1- سلام من صبا بردى أرق** *ودمع لا يكفكف يا دمشق
Peace from the northern wind that swept across Barada River.
As long as that wind sweeps, tears would be everlasting upon Damascus.
2-ومعذرة اليراعة والقوافي *** جلال الرزء عن وصف يدق
I excuse from all pens and rhymes if couldn't express the matter.
About its disaster catastrophic events, the pen couldn't describe.
3-وذكرى عن خواطرها لقلبي *** إليك تلفت أبدا وخفق
Its reminiscence on my heart still is glimpsing.
My heart palpates and never can forget it.
4- وبي مما رمتك به الليالي *** جراحات لها في القلب عمق
The catastrophic event you complain and suffer.
Resulted into, the pain of my heart on its deep wound.
5- دخلتك والأصيل له ائتلاق *** ووجهك ضاحك القسمات طلق
I inter Damascus when the dusk overlaps.
Its appearance is bright and pleasurable.
6- وتحت جنانك الأنهار تجري *** وملء رباك أوراق وورق
Across its gardens, rivers flow everywhere.
Its mounds are painted with greenish verdures permanently.
7- وحولي فتية غر صباح *** لهم في الفضل غايات وسبق
There beside me estimable young guys joyfully are sitting.
They have priority on virtue and seniority.
8- على لهواتهم شعراء لسن *** وفي أعطافهم خطباء شدق
Between the presences there are many witty poets.
Besides orators of sweetened tongues who say the beautiful speech.
9- رواة قصائدي فاعجب لشعر *** بكل محلة يرويه خلق
They often relate my poems.
I admire when I notice my poems upon every tongue.
10- غمزت إباءهم حتى تلظت *** أنوف الأسد واضطرم المدق
The lions are shameful when compare itself with them.
On the honorable esteem no one could precede them.
11- وضج من الشكيمة كل حر *** أبي من أمية فيه عتق
Everyone of those forefathers he is belonged.
Who he is of highborn snaffle bit, refuses the disgrace.
12 لحاها الله أنباء توالت *** على سمع الولي بما يشق
Curst upon it, what a bad news it is!
Sequentially sting the ears of guardian by intolerable news.
13- يفصلها إلى الدنيا بريد *** ويجملها إلى الآفاق برق
It is far away of the world, methinks it is cut off.
But its atmosphere carries the light on the skylines that's Damascus.
14- تكاد لروعة الأحداث فيها *** تخال من الخرافة وهي صدق
The magnificence of events which distinguish its atmosphere,
Everyone methinks it is false but it is really true.
15- وقيل معالم التاريخ دكت *** وقيل أصابها تلف وحرق
It is said that the signs of history were pulling out.
Moreover it is said that the symbols of its historical men were burned.
16- ألست دمشق للإسلام ظئرا *** ومرضعة الأبوة لا تعق
Doesn't ye Damascus the wet nurse of Islam?
Therefore all people must obey you equally.
17- صلاح الدين تاجك لم يجمل *** ولم يوسم بأزين منه فرق
Saladin is the crown of thy honorable reputation.
Whose his reputation is widely welcomed the everlasting of Islam champion.
18- وكل حضارة في الأرض طالت *** لها من سرحك العلوي عرق
Every climax predominated civilization governs the Earth.
It has the property which is borrowed from thy quality.
19- سماؤك من حلى الماضي كتاب *** وأرضك من حلى التاريخ رق
Thy highness is from the ornaments of ancient time deep-rooted.
And thy ground is from the historical jewelry takes its parchment.
20- بنيت الدولة الكبرى وملكا *** غبار حضارتيه لا يشق
You Damascus have built one day the big state and overwhelming regime.
Ye have the unsurpassable civilization; no rival can be estimated with you.
21- له بالشام أعلام وعرس *** بشائره بأندلس تدق
Thy famous history is familiar across all Syria.
The news of its weeding can be audible on Andalusia.
22- رباع الخلد ويحك ما دهاها *** أحق أنها درست أحق
Woe unto thee! The immortal dwellings, what about you?
Is it really wiped out? Is it really?
23- وهل غرف الجنان منضدات *** وهل لنعيمهن كأمس نسق
Do the heaven chambers still arranged?
Do they have the same fashion of yesterday?
24- وأين دمى المقاصر من حجال *** مهتكة وأستار تشق
And what about the ornament of those beautiful blessed women?
It seems to me they were disgracing, no veil remaining unless tears up.
25- برزن وفي نواحي الأيك نار *** وخلف الأيك أفراخ تزق
They appear while there is on the side of thickets, fire was set up.
And behind the thicket small chickens were feed on.
26- إذا رمن السلامة من طريق *** أتت من دونه للموت طرق
If they in general seek out to find the secure way,
The death approach so to speak is closer.
27- بليل للقذائف والمنايا *** وراء سمائه خطف وصعق
The ominous day of death and bombs that harvest people.
Behind Its skies lightnings and struck region.
28- إذا عصف الحديد احمر أفق *** على جنباته واسود أفق
If the bombs blow away, the horizon will be reddish.
On one phase, but otherwise the horizon will be blackish.
29- سلي من راع غيدك بعد وهن *** أبين فؤاده والصخر فرق
Ask who horrifies thy delicate status after thy weakness.
Is it there is difference between his heart and rocks?
30- وللمستعمرين وإن ألانوا *** قلوب كالحجارة لا ترق
The colonists even if they appear flexible.
They have the stiff hearts as if the rock never seems soft.
31- رماك بطيشه ورمى فرنسا *** أخو حرب به صلف وحمق
He throws you also France by his fierce nature of Arab enthusiasm.
He is the warrior who has the nature of battles boastfulness and boldness.
32- إذاما جاءه طلاب حق *** يقول عصابة خرجوا وشقوا
The colonists if someone asks them about his right.
May say they are just gang groups disobeyed our laws and our way.
33- دم الثوار تعرفه فرنسا *** وتعلم أنه نور وحق
The blood of the revolutionists, France knows it well.
And it knows that this blood is the way of liberty.
34- جرى في أرضها فيه حياة *** كمنهل السماء وفيه رزق
The blood sheds on their ground to flourishing its fertility as if the sky rains.
On the other hand it might keep their foodstuff sources by their hands.
35- بلاد مات فتيتها لتحيا *** وزالوا دون قومهم ليبقوا
The country which its youthful guys go ahead for death,
To sacrifice themselves in order to others will be alive.
36- لا وحررت الشعوب على قناها *** فكيف على قناها تسترق
Nations usually get foredoom by the sacrificing blood of their people.
How they at last turn to be enslaved and do not protect their properties?
37- بني سورية اطرحوا الأماني *** وألقوا عنكم الأحلام ألقوا
O, Syrians don't dream the daydream but think for future.
Live the momently period rightfully.
38- فمن خدع السياسة أن تغروا *** بألقاب الإمارة وهي رق
It is the trickery of politics to invade nations by untruthful names.
Even it produces sometimes slaves through its members.
39- وكم صيد بدا لك من ذليل *** كما مالت من المصلوب عنق
Many hunts seem for you submissive.
As if the neck of hanged man bends to thy killer.
40- فتوق الملك تحدث ثم تمضي *** ولا يمضي لمختلفين فتق
The faults and the cracks of regime maybe recover at once or after awhile.
But the dispute between nations never gains the success.
41- نصحت ونحن مختلفون دارا *** ولكن كلنا في الهم شرق
I advise them while I am not an individual of this country's people.
Even if we are different in countries but we sacrifice for the same destiny.
42- ويجمعنا إذا اختلفت بلاد *** بيان غير مختلف ونطق
We gather in spite of the countries have multiple names.
Since our common divider is the Arabic language undoubtedly.
43- وقفتم بين موت أو حياة *** فإن رمتم نعيم الدهر فاشقوا
Your position is between death and life. O, Syrians!
If you choose the worldly ease, you surely ask the worry toiling life.
44- وللأوطان في دم كل حر *** يد سلفت ودين مستحق
Homelands have debt on the shoulder of every zealous person.
Whether this debt is current or later, the citizen must pay.
45- ومن يسقى ويشرب بالمنايا *** إذا الأحرار لم يسقوا ويسقوا
Who he is not drink and not eat the bitter taste of destiny.
Those who claim the liberty never will be his friend.
46- ولا يبني الممالك كالضحايا *** ولا يدني الحقوق ولا يحق
And will not build the homeland as those who sacrificed themselves.
And merit not the rights of citizenship unless he does his duty.
47- ففي القتلى لأجيال حياة *** وفي الأسرى فدى لهم وعتق
The sacrifice souls give the uprising generations the renewed power.
And between those captured men there is reason for the freedom of others.
48- وللحرية الحمراء باب *** بكل يد مضرجة يدق
The red freedom has only one indisputable opened door.
It is the sacrifice for the purpose to be alive at pleasure.
49- جزاكم ذو الجلال بني دمشق *** وعز الشرق أوله دمشق
I ask the God to reward you people of Damascus.
The pioneer of the glory of East surely is Damascus.
50- نصرتم يوم محنته أخاكم *** وكل أخ بنصر أخيه حق
You are the supporters of your brothers at catastrophic days.
Every brother shall help his brother indeed that's the truthful manner.
51- وما كان الدروز قبيل شر *** وإن أخذوا بما لم يستحقوا
The Drooze Sect never who seek vicious action.
Even you consider them as small nation wrongfully.
52- ولكن ذادة وقراة ضيف *** كينبوع الصفا خشنوا ورقوا
They were hospitable of good highbred nation.
They develop between the hard and the soft whenever the needs call for.
53- لهم جبل أشم له شعاف *** موارد في السحاب الجون بلق
They have lofty mountain which its peak imitates the sky.
It appears white between the darkened reddish clouds.
54- لكل لبوءة ولكل شبل *** نضال دون غايته ورشق
Every lion or lioness has strife against its own desire.
Will leap when the risks encircle him, or felt is blockaded.
55- كأن من السموأل فيه شيئا *** فكل جهاته شرف وخلق
As if he has inherited the good prosperities of (Alsomaoal) the bold warrior.
Therefore all of its characteristics; are of honour and good nature equally.
( المقصرة ) من الظلام اختلاطه والعشي ( ج ) مقاصر وناحية الطريق ( ج ) مقاصير ( على غير قياس )
( المقصرة ) عصا القصار التي يدق بها الثياب
( المقصورة ) من النساء المنعمة في بيت لا تتركه لتعمل ( ج ) مقصورات
( الحجلة ) ساتر كالقبة يزين بالثياب والستور للعروس وستر يضرب للعروس في جوف البيت ( ج ) حجل وحجال وطائر في حجم الحمام أحمر المنقار والرجلين طيب اللحم
( دمى ) الجرح أدماه وله تقرب إليه بإسالة الدم والشيء زينه وجعله كالدمية ويقال دمى الشاة أرعاها فسمنت ودمى الفتاة زينها ونضرها ويقال خذ ما دمى لك ما ظهر لك
( الدمية ) الصورة الممثلة من العاج وغيره يضرب بها المثل في الحسن والصنم المزين ( ج ) دمى
( المدمى ) الشديد الحمرة يقال ثوب مدمى وخيل مدماة والسهم الذي يتداوله الرماة بينهم
( الدمة ) القطعة من الدم