المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR

الدكتور عبدالرزاق محمد جعفر
04/07/2012, 01:55 AM
University Professor

An Arab Professor resident in England traveled to one of the British universities in another city by his car, to attend a scientific conference there. His car becomes unemployed several times in the road. So when the dark solved, he preferred to go to sleep that night in the nearest village arrive
After sunset, he stopped at a farmhouse, knocked on the door and a beautiful woman in her thirties opened it

She welcomed him, and then he explained his condition and his desire to hire a room for that night only
The Lady examined the eastern handsome and replied
"I live alone and you can sleep in the hall without a fee if you wish!” However, she felt attraction to him, this feeling explaining by famous Lebanese poet: ”Al – Akhttal Al - Zagher “

“She saw him in shabby clothes, none home, family or country”
“She likes him because he looks like, Ghazal and strong donkey”

The professor approved, then gets out bringing his bag, his research document and parked aside. After short time, the evening befell, so the Lady began to prepare dinner table, she placed on the table, the delicious drinks and different kinds of food. In the same time she addressed a very beautiful address increased her beauty and temptation

The Lady tried different methods accepted from her mother Eve, to stimulate him toward her zippy body
The professor has taken on the guise of decency and started to explain to her the situation in Qwantanamo, Afghanistan and Zimbabwe
This state continuous until the hopelessness bears and lady loosed any relationship with Professor
However, the despair raised and cursed her miserable chance and entered her room to sleep
Professor lay on long chair and dips in his sleep, until the morning
Professor prospects early and went out to El Genuine “ garden”, and stop next to Khoum “cage”, contains a number of chickens and one bleak rooster, stands in a corner of the cage

Minutes later approached the lady from her guest and asked Professor
-- What worry you inside the cage
Professor asked her
 Why this rooster enclosed itself, and sitting alone
The Lady immediately said
 He is University Professor

سعاد محمود
21/09/2012, 01:51 PM
نص رائع وممتع وفيه حكمة.يعنى البوفسور دائما بعيدا عن الحياة الأجتماعية والأسرية متزوجا كتبه ووقضاياه. ولكن بسأل الأديب الأستاذ ليه النص بالأنجليزى رغم روعته فقد حرمت البعض من المرور والتعليق ولكنه نص ماتع وجميل.