المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Historical event .. مقطع أعلامي كتبته في 2008 .. ترجموه

علي فرحان
21/02/2012, 12:30 PM
Historical event

It is strange and an odious unfamiliar in the visible journalism to fling a president by something bring the outrageous insult during assembly of journal- conference , this event actually had been happened in my country in the last weekend obviously in television shown by all the spectators in the world , however, this accidentally event is curious and faithless from the person who works into news – coverage , but at the same time from our view the event is more serious and worth the attention , because our country is occupied by force for five years ago.

The single of the pair shoes put for advertisement to be sold with high expensive price , and somehow the price is imaginable , this shoes worth to be placed in international museum , because it is the outcry of the weak people dwelled in the world , it had many feelings and expressions to beheld with the human passions suffering from the unkindness enemy perching their home , it is worth to be the best remarkable event of the twenty one century .