المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ترجمة قصيدة يأخي في الشرق للشاعر السوداني محمد مفتاح الفيتوري

علي فرحان
25/12/2011, 09:09 AM
من أغاني أفريقيا.

يـا أخـي فـي الـشرق ، في كل ..سكن
يـا أخـي في الأرض ، في كل ..وطن
أنـا أدعـوك .. فـهل تعرفني ؟ يا ..أخا
أعـرفه .. رغـم الـمحن إنـني مزقت
أكـفان الـدجى إنني هـدمت ..جدران
الـوهن لـم أعـد مـقبرة تحكى ..البلى
لـم أعـد سـاقية تـبكى الدمن لم ..أعد
عـبد قيودي لـم أعد عبد ماض ..هرم
عـبد وثـن أنـا حي خالد رغم ..الردى
أنـا حـر رغـم قضبان الزمن ..فاستمع
لي .. اسـتمع لـى إنـما أذن ..الجيفة
صـمـاء الأذن إن نـكن سـرنا ..عـلى
الـشوك سـنينا ولـقينا من أذاه ما لقينا
إن نـكن بـتنا ولـقينا من أذاه ما ..لقينا
إن نـكن بـتنا عـراة جـائعينا أو ..نكن
عـشنا حـفاة بائيسنا ، إن تكن قد أوهت
الـفأس قـوانا فـوقفنا نتحدى ..الساقطينا
إن يـكن سـخرنا جـلادنا فبنينا لأمانينا
سـجونا ورفـعناه عـلى أعناقنا ..ولثمنا
قـدميه خـاشعينا ومـلأنا كأسه من ..دمنا
فـتساقانا جـراحا وأنـينا وجعلنا ..حجر
الـقصر رؤوسـا ونقشناه جفونا وعيونا
فـلقد ثـرنا على أنفسنا ومحونا ..وصمة
الــــذلــــة ..فـــيـــنــا
الـملايين أفاقت مـن كراها ما ..تراها
مــــلأ الأفــــق ..صــداهــا
خـرجـت تـبـحث عــن ..تـاريخها
بـعد ان تـاهت عـلى الأرض ..وتـاها
حـمـلـت فؤوسها وانــحـدرت
مــن روابـيـها وأغـور ..قـراها..!
فأنظر الإصرار في أعينها وصباح البعث
يـــجــتــاح ..الــجــبـاهـا
يا أخي في كل ارض عريت من ..ضياها
وتـــغــطــت ..بــدمــاهــا
يـا أخي في كل ارض وجمت ..شفتاها
واكــفــهــرت ..مــقـلـتـاهـا
قــم تـحـرر مـن تـوابيت الأسـى
لــــســـت ..أعجوبتها
أو مــومــيـاهـا ..انــطــلـق
فــــوق ضــحـاهـا ومــسـاه

I think I have introduced the translation to fit the English reader as far as to be understandable, also I made the possible to retain the original shape of Arabic poem…… thank you, see you next time.

O, brother in eastern homelands here or there.
O, brother cross the world everywhere.
I call you. Do you remember me?
Who, I didn't forget him, in spite of my ordeals.
I do tear all shrouds of darkness to bring the daybreak.
I do destroy all walls of weakness.
Non- cemetery I have welcomed, which relates doomed stories.
Neither channel cries upon its dunghills do I have suggestion.
Never have I stayed the slave of my bonds.
Never have I stayed a slave of worn-out antiqued days.
Such as an obeyed submissive slave, worshiped the tyrant….
I am alive even the death collapsed me.
I am immortal in spite of ordeals and woes.
I am free despite of the bonds of times.
Prithee, listen for me, the damaged ear—
Never has it heard again if its owner was decayed or not honorable.
Although, we slept the night suffering our injured feet—
As a result of; we have trodden upon sharp thrones in daylights.
Barefoot, we were suffering hunger for many years ago.
Or maybe we are hopeless and got despair.
Or maybe the hoe exhausts our bodies- strength.
But, we still stand against the corrupt oppressors.
Even if we had obeyed who whipping us on our backs—
To be employed for sever penal- servitudes.
By our hands build the prison which captures our wishes.
Upon our shoulders we had raised him.
Lastly we kiss his feet, bending, knelling our heads submissively.
Filling up his cup by our fresh blood to drink more—
To be reviving himself, against our torture and fatigue.
Lifting all his castle's stones upon our shoulders—
And carve each stone by shed- tears of ours.
Therefore we rebelled against ourselves and had removed the stigma of disgrace.
Million of multitudes were awaken have neglected the sleep.
Their echoing resound fills the remote parts.
They drive out to seek their history when it was blotted out.
Carrying their axes uprising down—
From all mounds and valleys they descend there.
Momently you can see the resolve in their eyes.
Besides, the true decision over their foreheads.
O, brother in each hamlet lost its shining sun, covered with blood shade.
O, brother in each land that hushes up in a deathlike.
Sustain its standard living in doom and melancholy condition.
I ask you to release yourself from the coffin that covers you.
You aren't the character of its miracle or its corpse body.
Go ahead either in a forenoon or afternoon.