ترجمة قصيدة "أخي"
لميخائيل نعيمة

المترجم: سامي خمو

أشكر الإخوة الأفاضل التالية أسماؤهم الذين الذين ساهموا في تحسين الترجمة بملاحظاتهم واقتراحاتهم:

المترجم سمير الشناوي
الشاعر المترجم أحمد الأقطش
المترجم معتصم الحارث الضّوي

مع خالص الود

سامي خمو

Brother! if a westerner brags of his act of war,0
Glorifies the memories of his fallen heroes, praising their valor
Cheer not the victorious or gloat the hardship of the conquered
But kneel silently by my side with a pious bleeding heart
To weep over the misfortune of our dead

Brother! if, after a war, a warrior returns to his homeland
Tossing his exhausted body in the arms of his pals
Seek not pals after returning to the homeland
For no pals, to seek comfort with, hunger has spared
Beyond the ghosts of our dead

Brother! If a farmer, to till and plant his land, returns
And, after a long desertion, a cottage by cannon shells destroyed, rebuilds
Our streams drained, our dwellings by disgrace have collapsed
Enemies left no plants on our lands
Save the corpses of the dead on our hands

Brother! The calamity, that we could have prevented, has occurred
Catastrophe has, if we wanted would have not, struck
Don’t wail, .... nobody will listen to our complaint
But follow me to dig a ditch by axe and spade
To bury our dead

Brother! Who are we? No homeland, no folks, no neighbors, no bread
Asleep or awake, by disgrace and shame, we’ll be destroyed
The world has swept us along with our dead
Get the axe and follow me to dig another ditch
To bury those of us who have survived