ãÔÇåÏÉ ÇáäÓÎÉ ßÇãáÉ : Qais & Layla Play ...authored by me...

11/03/2012, 08:56 AM
Qais & Layla play
Authored by Mohammad Mahmud Ahmad
This play and all its setting is written by me without participating or helping of anyone. I put this major literary work under the examination of people to evaluate it.
The work takes its general idea from a real story happened in the southern part of Iraq and exactly on the southwest desert of the country at 1920 when Iraq is under the British Occupation.
Whether I heard the story or I create it from my imagination, the paramount considerable thing is; that I did not translate anything from any book even any transcription or an old manuscript.
It is the pure efforts of mine, which I introduce it similar to the great Shakespearian Play (Romeo & Joliet Play), but I made some of modification on the plot and on the setting, which is suitable for both modern era and area since it contains only three scenes.

Dedication: I dedicate this literary work for those:
1- To my mother and sisters.
2- To the first teacher who teaches the first lesson on Grammar.
3- To all teachers of College of Arts- University of Mosul.
Especially to the teachers of Translation Department.
4- To Wata members and readers.
5- To all readers on the world.

Stage Direction:
1- Time & place: The southwest desert of Iraq at 1920 during the British Occupation period.
2- Sound device: The whizzing natural sound of windstorm inside the desert.
Illumination device: sunshine & sunset.
3- Major characters: Qais, Layla, Layla's cousin, Layla's parents, Servant and Slaves, Qais friend, Dogs, Deer.
Minor: Some unknown Bedouin tribes.

We enter the tent spontaneously but forcedly.
Three slaves cannot not stop us.
As if, the owner was generous and had not bad temper.
We could sleep there without bother.
Let me see her bright face; that's indeed beautiful daughter.
They call her Layla, whose birth is in winter.
She claimed not to see thee, unless you reply her answer.
However, she suffers, but her illness is not cancer.
We know that she loves Qais, who loves her deeper.
Nevertheless, her father; has said no hostage to give thy hunter.
Periodically we sent hundred mails or further.
Even so, her father stick on his mind, to our side was denier.
We give him three hundred camels as dower.
To fetch bride again to Qais who for marriage require.
Scene I

An old man enters and says; who you are?
We are the relative of Qais, he sends us to ask your daughter hand.
Do you agree Sir?
The matter is not drinking of water or tea. The matter is fate and invulnerable rights of tribe and my cousin sons' opinion, and consultations. He replies.
Please sit down, I will offer you dates and some of yogurt.
After awhile three armed-men hanging their swords enter the place.
Welcome, welcome my cousins, he offers for those pillows and hot- tart coffee.
They began to discuss the affairs of their silly or trivial matters as the wife of their tribe's head had got birth a child and they did not find for him the suitable name, which satisfies his father.
Another one elaborates in his speech that their pasture becomes dried and they ought to find a new one. The third one asked the old man if it is the appropriate time to determine the day of wedding.
The strange gusts had known from his short mustache that exactly he is Layla's cousin who claims the worthiness of her marriage.
What would they say then, they are in troublesome attitude between those, and could say nothing to ask the old man, as they knew that he is distinctly Layla's father.
After they eat the banquet which it usually contains fresh meat of slaughtering lamb, they would drink coffee, through it and past it they do some of nights chat saying some of poetry or narration stories which glorifies their glory about their heroes or either their heroines who had rarity -heroism.
On the next morning, they will eat the breakfast, and the matter is so on for three successive days of traditional Arab hospitality.
The third morning of the third day their host- preparer would ask his gusts about their purpose or intention or if they had come for some services in order to help them as possible as he can.
The three gusts felt that they were in trapping, but it is inevitable thing that they could do nothing unless to discuss the matter with him since they promise Qais to make their best about his espousal.
At the breakfast, they took him aside and discussed the matter of Qais.
What could the old man reply, they are his guests and it is shamefully to refuse them or drive them away by force.
Lastly, he smokes his long pipe and tells them to leave at once even though in secret in order not to be known by his young brother son who loves Layla too much.
The three men hear his advice and returning back to Qais with nothing.
Qais at that time was in hunting on which suddenly he heard a voice of an equestrian in the next side of the valley calling him for duel.
Qais cannot distinguish his voice or his visage since the fog had covered the valley, but he picks his sword and his javelin to prepare himself for any causal incidental thing.
He looks around himself carefully and asks; who are you?
I am Layla's cousin and have come there to teach you lesson on how you can fight men.
I am not coward, said Qais.
You can make it, however, you want and how you want.
Layla's cousin soon punches his horse abdomen and crosses the valley as fast as the horse could and never late. Jumped from horse and at once pounces upon Qais.
Qais the wise man and experiencing one takes the thrust by his armor and his long sword justly was on the neck of his foe.
What do you want man! I can kill you now, but let the peace does its solution.
Returning back to his home, Qais mother was astonished to see the face of her son clearly expresses fatigue and sadness. After awhile she asked him when she saw him entering his room and cast away what he has caught of hunted wilder animals.
What is the matter you conceal son? The mother asked…
Nothing ma, else nothing… I hunted some pigeons and I want to seek the suitable nest for them, they are female and masculine, but they had the colour never I had seen.
I have prepared the dinner for you and you can eat if you are hungry.
Awhile, awhile Mrs. Ma, God blesses you!
He hides some secrets of the plan, which he decides to do, but lets the night covers everywhere.
When it is very dark, he calls his sincere friend who always names him the "camel."
They arranged themselves and have putting their chest-armors, prepared their guns, swords, and their swift horses. Moreover, after a half of an hour they were moving ahead toward his beloved fiancée dwellings.
In the road when they are walking, they saw glimmering light shadows shaken its flames in a horizontal plains sent out from the remote- dwellings.
They consider the thing, as a birth-given child that was accustomed to light up a big fire in order all dwellers' populations know.
During that, something scratches his mind. What they can do if Layla's cousin fetches the bride? What should he then take into his consideration to do?
Both of the friends decide to continue the suggested matter, however, the task is.
They suddenly rushed into the fireplace, but soon they knew that is the dwelling of his fiancée, which the fire brought out, and they heard cries of women and children –
Come there… Please the girl had burnt... The girl could not speak.
The weeping covered the place asking" help, help".
They veiled their faces, and Qais soon notices her face. Without doubt, he recognizes her. She is the only beloved of him.
He hurried to help them as possible as he can as well as the occasion reveals to him that no one of the multitude attendants could recognize him in that darkness.
He controls upon his sympathetic feelings and asks one of the attendants about the name and the tribe of the burned girl.
The certain man replies for him. Dear Sir this girl is of highly rank, she is the daughter of the head of the tribe and further more her name is Layla, the fiancée of her cousin, but she didn't love him, she loves another young cavalier in another tribe who lives a forty mile from there, moreover her father didn't agree onto marrying him his daughter.
Oh! Alas! For the misfortune girl, could I enter there and help them? Qais asked the man. Yes, this is the characteristics of noble men. The man replied.
Then Sir, Can I ask another question if you do not refuse or anger?
Why the girl burns herself? The girl does not burn herself, but someone by treachery has spreading amount of fuel near the stove place or near the lantern, and when the girl entered the place to bring something for her father, the lantern suddenly falls over the fueled area, which contains kerosene, and the fire blows up, nothing then remained un-flamed. The girl goes out and crying, but the fire not stopped.
Do you Sir illustrate for me the reason beyond of that?
You Sir ask the trouble, here no one could ask about something, which brought the problems. However, I think… and stop talking...
Yesterday her cousin came there to ask his uncle to determine the day of wedding, but the girl refuses him loudly and in attendance of her parents.
Her father postponed the wedding for the next spring, telling his nephew "the time is not suitable, since their pastures are arid and they had rainless season", but the guy claimed on his order either soon marries her or kills her brother who is still a child.
The father of course becomes anger and shoots three frightening pistol- shots above his head, saying to him; I shall kill you if you do not right up your behavior.
Hum. Hum. Qais makes the case secretly in his soul.
Never mind dear friend we shall immediately return. Nothing to catch unless we are in safety, of course, they decided to stab that stubborn cousin, but they saw the doing right now will complicate the matter.
Returning, riding their horses sequently, and after passing a part of the distance, they decide to rest for moments.
It is midnight and the men are drowsy, one of them asks if he can sleep, the second went to gather some dry stalks to set fire.
They hear the wolves' howling approach nearer to then, but fear nothing in which they accustomed to live in desert.
What we think again? We shall raid and kill the man, one of them repeats with himself.
A new cameleer's caravan passed carrying dates and wheat. One of the cameleers has interesting song.
Does my cousin forget me?
I brought him one large amusing box.
Contain jewels and great things.
To fetch his bride another day.
The two brides will be happy and joyful.
Qais hears the man rhythm and in secretly calls his friend, that may be is his foe's cousin and calls them to sit awhile and drink water.
It is late of night and the darkness covers the hillsides everywhere, and no one can clearly determine the visages of others.
They came toward Qais place and soon Qais asks the man; where is he going? In addition, from where had come?
The man makes a sound as if he wants to cough…
My dear chevalier hospitable warmth and kind; we are the Layla's relatives and her fiancé really is my cousin.
Welcome, welcome…
Indeed, I am the true Layla's fiancé …
The stranger tried to pick his sword, but he could not move or stand since Qais was faster than he was and really puts his sword on the neck of the man.
Awhile, awhile, keep peace, one of the men said.
I shall carry your message…
My message is truly I love Layla, and I shall not allow anyone to marry her as long as I breathe this air, and I will take you as a hostage until the foolish man comes and settle with me the mater, and so forth there is no solution.
Qais makes the man as his captive and lets the second to go ahead.
It is dawn- time when the man reaches the dwellings of his tribe, and no one was awake in that time.
His wife said to him; where is your fellow?
Hush! Hush! Prepare to me the breakfast, I am very hungry….but, when he goes for some of his affairs, she notices a message on the bed.
She read it swiftly and perceives its serious contents.
She runs in secret to Layla's cousin and Layla's father.
Layla's cousin as soon as prepares his horse and his arms and called for help. Three or for men get readiness and catch his trail.
Qais had slept the remaining part of the night after putting his captive man on secure place, tightened from both arms and legs.
After the sun shines three spans or more, they heard the offensive raid towards them.
They stick to the close valley side and make some traps on the suggested ground.
When the raided men reached, as soon as Qais flees to the traps places and two of the attackers of his foes were caught down.
In short- time the third one was slain, but Layla's cousin still fights until his arm was shattered and wounded in many places other than his left arm. Qais suddenly attacks him from back and alarms him to negotiation, but the man is too stubborn and stern and really, he is brave and bold, but the battle do not allow him any choice only to surrender.
After all attempts and efforts had been done to calm the peace, but the man sticks on his mind even if Qais suggests that he will marry him his beautiful sister. Moreover, Qais said to him that he would pay for him and for his tribe the blood money of the killed man.
Despite of all attempts, Layla's cousin do not change his mind.
I do not want to kill you, however, you are… or may be at the near future you will be my brother by the relationship of marriage and I will offer you what you want instead of you leave out this girl for me.
Three hours or more the man refuses and continues his fought, at the last when Qais sees no advantages of negotiations, he hits him on the upper part of his chest by the sharp end of his javelin and as soon, the man was slain.
Layla's cousin fellows as soon were free and carried the motionless- corpse to their tribe.
What happen then, even if Layla apparently knows that her cousin now is slain and his killer is Qais who is indeed her lover, but can she hide her tears, I think not?
Everyone of Layla's tribe should cry and grieve onto what had happened.
The women and little girls thronged to Layla's house to console her, even the dogs barking, I did not know, how these loyal animals could share their owner's grief and sadness. It is seemingly the evil-omen bird flies over their dwellings.
In that sadness, Layla's father was on roving into the near pasture, and he could see that something had been happened among his tribe.
He gathered his stuffs and immediately moves towards the homes.
Indeed, he did not love his nephew and somehow he advises him to abandon the violence, but the young did not listen to him.
What could he do now, if he marries his daughter to that foe, is it justice?
It is not familiar into those Bedouins tribes to marry their daughters to whom fights them unless the matter includes more men of these and of those are killed, then if they want to settle their enmity, they give their daughters on alliteratively way in order to conciliation and peace.
Sadly and gloomily day of the ominous events passes on Layla's cousin parents, who they did not sleep although all the deceased's friends promise them to revenge. The deceased's father feels that his legs are totally paralyzed and his tongue likes the bone on his mouth.
My son was slain of his deadly love.
Never hears me or listen.
His camels are astray on the desert.
No one will herd them.
His mother was slain twice.
She will be mad at once otherwise.
I feel my bowels break apart.
Moreover, my heart is doffed.
Cry, cry, please cry….
The child has not married.
Layla's father decides to decamp with his tribe for a new distant place at the second night of his nephew departure, and he preferred to change the way for unknown place.
Qais returns home quickly while the gloom covers his face, dispersed of his life, shattered on both thoughts and mind.
The mother knows when she reads her son visage that he is undoubtedly falls in trouble.
Previously and precedently, she did not ask him any question, but she offers him the dinner and tea, and asks him if he could get rest.
When she sees the blood covers the horse saddle, she knows that someone is slain and she becomes afraid and terrible.
Does my son kill someone on the battle? Now the mother asks.
Dear mother he kills me, not I am …
The girl now is out of reach; unattainable….I killed her cousin.
Qais went aside collects his emotions and his grief, never asks anyone what he does or where he goes. The only thing he puts on his mind; is how to settle the matter of his love.
Does he send any person to seek the conciliation and give her father the charge of what had done?
Does he try another way to find her father and resettle with him the matter?
It is impossible to visit her or see her only in case of thievery and this may be brought the shame to his family.
He thinks for two weeks, but cannot find the reasonable answer.
My heart is a weak.
My legs cannot bear me.
What this headache O, God!
Why my chest being collapsed.
My thought, my burden, my soul, my fame...
All of them are threatened…
What kind of suffering the love is?
It is heavier than the stiff rock.
It is heavier than cargo of large ship.
But it is smooth rather than soft material.
The sunshines and the dusk will run away.
My friend is the "darkened night", which is obscure.
Qais gradually had returned to his wise thoughts even if he lives lonely with out friend or sociable amusing things.
One day Qais returns from hunting and finds on his way small deer has lost his mother, he looks after it and feeds it until the deer becomes large and names it by the same name of his sweetened lover.
Gradually had practiced and taught to follow him.
He thought it would be possible to teach that deer to obey and achieve human being purposes and asked himself:
Does this deer is able to carry message and performing as messenger?
He tries to dictate the deer's behavior everything is possible.
The deer learns what is his owner teaches him.
A year after the time is very hard and the desert was on unseasonably- rainfall, and the dryness covers everywhere. Qais thinks that his beloved dwellings and homes might be on miserable case. He thinks if he can help them, but the matter is, difficult in which he does not know precisely their new place.
He picks the horns of the deer and whispers on its ears something.
The deer runs two weeks or more on that deserted wilderness plains plays with its companions deer's herd, in each time asks them if they know where the Bedouins live or have camped. They answer him they did not see anyone since one year ago.
The deer changed its way for the west and on the valley, he sees trail of new deer's herd, he runs and runs until the sunsets, but find nothing.
However, the deer slept that night lonely in the den of one dead fox.
The story tells us after a period of time the deer finds the place of Layla's tribe.
At the night, the story narrated that the deer came to Layla's home and Layla startled from the sudden occasion, but she thinks that it is a good -omen when she saw the desirable visage of that animal had visited her on her bed.
Firstly, she thinks may be she is dreaming in that at the last weekend she saw three nightingales wondering on the desert since it is not springtime and even it is springtime, but that bird never had come there for two years or more. Layla notices something is fastened against the animal horns, and firstly she thinks that it is belonged to someone of their close –neighbor, but when she reads the message she knows that her lover is its owner. At once Layla answered the message and put it on the same place and the deer soon hurried to Qais to knowing him the place of his lover.
Layla even if she is a patient woman, but the suffering of love hurt her in addition, laid her to be inseparable to her bed.
Now she knows that her lover still alive and still he love her, but what is the solution? Does she visit him? Then this is the very shameful- deed through the Bedouin tribes. On this occasion, her mother notices slight smile on her daughter's face, and thinks she is recovered from her unknown malady even if the wise philosopher man tells the mother in secret that her daughter suffers the passionate- loving not more.
Layla thinks the deer, although it is tamed and pampered animal, but it is in all of its behavior is just an animal, and could play here or there and wasted the time with its fellows or maybe misleads its way, then the message will not reach Qais. Therefore, she waits the future what it will hide or disclose.

Scene II
One day Layla asked her mother if she could go to the nearest spring accompanied with her fellow girls of her tribe since she finds her clothes are dirty and she did not bathe for a long time. Her mother firstly refuses in that she thinks her daughter still ill, but the girl urging her mother and claimed that going out is better for her health, she will laugh and chat with her companions. The mother at last agrees.
In the next side of the adjacent sandy hills there is a big valley contains shallow brook and beside it, there is thickets of plants growing un-regularly fastened their uncover roots on the sandy ground, though women there can bathe and wash their clothes. To achieve this purpose they let one of them watches all directions to be sitting on the top of the adjacent hillside and watches carefully who comes and who goes and alarms her fellows on the necessary time.
Sometimes, but not always some of herders come to the place to water their herds, since there is some of Bedouin tents not very far away from the place, but all of them knowing that their girls swim in that brook. Therefore, it is shameful manner if they went on the same period.
The girls asked Layla if she is still with Qais loving. Firstly, she did not replay, but when they persisting on her, she bursts on crying.
Why dear companions blame me, he is a good poet although now I damn the ominous day when that man swept out my heart on his first visiting to our tribe when I had offered him the tea and I was captured on his sight.
I was in that time on the fourteen of my age and no one is in the divan only my old aged father, and our slave went to something trivial things.
I was astonishing when I saw his nice horse with its embroidered saddle. It is filly on its youthful age, brown and had whitened blaze.
The man had good attire and he was youthful, strong and smart.
The signs of cleverness and witty appears clearly and distinguishably on his visage, his sweetened tongue when he had talked with my father.
Moreover, the most thing, which makes me more wonderful on his side, that he claims he can poetize the poetry verse after verse, and moreover he narrated to my father many chivalry stories, on which my father was admiring him, even though he asked him to spend several days to be guest on our hospitality.
When he departed, my father said what a man is he! He is the prince and the son of good ancestor princes.
Pa, what is his name? The girl asked. His name is Qais my daughter.
He came there appealing me if I can help their tribe on such transaction dealt wit buying some of olden guns. They fear the Englishmen may suddenly raid them and I think we can help them since we are belonged to the same branch of family tree.
The girls drowning in laughter when they saw the girl ponders over her bosom with skillfully, but in harmfully dreamed burden. She thinks not only to relate the story, but also to profess his love even if the girl laughters upon her.
Layla returned home sadly and consumed in both thought and body and her heart palpates more and more. She cannot eat her dinner and swiftly runs to her bed without helping her mother and the slaves on milking their sheep.
Although, Qais is her true lover, but usually on every Friday, she visits her cousin tomb, in that she precisely had known that the man struggled until death for the sake of her, and he loves her since she is her cousin, but that naked devil makes her out of his reaching when putting its veiling seeds inside her heart.
Her wrath now alliteratively is changed toward her true lover since he is the killer of her cousin, but what could she do against her emotion and her internal motives? It is the blind love even it subjects the man sometimes to follow his passions everywhere the sails move.
She cries as a small child at the tomb side. She damns herself; even she tears her dresses and cuts her hairs. She is mad. Truly, she is mad!
The burden and the torture inside herself makes her sleepless and how- often she goes out side of her bed away and roaming lonely or sat several hours watching the moon.
O, moon can you help me?
O, distant stars you are awake like me.
O, darkened night still you are horrible.
You steal the sleep without reason.
You forbid me from my lover.
She spends most of the night awakes until the dawn, then she returned to her bed disappointed, forgotten herself, lazy and flimsy. She is Fragile on both body and soul even the rock will be kind to her.
From that time, the girl was in miserable condition, and people blame her father why did not he marry her to whom she loves? However, her father refuses the idea and replies that his daughter did not love anyone at all on her life. In additional of that when the requests and the insistence had increased from his close relatives insisting on him to marry her for their herder the father feels shame and was put on critical situation and he thought that he will loose his high- ranking between the tribe.
One day-night he requests his wife to give him such consultation even if the choice had come to be the departure out of their tribe.
The wife kept on silence, did not know how to reply. The mother exactly knows that the solution is to marry her to Qais. However, she cannot open with him the discourse because she knows the fact really, moreover the father did not agree to this marriage from the beginning and now the situation is more complex and difficult since till this moment no news had come from Qais whether still he loves the girl or not.
The father puts more of tobacco on his pipe and pours more coffee on his cup; saying in the morning there is another solution and lastly surrenders to the sleep.
The mother felt dreadful about the obscure future, which predicts to her and her daughter. Therefore, she pretended the sleeping and made the movement for two decisions; the first one is to go to the philosopher at the midnight secretly and asking him if he could carry urgent dispatch to Qais insisting him and knowing him what the reality is. The second matter is to leave the house with her daughter to her brother in the last- part of night until the matter will be solved.
The father did not know what his wife planned, and at morning, he is awakened and calls about his breakfast, but no one replies even the slaves did not know whether the mother in her place or not.
The father becomes anger and shouts repeatedly then he himself went to the places of his family in order to be sure. When he did not find any trail he becomes mad, at once he hurried to find them, and when his relative sees him on this dispersed soul, he asks him to be calm calling him to his home.
The philosopher went, but a week had passed without reply.

Scene III
Qais hears the bad news and swiftly he runs to ask the help of his relatives and the chief- men or sheikhs of his tribe whether the situation needs gathering money or promising word.
When they knew the reality of the matter they were affected and all of them promising him to offer him the help as they could.
In the next week of the philosopher arrival, they gather the men and the horses as well as what is necessary and decided to travel at once to Layla's tribe. On this occasion, the close friend of Qais died by snakebite and Qais postponed the matter until the consolation finished.
When Qais- tribe sat on the funeral-ceremony, one of the attendants claims that Layla is mad and it is impossible to be recovered.
Qais asked him to stop his useless and futile speech, moreover Qais declares for the first time his truly love for Layla and told his tribe that only marrying her or the death.
On the next morning, all men and supplies are ready and soon moved to Layla's tribe seeking firstly the conciliation and secondly the hand of the girl.
Qais was more joyful and pleased in that day for the first time since ten years or more, even he went to hunting alone without friend or assistant.
He hunts three or four deer and three or four of wild geese saying that it is a good chance for me this day to prepare an excellent banquet for the returning men, but the fortune did not satisfy him since when he is returning three men of Layla's tribe attacking him on betrayal, they killed him at once.
Until the evening Qais did not, return, and no one knew what happened for him until his swift horse neighs in front of his home.
The men were afraid about the fate of Qais and soon they run to trace his way by the assistance of his horse, no more and no more, they find his corpse on the big valley between his tribe and Layla's tribe.
Of course, they accused Layla's tribe on his blood.
The news reaches the men who they went for conciliation and asking Layla's hand.
The situation covers them as a thunder alike when they heard the bad news about Qais after they reached the end of conciliation and gave Layla's tribe the charge of the blood money and everything is on -straightforward even the girl and her mother are happy and blessed them the conciliation and they determine the wedding- day.
All men are astonished and perplexing as if they were put on deep well even Layla's father did not know how to reply. The matter is suddenly happened and it might be that someone who is anger from this conciliation who wants to make the situation more complexity.
At once, the men telling Layla's father that the conciliation is cancelled and asked him to return their money until they identify Qais killer.
The man was put on critical situation in that he cannot refuse their order and on the same time, they are his guests, or otherwise what can he say for his tribe? On the other hand, how he can satisfy them if they do not agree him the opinion? It is truly difficult decision.
The man urges them to give him additional period to consult his tribe, but Qais tribe refuse the order and when Qais negotiators saw it is useless speech they decide to take the man as a hostage until the matter is disclosed and knowing who is Qais killer.
They soon take the man by force outside, but when his tribe hears his crying they come at once and began to fight.
Three men of Layla's tribe were killed, but no one of the others.
When Qais men reached their dwellings, they hold general meeting in order to negotiate Layla's tribe. They have paid the blood money of their enemy slain men and paid the dowry of Qais marriage and they indeed tried to reunion the both tribes, however, this accidentally event is out of the traditional of Bedouin custom and may be obstructs their relationship on future.
On this point of view, they decided firstly not to release Layla's father from his capturing and secondly Layla's tribe must return all money they received from them and thirdly Layla's tribe must pay additional money for their deliberating and intentionally mistake.
All chief men signed on this decision.
A month after the news of Layla's death reaches Qais tribe where her father was their captive.
Now the matter has different shape and hence anyhow they must tell her father the fact, however, it is bitter.
They release the man and three men of them secretly accompanied him to his tribe. When his tribe seeing him is free, they recognize their wrong- doing against Qais tribe and soon three old men of them decide to go to Qais tribe in order to discuss with them the matter.
They told them; we are satisfied that the right is on your side, but this is the act of God and no one could stop the fate of someone, and we are agreeing in what you decide.
Soon the tribal council takes its place, the wise men attend the meeting, and lastly the matter is solved.
When Layla's father reached the cemetery where his daughter brought to be buried there, he asks the attendants how she dies.
The men told him that when his daughter had heard the bad news about her lover on which he was killed, and she was present there witnessing the details of what had happened lastly. After that, she became- unconscious for three days then she went out on the fourth day without telling anyone even her mother. When she reaches the big valley she has gathered some of poisoning plants, which grow in the wilderness beside the big valley where Qais killed there, and she eats plenty of the plants until her abdomen swelled up and bursts at the end, as a result she dies by effect of the poison beside the tomb of Qais.
Her father spent more than hour on crying and asked them to reunion the both tribe to be one tribe and to put an end for this enmity.
They soon made the possible for the everlasting reunion between the two tribes and buried both Layla and Qais in one grave adjacent to Layla's cousin tomb.

Mosul on 10 February 2012