المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : دعوة إلى مناقشة An Interview on Linguistics - Chomsky

Prof. Ahmed Shafik Elkhatib
14/04/2007, 01:42 PM
الأخوات والإخوة الكرام المهتمون باللغة وعلم اللغة

يحين الدور هذا الأسبوع على مناقشة موضوع نشره الأستاذ معتصم الحارث الضوي، وهو:

An Interview on Linguistics - Chomsky

الذي يمكنكم تحميله من خلال الرابط التالي:


رجاء قراءة الموضوع قراءة متعمقة، ثم التفضل بالتعليق عليه في موعد أقصاه يوم السبت 21 إبريل المقبل إن شاء الله.

Prof. Ahmed Shafik Elkhatib
19/04/2007, 01:33 PM
In case you are interested in finding out the answers to the following ten important questions, please go read the interview.

If not, there is nothing for you to lose. NOTHING FOR ME/US TO LOSE, EITHER!

Here are the questions:

(1) Back in the fifties, what led Chomsky to think about language in a different way than it had previously been thought of?

(2) In essence, did Chomsky start to look at language from the point of view of acquisition and comparing what experience children have and contrasting that with the knowledge that they seem to express when they learn to speak?

(3) Was there a shift from simply finding out the rules of language for its own sake? Was Chomsky looking at it in a different way?

(4) What are the features of language that must be, at least partly, innate?

(5) What is it about the grammars of natural language that can't be inferred just from the input?

(6) What Chomsky is saying is that in no case is the child's input anywhere near rich enough for them to infer the language. How does this relate to the children in Nicaragua and their experience?

(7) Does this situation give us insights to what is required? We know that a child on their own exposed to no input doesn't acquire a language.

(8) What are the implications of this natural experiment?

(9) Does this give us additional insight into the discontinuity between gesture and true language?

(10) Why is it that children have this incredible ability to actually create a language when normally they are only required to learn an already existing language?