Fran Zimmerman, "English for Science"
Prentice Hall | ISBN: 0132821796 | 1989 | 186 pages | PDF | 37 MB

Designed for academically oriented students to provide language skill practice needed for effective participation in basic science course.

Each chapter begins by introducing the rhetorical function, relating it to the scientific method, and presenting it in a short reading. The six main sections: Introduction, Using English to... (Classify, compare, and so on), Reading Skills, Listening Skills, Discussion Points and Writing Skill.)

Introduction to the Scientific Method

1. Classifying: The Composition of Matter.
2. Comparing: The Elements.
3. Cause and Effect: Color, Light, and Sound.
4. Hypothesizing: Motion and Gravity.
5. Defining: Energy.
6. Exemplifying: Heat.
7. Giving Evidence: Smoking, Drugs, and Alcohol.
8. Experimenting: Electricity and Magnetism.
9. Calculating: Liquids and Gases.
10. Reporting: The Origin of Life.
11. Describing: The Universe.
12. Predicting: The Weather.


الزملاء والزميلات الأعزاء
كما يتضح من العرض أعلاه، فإن الكتاب مفيد لكل من يرغب في تعلم المصطلحات العلمية باللغة الإنكليزية.