الشاعر هو : التهامي \" أبو الحسن علي بن محمد \" (416) الشاعر المشهور,كان مشتهر بالإحسان ذرب اللسان مخلي بينه وبين ضروب البيان يدل شعره على فوز القدح دلالة برد النسيم على الصبح قال ناشر ديوانه: أن أبا الحسن قدم إلى مصر مستخفيا ومعه كتب كبيرة من حسان بن مفرج ابن دغفل البدوي وهو متوجه إلى بني قرة وهي بلدة في صعيد مصر بالقرب من أسيوط.فقال أنا من بني تميم.
فلما انكشفت حاله عرف أنه التهامي الشاعر.اعتقل في خزانة البنود وهو سجن بالقاهرة.وذلك سنة 416 ثم قتل سرا في سجنه في تاسع جمادي الأولى من السنة المذكورة ديوان (أبي الحسن التهامي) - إسكندرية 1893 ص 144 وطبعت المرثية التي قالها في رثاه ولده وأولها حكم المنية في البرية جار ما هذه الدنيا بدار قرار طبعت في كتاب بلوغ الأرب بشرح قصيدة من كلام العرب . انظر \" وفيات الأعيان \" 3 / 381.
الأنساب 3 / 224، الوافي بالوفيات 2 / 181، طبقات السبكي 4 / 114، 115، شذرات الذهب 3 / 203.

وأما القصيدة: فهي قصيدة حكم المنية في البرية جار, وتعد من أروع قصائده والتي يقول فيها :
Critic and analysis:
This poem also is of ancient time and it is said on the purpose of elegy poetry. The man or the poet had bitterly elegized his son, in maybe that he is the only son he has. The Arabic vocabularies also somehow are difficult and some of them are out of use nowadays. The symbols he mentioned in his poem are: the moon, death, and morning.
Translation adoption:
Firstly I change the Figurative of speech to the same shift rank or nearer to it whether communicatively or semantically both the method are used.
To adapt something or adopt some ideas it is governed to the direct or the indirect of the translator own idea and no one could ask him; why you do that?
But everyone could write his comments below the object whether it is bad or good if he finds that his comments are useful or had more clarification related to the particular object. (MMA the translator)

حكم المنية في البرية جارِ ***** ما هذه الدنيا بدار قرارِ
The fate always controls on the humans being willing.
However, this life is upset, never will be stable by no means.
بينا يرى الإنسان فيها مخبرا ***** حتى يُرى خبراً من الأخبار
Whereas the human expects something will happen or not.
Mostly it is not going with his wishes or hopes.
طُبعتْ على كدر وأنت تريدها ***** صفواً من الأقذار والأكدار
It is plotted to be only on unfortunately acts or doing.
And ye want it to be clear out of any ordeals or misfortune.
ومُكلّفُ الأيام ضد طباعها ***** مُتطلبٌ في الماء جذوة نار
You are as someone opposites its approach.
Or that who hops to find firebrand at the middle of water.
وإذا رجوت المستحيل فإنما ***** تبني الرجاء على شفيرٍ هار
If you ask the impossible, you are alike,
Someone aims to build his hopes upon collapsed margin.
فالعيش نوم والمنية يقظة ***** والمرء بينهما خيالٌ سار
The living is just as sleeping, whereas the fate is as daydreaming.
And the man sat between them as an in forced phantom.
فاقضوا مآربكم عجالا إنما ***** أعماركم سفرٌ من الأسفار
It is preferable to finish your purposes hastily.
Since your ages justly are journeys you trip on.
وتراكضوا خيل الشباب وبادروا ***** أنْ تُسترد فإنهن عوار
Utilize the period of youth, however, it is short time.
Be aware not to miss it, it is just fog.
فالدهر يخدع بالمنى ويغص أن ***** هنّا ويهدم ما بنى يبوار
The life fudges on its wishing, for man is lying.
To be dreamed on its hops, but may be on other concern tumble.
ليس الزمان وإن حرصت مسالما ***** خُلُقُ الزمان عداوة الأحرار
Time, even if you are desirous to accompany with its side.
Never will be cooperating with you or can be friendly.
إني وُترتُ بصارم ذي رونق ***** أعددته لطِلابة الأوتار
I myself was tightened by strong behavior.
I made it to adapt myself even if it is as far as possible.
والنفس إن رضيت بذلك أوأبت ***** منقادة بأزمّةِ المقدار
The self whether it is satisfied or refused.
It is withdrawing sufficiently alongside of its purpose.
أثني عليه بأثره ولو انه ***** لم يغتبط أثنيت بالآثار
Always I have mentioning him including to what imprison he has.
Even if he has passed poorly, I shall tackle with his matter deliberately.
يا كوكبا ما كان أقصر عمره ***** وكذاك عمر كواكب الأسحار
O, star what preteenager you are!
All the stars of early morning are alike.
وهلال أيام مضى لم يستدر ***** بدراً ولم يمهل لوقت سرار
The half- moon of previous days still was minor on its phase.
The time never gives it the sufficient time to be completed.
عجل الخسوف عليه قبل أوانه ***** فمحاه قبل مظنة الإبدار
The eclipse catches it on its premature oval.
To be rubbed out before gets the full- moon shaping.
واستُل من أترابه ولِداته ***** كالمقلة استلت من الأشفار
It was rotted out of its original uterus and its natural sisters.
As if the eyeball rotted out of its edges.
فكأن قلبي قبره وكأنه ***** في طيِّهِ سِرٌّ من الأسرار
It is as how often my heart is his tomb.
Perhaps conceals the hidden secret, inside its folded bowl.
إن يعتبط صِغَراً فرب مُقَمّم ***** يبدو ضئيل الشخص للنظار
If it is said perhaps it becomes glad even small it is.
Maybe lively one is small on its beholders.
إن الكواكب في علو محلها ***** لَتُرى صغاراً وهي غير صغار
Stars even if they are in the height of the sky settle.
They appear small but they are really large on size.
وَلدُ المعزَّى بعضُه فإذا مضى ***** بعض الفتى فالكل في الآثار
The dead son I elegized him although is not the first.
Yet more of them will follow the same way… perfectly I know.
أبكيه ثم أقول معتذرا له ***** وُفّقْتَ حين تركتَ ألأمَ دار
I cry upon him saying; please excuse me!
My God protect you! You left the grieved place.
جاورتُ أعدائي وجاور ربه ***** شتان بين جواره وجواري
I have neighbored my enemy, but he neighbors his God.
There are differences between the two positions.
أشكو بعادك لي وأنت بموضع ***** لولا الردى لسمعتَ فيه مزاري
I complain thy far away departure, or fell that you are closer.
If you are alive, you can hear my heart resound.
والشرق نحو الغرب أقرب شقة ***** من بعد تلك الخمسة الأشبار
The East is closer to the west than the two edge of tomb.
The five span of space in which the dead man is buried into.
هيهات قد علقتك أسباب الردى ***** واغتال عمرك قاطع الأعمار
Alas upon you! If that the reason of death tumbles thy failure.
Fate really chooses you to be its guest of murder.
ولقد جريتَ كما جريتُ لغاية ***** فبلغتَها وأبوك في المضمار
You son have proceeded to any purpose as l did.
You reached its peak, yet your father still on journey.
فإذا نطقتُ فأنت أول منطقي ***** وإذا سكتُ فأنت في أضماري
If I speak, your name is the first word I utter.
And when I am silent, you are at my conscience is alive.
أُخفي من البرحاء نارا مثل ما ***** يخفي من النار الزناد الواري
I hide under my paroxysm of pain the fire which flares inside.
As if the ember still warms underneath the ashes.
وأُخفّضُ الزفرات وهي صواعق ***** وأكفكف العبرات وهي جوار
I minify my sighs even if they are as thunderbolt alike.
I minify the teardrops even they are as a river look like.
وشهاب نار الحزن إن طاوعته ***** أورى وإن عاصيته متواري
The flame of burning fury soul if I obey it,
It will strike at once, and if I disobey it, will change to be endemic.
وأكفُّ نيرانَ الأسى ولربما ***** غلب التبصر فارتمت بشرار
Always I try to lessen the agony of grief.
The wisdom maybe at last defeated then the agony might overcome.
ثوب الرياء يَشِفُّ عما تحته ***** وإذا التحفت به فإنك عار
The dress of hypocrisy if you wear it, will disclose what is under.
Eventually, but undoubtedly you will be naked.
قصرت جفوني أم تباعد بينها ***** أم صُوّرتْ عيني بلا أشفار
Whether my eyelids were at distance or close together,
Or as it were said; without edges or eyelids.
جَفَتِ الكرى حتى كأن غِرَاره ***** عند اغتماض العين وخزُ غِرار
They shun the sleep; evenly these eyelids still prick on both sides.
At the same time when the eyes are closed.
ولو استزارت رقدةً لَطحا بها ***** ما بين أجفاني من التيار
But, even if these eyes are going to sleep,
They can't because of the current of shed abundant tears.
أُحيي الليالي التُّمِّ وهي تُميتني ***** ويُميتهن تبلّجُ الأسحار
I spend the nights sleeplessly at sadness yet awake.
As much as those nights will be awake by the dawn light.
حتى رأيت الصبح تهتِك كفُّه ***** بالضوء رفرف خيمة كالقار
Until I could see the morning tears the darkness.
In which the early cold morning extensively refreshes its lights.
والصبح قد غمر النجوم كأنه ***** سيل طغى فطفا على النّوار
Light of morning moves away the stars.
It is as flowage floods the blossoms.
لو كنتَ تُمنعُ خاض دونك فتيةٌ ***** منا بحارَ عوامل وشِفار
If only this inevitable fate you are free out.
Many young men shall undertake to save you even across seas.
ودَحَوا فُويقَ الأرض أرضاً من دم ***** ثم انثنوا فبنوا سماء غبار
Or perhaps they paint the surface of the ground by bloody cover.
Or can fill the sky with dusts of their combating running horses.
قومٌ إذا لبسوا الدروع حسبتها ***** خلجا تَمُدُّ بها أكُفَّ بحار
Armors if the people wear them, maybe you envisage them….
As the bays which stretched out of seas.
لو شرّعوا أيمانهم في طولها ***** طعنوا بها عِوضَ القنا الخطّار
One day if they seek to cross willingly these seas.
They overwhelmingly use the mangonel instead of javelins.
جنبوا الجياد إلى المطى وراوحوا ***** بين السُّروج هناك والأكوار
At which they put aside their horses.
And embark on board encircling at the middle torrential stream.
وكأنما ملؤوا عياب دروعهم ***** وغمود أنصلهم سراب قفار
They crafted the leathern band of the armors and the sheath of the swords.
By something was unknowable or unusual material.
وكأنما صَنِعُ السوابغ عَزّه ***** ماءُ الحديد فصاغ ماء قرار
Apparently their arsenal makes extraordinary industry.
In which they poured on the iron the melting solution to be molded.
زَرَداً فأحكم كل موصِل حلقةٍ ***** بحبابة في موضع المسمار
They make the armor by the hands of skillful artisans.
In which they join its parts as screws with rings together.

فتسربلوا بمتون ماء جامد ***** وتقنعوا بحباب ماء جار
They wear the war dress embarking the ships.
Riding on the seas, they struggle between its waves.
أُسْدٌ ولكن يؤثرون بزادهم ***** والأسد ليس تدين بالإيثار
They were lions alike, but they favor to donate food.
On the other hand the lion has not this feature at all.
يتزين النادي بحسن وجوههم ***** كتزين الهالات بالأقمار
The club was ornamented by their face when they sat there.
As if the halos which encircled the moons.
يتعطفون على المجاور فيهم ***** بالمنفسات تعطف الآظار
They were hospitable and kind to their neighbors.
As if the kind she goat which donates milk to small orphaned lamb.
من كل من جعل الظُبى أنصاره ***** وكَرُمْنَ واستغنى عن الأنصار
Of those of who make the wilder animal as friend.
Who he settles the desert away of any brothers.
وإذا هو اعتقل القناة حسبتها ***** صِلاً تأبطه هزبر ضار
Of who when hangs the spear on his side.
It was shaken on his side as if he was a lion.
والليث إن ثاورته لم يعتمد ***** إلا على الأنياب والأظفار
The lion if you anger him.
It will depend only on its claws and its canines.
زَرَدُ الدلاص من الطعان يريحه ***** في الجحفل المتضايق الجرار
The glossy mouth of armor protects him.
When combats at fierce battle within legion army.
ما بين ثوب بالدماء مُضمّخٍ ***** زَلِقٍ ونقعٍ بالطراد مثار
At the time when he is wearing the bloody spotted dress.
And dusts cover the sky of the battle-field.
والهون في ظل الهوينا كامن ***** وجلالة الأخطار في الإخطار
The disgrace is the feature of scary people.
But, the bold is the feature of who never is fearsome.

تندى أسِرّةُ وجهه ويمينه ***** في حالة الإعسار والإيسار
The man of a forehead always is bashfulness.
In both goof days and bad days.
ويمدُّ نحو المكرمات أناملاً ***** للرزق في أثنائهن مجار
Who he stretches his hand for generous good deed.
In the case of he seeks to obtain his livelihood.
يحوي المعالي كاسباً أو غالباً ***** أبداً يُدارَى دونها ويُداري
His behavior includes the generous things.
Whether he is winner or victorious at both of each he is the same.
قد لاح في ليل الشباب كواكب ***** إن أُمهلت آلت إلى الإسفار
Even if the pleasuring time of youth shines as the star,
But no longer it will escape or vanishes.
وتَلَهُّبُ الأحشاء شيَّبَ مفرقي ***** هذا الضياء شواظ تلك النار
The ache of my bowl affects the partings of my hair.
My hair changed to white colour as a result of that sadness effect.
شاب القذال وكل غصن صائر ***** فينانُه الأحوى إلى الإزهار
The back of my head its hairs become white, like the leaves…
They converted to black greenish if they were on totally verdure.