المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : المجد الغاضب (شعر مرسل ) قصيدة وترجمة محمد محمود أحمد

صالح المدني
23/09/2012, 10:07 AM
المجد الغاضب

The enraged glory

Blank verses written and translated by

Mohammad Ahmad

سنابلُ قمح ٍ خُضرٍ وأخرُ يابسات
قطفَهُنَّ الحصادُ لم يبقْ ألا الجماد
جياع.ٌ... مشردون
وسط َالبحرِ تائهون
أغترفوا ملح َالماء ليبلوا الريق
وعند ساحل جزيرة ٍ وجدوا المطافْ
وسنا البرق ِ يسطعُ من بعيد
تتراقصُ أضوائه ُ كلما هبَّتْ نسمةُ ريح
وأشباحُ رجالٍ يهزون المجاديف
عُراة ُالصدور ِ ينقرون الخشب
فلا سكونُ الليل يمحو أرَقهُم
ولا شمسُ النهار جالبةُ السموم
ضاعَتْ أمانيهُم كسراب
لفحَه ُ الريح ُ وأندثرَ مع الرمال
الأرقُ, الخبزُ , الهواءُ , النجومُ , الماءُ
مفرداتٌ بغيضة لم يعدْ لها حساب
في لحظةٍ من الخذلان ِ وضياع ِ الأمل
العصافيرُ زغردت والبحرُ أجاب
ذهبَ الصدى مني ولم يُعدْ لي حضور
شمسٌ أشرقتْ وهيهاتَ أن تعود
حضارة ٌومجدٌ كرَّسَهُما الخُلود...
لقوها في البحر غير نادمين
تاهوا كما تاهت سفنهم ذات يوم
قرب َجزيرة ٍ أصْبَحتْ مأوى للئام

Verdant ears of wheat and others are dried.
Hardened days wipe out the life and the wheats were eaten.
Many people are starving, homeless and deserted.
In the middle of the sea, they drank the salty water.
At least they could live, they looked for a bit of bread.
After struggling, they were about to an island.
There was glimmering on the sky flashed from distant.
Dancing with each flake of blowing breeze—
Half-dead seamen were pulling their oars.
Naked chests, they were busy in digging the wood.
Days and nights they were awake cannot sleep.
Even the calm night tickles their slumbery eyes.
And the sunny day brings a gust of hot wind,
Their wishes seem as a barrier of mirage
Then it is buried under the washed away sands.
Many terms as water, sun, food, and slumber,
All of them had changed to be awful and useless.
At a hopeless moment, the sparrows chanted happily.
But the dead emotionless sea did not welcome them.
Its grief and unhappy moment stopped its echo.
A shiny sun came one day and vanished forever.
They buried their old glorified civilization at the seabed.
Without sorrow, they neglected the glory and the nobility
They were astray as their strayed ships.
Nearby an island becomes the refuge of ignoble men.