المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عذرا" سيدتي المرأة : هل النساءُ فعلا" ظلالٌ للرجال

حجي حبيب
05/03/2012, 12:02 PM
السلام عليكم زملائي في واتا وبالاخص في منتدى ترجمة الشعر
((و عذرا" سيدتي المرأة : هل النساءُ فعلا" ظلالٌ للرجال)) كما يقول الشاعر بن جونسون .
That Women are but Men’s Shadows
By : Ben Jonson
Follow a shadow, it still flies you ,
Seem to fly it , it will pursue :
So court a mistress , she denies you ;
Let her alone , she will court you .
Say , are not women , truly , then,
Styl’d but the shadows of us men?
At morn , and even , shades are longest ;
At noon , they are short , or none:
So men at the weakest , they strongest ,
But grant us perfect , they’re not known .
Say , are not women , truly , then,
Styl’d but the shadows of us men ?

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What is the point the poet is stressing in his poem ?
Do you agree with him :
That Women are but Men’s Shadows

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