المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ترجمة قصيدة أبن نباته المصري الى الانكليزية

علي فرحان
28/12/2011, 09:37 AM
قصيدة ابن نباته المصري وهو من شعراء العصر الأندلسي.

لولا معاني السحر من لحظاتِها ما طال تردادِي إلى أبياتها
ولما وقفتُ على الديارِ مناديا قلبي المتيمَ من ورا حجراتها
دارٌ عرفتُ الوجدَ منذُ أتيتها زمنَ الوصال فليتني لم آتها
حيثُ الظبا وكواعبٌ وحدائقٌ أنَّى التفتُّ رتعتُ في جناتها
والرَّاح هاديةُ السرور إلى الحشَا مثل الكواكب في أكفِّ سقاتها
لا أنظم الأحزان في أيَّامها أو ما ترى كسرى على كاساتها
كم ليلةٍ عاطيت صورته طِلاً كادتْ تحركُ معطفيه بذاتها
فلئن بكيت فإنَّ هذا الدمعَ من ذاك الحبابِ يفيضُ من جنباتها
مالي وما للهوِ بعد مفارِقٍ قد نفّرت غِربانها ببزاتها
والشيب في فودي يخطُّ أهلةً معنى المنونِ يلوح في نوناتها
سقياً لروضاتِ الشباب وإن جنت هذي الشجونُ على قلوبِ جُناتها
ولدولةِ الملكِ المؤيدِ إنَّها جمعت فنونَ المدحِ بعدَ شتاتها
ملكٌ ليمناه عوائدُ أنعُمٍ ألفتْ نحاةُ الجود فيضَ صِلاتها
ما قال إلاَّ في مبادرَة العطا وتناولِ الأمداح هاكَ وهاتها
شدَّت لساحته الرحالُ ففعلها يقضي بنصرِ الحرف نحوَ جهاتها
أكرم بساحته التي لا صَدْحَ من وُرق الثنا إلاَّ على روْضاتها
غذِيَ الرجاءَ نباتُها فانْظر لمن وشَّاه من مدحٍ فمُ ابنِ نباتها
واهْرع إلى الشخصِ الذي قد ألفت كلّ القلوبِ له على رغباتها
وإذا الفتى اجْتذب القلوب سعت إلى دينار راحتهِ خُطَى حبَّاتها
وإذا حُلى الملكِ المؤيدِ أشرقت فاخْشع لما تمليهِ من آياتها
شرفٌ مثالُ النجمِ دون مثالهِ وَلُهاً يضيعُ الغيث في قطراتها
لم يكف أن جلَّى الخطوب عن الورى حتَّى جلا بعلومه ظلماتها
لله فيهِ سريرةٌ مكنونةٌ فصفاتها الإعياء دون صفاتها
لا تطلبنَّ من القرائح حصرَ ما أفضى إليه وَعدِّ عن إعناتِها
ركعتْ لذكراهُ الحروف فلن تكدْ تتبيَّنُ الألفاتُ من دالاتها
وتقشَّعت أنواءُ كلّ غمامةٍ وهباتُه تجرِي على عاداتها
يا ابنَ الملوكِ الناشرين لبيتهم سِيراً تبيّضُ من وجوهِ رُواتها
مُتَّ الفقيرَ إلى يديك بمنةٍ إذ كان صنع الجودِ من لذَّاتها
وصَبتْ إلى لقياك غير ملولةٍ نفسٌ رأت جدواك أصلَ حياتها
لا نعتب الأيَّامَ كيفَ تقلَّبت بالقاطنينَ وأنتَ من حسناتها

الترجمة من فضلكم أقرؤها وأعتقد أنها من أفضل ما ترجمت.

If the feature of charm is not integral part of her twinkles—
I would not frequently visit the remnant of her dwellings.
Yet, not to stop nearer to her dwelling complain my injured heart.
And I won't speak out madly close to each chamber.
That house, which I recognized the origin of passion since I have visited it.
At the time of reunion, wishing not come there.
Whereas the deer, buxom and gardens, widespread everywhere.
However, you wish, you can find the pleasure hither.
And the wine is the donation of entertainment to the bowl.
It is alike the celestial bodies on the hands of its cupbearer.
I would never poetize blues verses in aforementioned days.
And couldn't feel that Persian- king is one of your attendants.
lots of night, that I had often, practiced to drink wine
Drunkard until I imagine his royal-gown is just about to dance with joy.
If I was meant to cry after, consequently these tears are of that bubbles overflow.
But, now I haven't relation with that sweeping passion.
Since its falcons and its crows startle and driven away.
You could see the hoariness hairs encircled my chest.
Like the spirally rings of snake crawl gradually, to be lower my neck.
Alas, but welcome, to the amusement days of vitality.
Even it commits this anxiety upon its harvestmen.
Welcome to the previously Almoaed State.
Who, his kingdom has gathered the praise after it was shattered.
The king, whose hand for donations, is accustomed.
To grant more and more for people who visit him.
In every initiative occasion he was present.
Then he receives the praise and gives rewards.
The travelers always intend toward his grandeur.
At difficult days he is generous and helps the weakened.
Courteous, responsible to assent all their needing is he.
In his royal palace and in his kingdom, there is the blessing hope of tomorrow.
So his kingdom is bright flourishing with fresh verdure.
The welfare everywhere is seen as well as the faces enjoy the pleasure.
The rain hit his kingdom until it was irrigated.
The plants grow and atmosphere is bright.
Vanity to seek about that roots his well-known poet.
Nevertheless you can go ahead to that just, wisdom king
Who, all people are gathering around him in desire.
When the youth attracts the hearts for one's side,
The scepter of rule converts on his power.
Then if the above mentioned king, his kingdom becomes shiny—
Submit yourself to be one of his followers.
You are obliged to obey him and prove your obedience and loyalty.
It is honour thus sublime likes the stars brightening in distance.
And his glories are much than rainfall drops.
Which are little, to be contrasted with his nobility.
He does not stop until he removes all ignorance of his people.
He enlightens them by his knowledge to scatter their darkness.
I think God donates in inner of his soul best qualities.
That he is distinct, sublimer above all creations.
Don't ask the nature about any quality.
Unless you deemed it an extraordinary type, others are lack to bear it.
Every chosen letter of poem kneels when the poet asks his generosity.
You could feel them all together formed in a unique unity.
When the year is out of rain, his generous never is changeable.
O, son of ancestry of kings of wellborn and dignity.
You are the famous man, who spreads the best reputation of its history.
Then everyone of your nation is proud of his honour and honesty.
You let up the poverty of poor people by your hands clearly.
That's the nature of noble men every time is naturally.