المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : القرية البائسة شعر (مرسل وترجمة محمد محمود أحمد)

صالح المدني
23/09/2012, 10:23 AM
القرية البائسة
The wretched village

Written and translated by

Mohammad Mahmud Ahmad

خمسون عاما مررنَّ وأنقضين
كان الشجرُ الأخضرُ مورقا في قريتنا
صفصاف ونبع ٌ يزهو في ضفتها
فيلعب الأطفال حتى المساء قرب دجلتها
السنابل والغدران ملأى
تُطحُن الحبوب ُ فيشبعُ الصبيانُ والنملُ
يمرحون بين أزقتها
وجاء القرار موجعا جائرا
فقضى على فرحتها
نبشوها وغمروها وأزالوها
كانت فريدة ً في عصرها
كانت فريدة ً في رونقها
بهائها وهوائها وكل شيء فيها,
جميل يحكي قِصة َماضيِها وحاضرِها
أيقونة من الزمن تعزف في حارتها
في واديها عندما يفيض في الشتاء
نعْبرُه على الأقدام إلى مدرستنا
الحمصُ والعدس وفيرُ في براريها
ماشية ترعى بين روابيها
لكنهم أزالوها
ليحل سد عقيم لا يرويها بل يمحوها
يزيل خارطتها ويشتتُ أهليها
بكًتهم الديارُ وبكاهم الوادي
بكاهُم كلُّ رائح ٍ وغادي
بكتهُم أحلامُهم قبلَ الحصادِ
فعافوا السهل والوادي
تركوا الأحلام َ تغور كما غار السهل والوادي
لم يكن لهم خيار أو قرار
سلاطينٌ جائرة تحكم العباد بلا قرار

Fifty years passed and finished
The green trees were verdant in our village.
Willows and reeds thrive healthy near its riverbank.
The children played near Tigris River happily until evening.
Both ears and brooks are replete
The grains usually were crushed on its mill.
Then the children and ants became sated.
The children still grateful and play
Until an ominous decision came
Then suddenly its smile was died.
They flooded it with water
They flooded it with water until drowned
It was a unique village on its era
It has glamorous regularity
Its glory, its air tell us widely
It is a generous village
A prosperous village it is since history.
The tune of its iconic dream plays gladly
Usually we passed its flooded valley at winter.
We crossed it on foot when we went to our school.
The garbanzo, lentil and many legumes are abundant
Cattle grazed joyfully between its mounds.
However, it was a nice village, but they rooted it.
A futile dam replaced on its place.
It replaced to remove the wretched village.
It replaced not to water the wretched village.
Devastating its land, the citizens drove away.
Homeless without compensation they fled away.
Their dwelling cried bitterly upon them even the valley.
Everyone goes and comes cried upon them bitterly.
Even their wishes cried them before harvest bitterly.
Sorrowfully they abandoned the plane and the valley.
They left their dreams to be drowned,
Like the flooded plane and valley.
The have not choice or decision
Tyrant sultans dominate upon people, without decision.