expert laboratory to represent chronic intoxication.

I wish you to call on the authorities to ensure the safety of Mr. Ocalan and to support an independent international investigation of the results of the test which are pointing that he has been poisoned while in prison and wish also to seek assurances that he will be well-treated, allowing him immediate access to relevant hospitals and any medical treatment he may require.

I would like to remind you that Turkey has an obligation under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights not to subject anyone to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation.

Furthermore Turkey has signed and ratified the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment at 11 Jan 1988 and 26 Feb 1988 respectively. In addition protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment and the international convention against torture and other cruel, Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

I urge you to invite delegates and experts from the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Degrading and Ill-treatment (CPT) to investigate this case and start new analysis.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter

Yours sincerely,

UNODC Headquarters
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Commissioner for Human Rights
Vienna International Centre
Wagramer Strasse 5
A-1400 Vienna
Fax: +43 1 26060 5866

Dear Commissioner,

By this letter, I want to express my concern about the case of Mr Abdullah Ocalan who has been kept at the Imrali Sole Inmate Closed Prison since 15 February 1999.

The laboratory tests made on Mr Ocalan’s hair samples have shown that much higher than normal levels of the elements strontium and chromium are present. The test results have been identified by the expert laboratory to represent chronic intoxication.

I wish you to call on the authorities to ensure the safety of Mr. Ocalan and to support an independent international investigation of the results of the test which are pointing that he has been poisoned while in prison and wish also to seek assurances that he will be well-treated, allowing him immediate access to relevant hospitals and any medical treatment he may require.

I would like you to remind the authorities that Turkey has an obligation under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights not to subject anyone to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation.

Furthermore Turkey has signed and ratified the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment at 11 Jan 1988 and 26 Feb 1988 respectively. In addition protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment and the international convention against torture and other cruel, Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

I urge you to press Turkey to invite delegates and experts from the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Degrading and Ill-treatment (CPT) to investigate this case and start new analysis.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter

Yours sincerely,
Council of Europe office
55, avenue Kléber
F - 75784 Paris Cedex 16
Fax +33 (0)1 47 27 36 47
Email : bureau.paris@coe.int

Dear members of Council of Europe,

By this letter, I want to express my concern about the case of Mr Abdullah Ocalan who has been kept at the Imrali Sole Inmate Closed Prison since 15 February 1999.

The laboratory tests made on Mr Ocalan’s hair samples have shown that much higher than normal levels of the elements strontium and chromium are present. The test results have been identified by the expert laboratory to represent chronic intoxication.

I wish you to call on the authorities to ensure the safety of Mr. Ocalan and to support an independent international investigation of the results of the test which are pointing that he has been poisoned while in prison and wish also to seek assurances that he will be well-treated, allowing him immediate access to relevant hospitals and any medical treatment he may require.

I would like you to remind the authorities that Turkey has an obligation under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights not to subject anyone to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation.

Furthermore Turkey has signed and ratified the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment at 11 Jan 1988 and 26 Feb 1988 respectively. In addition protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment and the international convention against torture and other cruel, Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

I urge you to press Turkey to invite delegates and experts from the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Degrading and Ill-treatment (CPT) to investigate this case and start new analysis.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter

Yours sincerely,

Council of Europe office
In Brussels (Liaison office with the EU)
12, avenue Tervuren
B - 1040 Brussels
Fax +33 2 230 94 62
Email : bureau.bruxelles@coe.int

Dear members of Council of Europe,

By this letter, I want to express my concern about the case of Mr Abdullah Ocalan who has been kept at the Imrali Sole Inmate Closed Prison since 15 February 1999.

The laboratory tests made on Mr Ocalan’s hair samples have shown that much higher than normal levels of the elements strontium and chromium are present. The test results have been identified by the expert laboratory to represent chronic intoxication.

I wish you to call on the authorities to ensure the safety of Mr. Ocalan and to support an independent international investigation of the results of the test which are pointing that he has been poisoned while in prison and wish also to seek assurances that he will be well-treated, allowing him immediate access to relevant hospitals and any medical treatment he may require.

I would like you to remind the authorities that Turkey has an obligation under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights not to subject anyone to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation.

Furthermore Turkey has signed and ratified the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment at 11 Jan 1988 and 26 Feb 1988 respectively. In addition protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment and the international convention against torture and other cruel, Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

I urge you to press Turkey to invite delegates and experts from the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Degrading and Ill-treatment (CPT) to investigate this case and start new analysis.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter

Yours sincerely,

Copies to:

Botschaft der Republik Türkei
(S. E. Herrn Mehmet Ali Irtemcelik)
Rungestraße 9, 10179 Berlin
Telefax: 030-2759 0915
E-Mail: turk.em.berlin@t-online.de

Ambassador's Office
Turkish Embassy,
43 Belgrave Square,
Fax: 020 7393 9213