إخوتي الاحباء،
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته وبعد،
كل عام و أنتم بألف خير، و آمل أن تكونوا جميعا على خير ما يرام.
في الحقيقة لقد خاب أملي من معظم المشاركين في هذا الدورة من حيث عدم الالتزام، و عدم ا لتقيد بالمواعيد، و عدم الاهتمام، حيث أن هناك القلة القليلة فقط ممن هم فعلا مهتمين بالترجمة يواظبون على هذه الدورة و هم يعدون على الاصابع و لا يكادوا يتجاوزوا الثلاثة أو الاربعة!!!
على كل حال أود أن أشكر من يتابع معي و يحرص على التقيد بنصائحي، التي أرجو من الله أن تكون درعا منيعا لكم من الوقوع في الاخطاء الترجمية، و أن تكون داعما و حافزا كبيرا لكم للارتقاء في درجات الاحترافية.

قبل كل شيء أود أن أعرض عليكم
الترجمة المقترحه للنص:

Poetry and Fiction
All forms of literature (literature as an art) have in the first place stemmed from (come from) poetry (the biggest in quantity), (the most massive), the most prolific in man's experiment to consequently branch from it ( and by and by developed from it ( diversified from it)). (Regardless of the fact that we think that we are in …) (However devoted we are to the idea that..) However fancy we live in the belief that we are in the Fiction Age (we think we are in the Age of Prose) and that fiction is our most common form of literature and leaves an impact upon other forms of literature (and leaves an impact upon us more than any other form of literature does). However, we shall never be able to realize how (dynamic) great the impact of the power of poetry is upon fiction unless we discover the poetic factors that have in the first place given rise to prose; factors that have to do with confession(incantations, recantation), repentance, worship, and magic. This helps us to see (by this we perceive) the break that always exists whether visible or invisible between the present form of prose ( the kinds of proves available at present), and its old forms attributed (ascribed to) reason and logic (rationalization). The novel which is a form of prose is at best no more than a (vessel) a new vessel for an old poetic energy (vitality).
Notes: ملاحظات هامة:
أود أن أنوه على النصائح الهامة التالية:
1- يجب عليكم قبل الشروع في ترجمة النص أن تلقوا نظرة خاطفة على كامل فقراته.
2- بعد ذلك تقوموا بالانتقال التدريجي من فكرة إلى فكرة.
3- عليكم أن تتحرروا و تفلتوا من أسر العبارة و التقوقع ضمن إطار المعنى الافرادي لكلمة.
4- بعد أن تفسروا المعنى بشكل واضح تماما لكم و تتأكدوا من أنكم قد أحطتم بالنص و المعنى المراد منه.
5- تقوموا بترجمة النص ضمن سياقه ترجمة صحيحة كافية واضحة.
6- نقرأ ما ترجمناه و نحاول وزنه في عقولنا وحسنا اللغوى العفوى لنقيمه ونرى إن كان يماثل إلى أبعد درجة ممكنة النص الاصلي (لو كان كتب باللغة المترجم إليها).
7- نعيد القراءة و النظر إلى النص الاصلي و نتأكد من مطابقتهما لبعضهما البعض من حيث المعنى و الدلالة.
8- يجب عليكم أن تفكروا بمصطلحات اللغة التي تترجمون إليها، و لا تبحثوا على المعاني المطابقة للكلمات.
9- عليكم أن تعاملوا النص جملة واحدة(ككيان واحد)، و لا يجب عليكم أن تستعيروا تراكيب لغوية من لغات أخرى، حيث أن الهدف من وراء الترجمة قبل كل شيء هو التواصل مع الاخرين و إيصال الفكرة لهم بشكل واضح دون لبس أو غموض.
10- عليكم أن تدركوا أن نفسية كل شخص تختلف عن الاخر وكل مجتمع له نفسيته الخاصة به التي بدورها تختلف عن نفسية مجمتع آخر، لذلك يجب عليكم أن تدركوا هذه الامور و تعلموا و تنتبهوا إلى أن تتبنوا نفسية الشعب الانكليزي عندما تترجمون إلى اللغة الانكليزية و كذلك إلى نفسية الشعب العربي عندما تترجمون إلى العربية.
11- إن أهم قاعدة يجب عليكم الانتباه لها في الترجمة هي:
( لكي تترجم نص يجب أن لا تترجم) : أي يجب أن تكون ترجمتك تبدو على أنها غير مترجمة عن نص من لغة أجنبية، بل يجب أن تبدو أنها مكتوبة بنفس اللغة.
12- عليكم أن ترتبوا أفكاركم و تسلسلوها بشكل منطقي حسب الاحداث وتحاولوا عدم الوقوع في التناقض، و ليس هناك ضير من التوسع في الشرح إن كان ذلك ضروريا، المهم أن يفهم المعنى بشكل صحيح وواضح.
أتمنى منكم الان أن تقوموا بترجمة هذا النص بشكل جيد، محاولين قدر الامكان إعطائي ترجمة صحيحة وواضحة.
السياسة عند أرسطو
إعداد ( تحرير ) وترجمة الدكتور جورج كتوره
المؤسسة الجامعية للدراسات والنشر
"السياسة عند أرسطو" الصادر حديثاً عن المؤسسة الجامعية للدراسات والنشر بإعداد وترجمة من الدكتور جورج كتوره يعالج موضوعات متخصصة ترجمت عن الألمانية فبعد مقدمة تناولت الخطوط العريضة في فلسفة أرسطو السياسية نجد عرضاً تفصيلياً للمبادئ والمصادر التي قامت عليها هذه الفلسفة.
المقالة الثانية بعد المقدمة تناولت التدرج الفكري الذي قاد للانتقال من البحث في الأخلاق إلى البحث في السياسة باعتبارها تقنيناً للمبادئ الأخلاقية.
أما المقالة الثالثة فهي بحث حول الجدل الذي أثاره تأليف كتاب سياسات أرسطو بالذات من حيث إعادة ترتيب فصوله. وتتناول المقالة الأخيرة موضوعاً نادراً ما أثير رغم أهميته. إذ عالجت موضوع الرق في فلسفة أرسطو السياسية مع العلم أن أرسطو قد اعتقد فعلاً بضرورة الرق كمجال لاستكمال الحياة السياسية.
وبذلك تندرج هذه المقالات من الأخلاق إلى السياسة فإلى الظواهر الاجتماعية لتترابط فيما بينها مؤلفة كلاً موحداً يتناول أرسطو المفكر والمؤلف في السياسة.
مقالة تخصصية في تحسين أساليب الترجمة:
أرجو أن تقرأوا النص التالي بشكل جيد من أجل إطلاعكم.
Polish your translation style, and win more jobs from your clients! That’s right-“win” more jobs. Clients have a wealth of resources in the Internet, and they can easily find countless translators online for their projects by doing a simple search in Yahoo! or Google. Minor improvements to your translation style will ensure that clients think of you before going to the major search engines. Read on and profit!
If you do not already have one, start by developing a translation methodology. A methodology, especially one that suits your work style, will enable you to translate more efficiently and accurately. For illustration purposes, I have included below the translation methodology that I use for Japanese to English translations.
• Read the original carefully
• Research the subject
• Translate the work
• Ask the questions
• Compare with the original
• Edit (proof) the translation
• Sleep on the product
Read the Original: Wrap yourself around the translation. Read the original text thoroughly paying attention to the style of writing employed by the author. Is the author’s style light-hearted, heavy, positive, forceful, truthful, or sincere etcetera? To rephrase, determine where the author is “coming from.” Once you have successfully put yourself in the authors mind, emulate the author’s style in the translation.
This simple act will make your product an extension of the author’s works-you will be lending your linguistic skill to the author’s style. This, indeed, is professional translation. It is smooth, seamless and natural-it does not have that "This have been translated" hue.
Research the Subject: Not enough can be said about research-good research. Less than 60 minutes of research on the translation subject really does make all the difference to the finished product.
Use the internet extensively. You can quite literally find anything on the Internet, and it does not require a great amount of skill, either. Research free dictionaries, encyclopedias, informational sites, case studies and white papers. Look for recent articles on the translation subject you will be translating. Another great resource that should not be over looked is academic resources.
The added bonus of doing your home work at this crucial stage is that you will have the opportunity to resolve any issues you discovered in the source text while doing your research.
Of course, I would be remiss in my duties as a professional if I did not provide the obligatory warning. The Internet is the greatest resource since the invention of the library the world has ever know-with one flaw. Anyone can publish anything without the due process (authentication) that goes into publishing books. You need to use the internet wisely! Corroborate your research with multiple, trusted sources.
Do the research and you will be a good translator. But, you want to be in a class by yourself, right?
a) Research the author: Researching the translation subject will definitely go along way to improving your style-researching the author will provide luster to your style. Get an insight to the author's life. Search for the author by name, research biographies or autobiographies, and research other work that has already been published by the author. Knowing your author will provide in-depth knowledge about his or her own private and personal feelings, reflections and experiences.
Sound like a lot of work? Yes, but trust me, it is well worth it. And, there may be a silver lining in all this for you. Many authors build on previous works, which, if you were to find a translated copy of, could make for easy going. Researching the author of a super computer translation project turned up 17 pages (total of 49 pages) of translated material that only required minor modifications. Easiest Japanese to English translation any body ever did! Moral of the story: Research the author.
b) Authoritative knowledge : Authoritative knowledge is the technical, or subject matter, expertise one possesses in a specific field. Specializing in specific fields in which you are genuinely an expert on terminology, in both languages, adds weight to your style.
Think for a moment. Have you ever tried to write about a topic that you had little or no knowledge of in your native language? Although you had no problem with the language, it was not easy, right? And the finished product probably lacked natural flow and conviction that comes with knowledge and experience. This is the power of authoritative knowledge.
Establish an authoritative translation style-limit yourself to your natural area of technical, or subject matter, expertise, and beef up on those fields where you want to be an expert.
Translate the Work: Finally, an easy task! Really, if you have followed step 1 and step 2, then translating is not only easy, it is enjoyable. Take your translating style to the next level by keeping these simple pieces of advice in the back of your mind when doing translation projects.
a) Translate into your Native language: Translating into a non-native language will generally suffer from deficiencies in style, and you will make more spelling and grammatical errors. Professional translators know this, and will never translate from their native language into a learned language. For example, I am bilingual having graduated from a Japanese university (economics), and have lived and worked in Japan for the last 15 years. I only do Japanese to English translations (never English to Japanese translation). That is, I only work into English.
Should you translate into your learned language, and have an educated native speaker of that language check your work? Two people doing one job-do the native thing!
b) Let Stalk Strine Okay, where are we going with this, you ask? And what is this “Strine,” anyway? Strine was first documented by Afferbeck Lauder back in the 1960's. His groundbreaking work - Let Stalk Strine - highlighted the fact that Australians had not only developed their own idioms in English but had, in fact, developed a whole different language.
Regional variations within the same language need to be reflected in your translation work. American English is not the same as British English is not the same as Australian English, or South African English for that matter. Many other languages have regional variations: Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese. The difference is significant (from a translation point of view), but obviously not that great as to warrant a unique language classification. Professional translators make the effort to be aware of regional language differences.
c) Culture does factor into translation: A client who is a professor at a Japanese university in Tokyo commissioned me to translate a letter of recommendation to an American graduate school for one of his students. The source text was laden with cultural innuendos of modesty and self deprecation. An example line in the original text read "although this student has a limited breadth and depth of general knowledge, and is not the top student in the class, she is very hard working and makes friends easily." Well now, as a graduate assistant in the admissions department at an American graduate school, it was my job to screen such recommendation letters. I do not need to tell you that such a recommendation would not even make it through to the admissions review board.
Yes, culture definitely does matter. And if you need to alter a text significantly in translation, do it! Then explain to the client why you did what you did. Remember, language is defined by culture.
d) Know your limits: What does this mean? In step 2, I referred to authoritative knowledge. I mention it here again at the risk of being repetitive, but it really does merit repetition. Translation encompasses a huge field of subjects. If you think of all the material that requires translation you will soon realize that this encompasses the collective body of human knowledge. Some people are just incredibly gifted and seem to soak up whatever subject they are exposed to. This is not the case for the rest of us-so, play to your strengths.
e) Context is important Disregard for translating “in context” has given rise to the expression "lost in translation." In your native language, most words have multiple meanings, so imagine what all the possibilities are when you have finished translating! Translating with an eye to "in context" is even more important when translating from a language that has relatively few words, such as English, to a language that has a large number of words such as Japanese. For example, the term "translation," which can mean moving information between languages or can mean rendering (data), is definitely a candidate for “lost in translation” translation (work).
f) Simple is best Never has an adage been more applicable to the profession of translation-a simple translating style, like writing and just about everything else, is powerful and convincing.
Always use succinct, easily understood language that complements the author’s style of writing. Short, well formed sentences that adhere to the rules of grammar and are devoid of complex terms are better. Much better.
Slang and clichés do not translate well between most languages. And, you run the risk of being offensive.
Adopting a vague translation style definitely does not make for simple translation. A “great show” may not mean "wonderful movie" when translated. Likewise, terms ending in an "ing" suffix can be ambiguous-is it a noun or an adjective? Maybe it is a gerund. I am sure you get the picture-use an alternative where possible.
g) What is not written is as important as what is written
That is right-read between the lines! Interestingly, this expression in Japanese translates as "read diagonally." Knowledge of the author and authoritative knowledge will provide you with the background information to see past the physical, or written, text. Admittedly, this is difficult, and being able to convey the hidden meaning without putting it in print is, well, the mark of an accomplished translator. To employ an analogy, it is akin to understanding a subtle joke in your learned language.
h) Give it natural flair.This is the most difficult part of writing style. If you have researched the author and acquired authoritative knowledge from step 2 above, you are well on your way to producing a convincing translation product that reads and sounds natural. Now, write the same text in your own words.
Ask the Questions: Knowing when to ask the right question contributes as much to your translation style as does your ability to do good research, or the strength of your writing style.
Clients know that professional translators literally analyze text from every conceivable angle; sentences are de-constructed and re-constructed countless times. If something in the original text does not sound right, seek clarification with a timely question. Questions at this phase of the translation process will be knowledgeable since you have already done the research and rough translation. Your client will appreciate your professionalism. Further, your question may facilitate an improvement in the original document-guess where your client will go for the next translation project?
Compare with the original: I know. At this stage of the translation process, you are quite ready to zip all your files and be done with it. Accuracy of your translation style happens in this phase.
When you have finished the translation, place the source text on the left and the target text on the right, side by side. Then, slowly and methodically, one line at a time, read over the source text and then the corresponding target text. By employing this methodology, you will easily be able to catch mistranslations and omissions. A variation to this is getting an assistant to read the original text while you following in the translated works.
Correct any discrepancy in the translation right away. You always miss required corrections when you revisit later.
Edit (proof) the translation: In the previous step you compared with the original for accuracy-mistranslations and omissions. In this step your focus should be on technical (grammatical) errors. The object of separating these steps is to create a methodical approach to polishing the product by process of elimination. Eliminate one group of errors at a time.
Professional language translators will have someone that is not too close to the project (i.e. someone that has not worked on the project at all) do the proofreading. If you do not have the luxury of an assistant, then distance yourself from the project for a while. Sleep on it!
Sleep on the product: Margaret Thatcher, while in office, once said that before making a big decision, she took a shot of Scottish whiskey, and slept on it. Choose your poison, but definitely sleep on it-you will be amazed at the clarity of mind with which you round off your translation project!
Now, put your thesaurus to work. Identify words in the translated text that can be replaced with alternative, better words. This is where you get to be bold (without going off into space, of course). Do not be afraid to use words and phrases that make the translated text sound human (i.e. moreover, further, incidentally etc). Where permitting, adopt a conversational style-it reads better.
This is also a good place to be creative. For example, when doing Japanese to English translations, I have often noticed that Japanese authors tend to stick with a limited repertoire of conjunctive adverbs (furthermore, therefore, however, moreover). This does not read well in translation-be creative!
Use the advice here to polish your translation style. Most of the advice is simply about making minor changes to your existing style, but, given consideration, will lead to improved results as seen from repeat requests for you translation skills.
green-is where it all happens. Sales people refer to this as "closing the sale." And sales people know that in order to close the sale, the client must not only feel comfortable with the deal, but must also like the person making the sale. Surprised? Do not be, you do it all the time, and so do your clients!
All things being equal, we buy from those we like. That bears repeating: 10 candidates offering the exact same qualifications and benefits, and clients will always go with the professional they feel most comfortable with and like.
I am afraid that there is not much that can be done about character-we are who we are. But, there definitely are some things that you can do to improve your "likeability" ranking.
A good, positive attitude attracts clients. Clients do not want to work with professionals; they want to work with professionals that project a positive attitude. Just as we avoid colleagues that are unpleasant to be around, so do clients avoid contracting professionals that do not project the right attitude.
Show appreciation for having the opportunity to work with a client. Send a card, nothing fancy or expensive, with a personal and original thank you message. You should try it-it works wonders.
Have a genuine interest in your client’s best interest. Share you insider knowledge of the industry with your client. When you can not take on a job (maybe you have enough work, or are not qualified for that particular subject matter), reach out to your network and forward the job to a colleague. You can also point clients to web sites that can handle their translation project. Clients appreciate these small acts of kindness, and they certainly do not forget about them!
After completing under graduate school in Japan, I returned to Zambia briefly to help in the family business. We made it a policy to recommend customers to establishments-even if they were competitors-that most likely carried the product that we could not provide. Did customers ever appreciate it! They ended up coming around more regularly and making more purchases. Not only that, but even our competitors started referring their customers to us during stock outs. Of course, we made sure not to run out of stock too often-clients also have businesses to run…
The customary caution is not to introduce the client to a nightmare. A good rule of thumb to follow is to never introduce the client to a product (service) that you yourself would not layout money for.
When clients like you, you are the line up.
Ultimately, the success of your translation style can only be measured by the number of your clients, and the number of projects that those client entrust you with. That is very much a function of how successful you are in making your clients feel comfortable with your deal-as defined by reputation, professionalism and visibility-and by climbing in the "likeability" rankings.