المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : شعر ديني دعوة ألى الله تأليف وترجمة محمد محمود أحمد

صالح المدني
23/09/2012, 10:15 AM
Religious verses

Prayer to Allah

Written and translated by
Mohammad Mahmud Ahmad
Iraq – Mosul

دعوة إلى الله

أنما الدنيا فناءُ ليس في الدنيا ثبُوت
أن الصبرَ مفتاحُ كلِّ خير ٍ ولكن خيرُ ما فيه السكوت
صالحُ الأعمال ِ يرتقي يبقى حيا لا يموت
فإذا ما صادكَ الرجسُ يوماً وبشباكه قد بلوتْ
أستغفر الربَ كثيراً هالكاً كنتَ أم نجوت
يغفرُ اللهُ لمن يشاء ُ ما خِبتَ لو رجوت
* * * *
ودع الدنيا وزينتَها أنها دار ندم ْ
وغض الطرفَ عنها فعند ربكِ خيرُ النعم ْ
أغتنم فرصتَها قبل الرحيل وقبلَ أن يأتيكَ الهرم ْ
أمسح شُجونكَ لا تبالي يكفيك رُبكَ من كلِّ رزيةٍ وسقمْ
* * * *
أنما النفسُ كالنحلةِ تتبوأُ من أريج ِ الزهرِ ما لذ وطابْ
فإذا ما تعافتْ حباها الله حُسنا وجَمالا وأنغاما عُجابْ
خَلقها في أحسن ِ تقويم ٍ سُبحانه خالقاً من هذا الترابْ!
بابهُ مفتوحُ دائمُ المغفرة ِ ما تابَ عبدُ أو أنابْ
فأحمدِ الله وتُب له قبل أن يأتيك الحسابْ

The life is as a bubble alike no longer and runs away.
The patience is the key of its favour in every way.
But the better choice is the silence anyway.
The good deed sublimes and it is the better.
Never it dies and resists forever.
If you fall one day in the sins and you are entrapped,
Ask Allah to forgive you whether you are safe or worried.
Allah forgives as He wants to whom is deserved.
Don't be desperate even if your demand is prolonged.
* * * * *
Shun your face away from this life and its decoration.
It is the home of agony, don't care her any attention.
In the hereafter life, you can find the eternal hopeful occasion.
Seize its fortune before you die or become old.
Perhaps the repentant occasion cannot be utilized in this world.
Don't worry to sadness and purge your soul to thy God.
Allah may notice you from the high heaven as He told.
* * * *
The soul is as a bee alike collects the nectar as far as possible.
It flies between flowers to choose each one is delectable.
When it is recovered and becomes perfect soul and useful,
Allah may donate her His blessing to be beautiful.
Allah creates her in a nice full picture without toil.
Praise is to Allah who creates her from pitiful soil.
His door always is opened for His worshipers.
Once they seek His forgiveness, He forgives to the sinners.
You may praise Allah everyday.
Repent to Him before the doomsday.

Better thankfulness and praise is to Allah the Merciful, the Gracious to His blessing who donates us the Islam and the Koran and sends Mohammad peace and mercy of Allah upon him, as a prophet who teaches us the sublime knowledge and the high morals.