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النتائج 1 إلى 1 من 1

الموضوع: التعليم الطبي في العراق - الحلقة الثالثة

مشاهدة المواضيع

  1. #1
    أستاذ بارز
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي التعليم الطبي في العراق - الحلقة الثالثة

    التعليم الطبي في العراق
    منهج كلية طب تكريت نموذجا
    الحلقة الثالثة
    أ د عبد الغني محمد السامرائي/ رئيس الاتحاد العالمي للعلماء العراقيين/ المنتدى العلمي العراقي/ جامعة تكريت/ كلية الطب
    أ د غانم يونس الشيخ/ المركز الإقليمي لشرق المتوسط
    لمنظمة الصحة العالمية
    المرحلة التعليمية الثانية
    مدة الدراسة بالمرحلة التعليمية الثانية:-
    ( السنة الثانية والثالثة ) ستون أسبوعا مقسمة بالتساوي بين السنتين الثانية والثالثة ولا تقل مدة الدراسة عن أربعين ساعة أسبوعيا.
    الأهداف التعليمية للمرحلة التعليمية الثانية :_
    نهاية هذه المرحلة يكون الطالب قد اكتسب:_
    أولا : قدرات كافية من المعلومات والمهارات عن التركيب الوظيفي والتشريحي للجسم وأجهزته ومسببات المرض ألبيولوجيه والبيئة وتفاعلاتها المحدثة للمرض أو المناعة والتغيرات الباثولوجية وأسس التدخل الوقائي والعلاجي والتأهيلي .
    ثانيا : قد اكتسب المعلومات والمهارات و السلوكيات التي تمكنه من البدء في مناظره المرضى في الدورات السريرية في مواقف تعليمية تحت الإشراف .
    ثالثا: قد تمكن من أساليب التعلم والتقييم الذاتي وأساليب تجميع البيانات و المعلومات.
    رابعا: قد تمكن من مواجهة المشاكل للفرد والمجتمع بالأسلوب العلمي لحل المشاكل.
    المجموعات التعليمية بالمرحلة الثانية
    العدوى والالتهاب / الدم / اللمف / الاورام / الجهاز الحركي / الجهاز الدوري / الجهاز التنفسي / الجهاز الهضمي والتغذية / الغدد الصماء والايض / الكلى والمسالك البولية / الجهاز العصبي .
    By the end of second and third year (phase 2), the student should be
    Able to:
    1- Identify the major health problems in the region.
    2- Distinguish the Anatomical, physiological and chemical bases of human structure and function in relation to individual and community health problems.
    3- Explain the relational for health problems in relation to the changes in structure and function of the body as a result of imbalanced health state
    4- Relate the nature of and the way through_which different pathological agents (Biological, Environmental chemical or Behavioral) affect the balance of the state of health in individual and community.
    5- Differentiate the preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitative bases of management of such problems.
    6- Evaluate himself I herself and members of health team and self-learn accordingly.
    7- Plan, execute, write and present scientific reports and field research projects as a member of research team.
    8- Communicate skillfully with different member of the community in different learning setting
    9- Distinguish and analyze the priority health problems and needs by us¬ing the problem solving approach.
    المواد التعليمية ودرجة كل مادة وعدد الساعات الدراسية بالمرحلة الثانية على مدى العامين
    تستوفى الساعات الدراسية عن طريق تكامل العلوم المختلفة الواردة لجدول الدراسة من خلال النشطة والمصادر التعليمية وليست كمواد منفصلة ( حلاقات مناقشة، مشاهدات مختبريه، ندوات، محاضرات، مختبر المهارات، أنشطة ميدانية، تدريب في مراكز الرعاية الصحية الأولية، زيارات العائلات ).
    السنة الثالثة السنة الثانية المواد
    الدرجة الوحدات الساعات الدرجة الوحدات الساعات
    240 8 150 240 8 150 الفسلجة
    180 6 120 180 6 120 الكيمياء الحياتية
    240 6 120 240 8 150 الاحياء المجهرية
    180 6 120 - - - الطفيليات
    180 6 120 180 6 120 الامراض
    120 4 90 120 4 90 الأنسجة والاجنة
    30 1 30 30 1 30 تاريخ الطب والعلوم
    240 8 170 240 8 165 التشريح
    210 7 15 210 7 150 الأدوية
    60 2 60 60 2 60العلوم السلوكية والنفسية والاجتماعية
    60 2 60 60 2 60 طب المجتمع
    90 3 120 90 3 120 طب الأسرة
    60 2 60 60 2 60 برامجيات تعليميةحاسوب
    60 2 60 60 2 60 المشروع الميداني
    1950 63 1430 1770 59 1335 المجموع
    التقييم بالمرحلة التعليمية الثانية
    1- التقييم الدوري
    1- تقييم تشخيصي اسبوعي بدون درجات يتم ذاتيا بواسطة المعلم والمجموعة لتحسين الاداء .
    2-تقييم شامل للمعرفة ( تحريريا – ومشاهدات مختبرية )بنهاية كل مجموعتين تعليميتين يتكون الشق التحريري منه من ورقتان مده كل منهما ساعتان ويمثل الشق التحريري 60% والمشاهدات المختبرية 40% من الدرجات
    3-القدرات :
    قدرات وقائية –القدرة على رعاية الفرد – القدرة على التثقيف الصحي – قدرات ادارية – قدرات بحثية – قدرات على التعلم الذاتي وحل المشاكل – قدرة على تدريب ورفع كفاءة الفريق الصحي وقياس اداءه .
    يتم تقييم اكتساب الطالب للقدرات بصورة دورية تراكمية باستخدام قوائم ضابطه ويكون نتيجة التقييم بالمرضى أو غير مرضى في نهاية كل مجموعتين تعليميتين (مرضى 70% )ويخطر الطالب بنتائجه .
    2- تقييم نهاية المرحلة التعليمية الثانية
    والذي يجري في نهاية السنة الثانية والسنة الثالثة .
    أ- تقييم تراكمي للقدرات بنهاية كل سنة دراسية بمرضى أو غير مرضى يجب حصول الطالب على مرضى 70% قبل الجلوس الى تقييم المعرفة الشاملة .ومصادر الانشطة الميدانية والتعلم عن طريق حل مشاكل التقييم , مختبير المهارات السريرية.
    ب-تقييم المرحلة الشاملة تحريريا ومشاهدات مختبرية ويتكون الشق 60%للنظري 40% للعملي ويتكون الشق التحريري من احدى عشر ورقة كل منهما ثلاث ساعات ومقسمة على سنتي الدراسة الثانية والثالثة.
    ج- تاريخ الطب والعلوم
    اختبار تحريري من ورقة واحده مدته ساعة في نهاية العام الدراسي من السنة الثانية والثالثة
    د- الحاسب الالي
    اختبارتحريري وعملي مده الاختبار التحريري ساعة واحدة بنهاية المجموعة التعليمية الثانية عشر .
    3- توزيع الدرجات
    50% من الدرجات للاختبارات الدورية
    50% من الدرجات لاختبار نهاية العام الدراسي
    4- قواعد عامة :-
    - يفاد الطالب في نهاية كل مجموعة تعليمية عن ادائه ونقاط الضعف والقوه فيه .
    - في حالة تجاوز الطالب النسبة المسموح بها للغياب طبقا للقرارات يحرم من دخول الامتحان وفي حالة عدم استفادة الحضور عن مجموعة تعليمية واحدة يعد للطالب برنامج اعاده مدته اسبوعين اثناء العطلة الصيفية لاي مجموعة تعليمية وتسكن درجات الطالب في المواد المناسبة طبقا لجدول الدراسة بحد اقصى 50% من مجموع الدرجات لهذه المجموعة التعليمية المعادة الا اذا كان الغياب بعذر مقبول ومعتمد من جهات طبية مسؤولة ولجنة التعليم .
    - يتم تحليل نتائج الطالب في الاختبارات الدورية واختبارات نهاية العام وتسكن الدرجات الحاصل عليها الطالب في المواد المختلفة الواردة في جدول الدراسة بالمرحلة الثانية .
    - في حالة رسوب الطالب في احدى المواد أو اكثر يتم عقد امتحان دور ثان في شهر ايلول يجتاز فيه الطالب اختبارا شاملا للمعرفة ( تحريري ومشاهدات مختبرية ) عليه اجتيازه بنجاح اولا ، وعند حساب الدرجات يؤخذ في الاعتبار المادة الراسب فيها الطالب فقط ، ويعتبر تقدير الطالب في هذه المادة مقبولا ويحتفظ بتقديره في المواد التي نجح فيها بالدور الاول .
    - الطالب الراسب في امتحان الدور الثاني عليه اعادة العام بجميع الانشطة ويجلس الى جميع اشكال التقييم الدورية الواردة ذكرها اسوة بزملائه الجدد وفقا لتقييم نهاية العام وعلى الطالب اجتياز اختبار للمعرفة ( تحريري ومشاهدات مختبرية ) بنجاح يتم تحليله ويؤخذ في الاعتبار المواد الراسب فيها فقط ويحصل الطالب على تقدير مقبول عند نجاحه في المواد المعادة ويحتفظ بتقديرات المواد السابق نجاحه فيها اول مرة .
    اللجنة المركزية لامتحان المعرفة الشاملة
    1- يتم تشكيل اللجنة المركزية لامتحانات المعرفة الشاملة ويعتمد تشكيلها عميد الكلية وتقوم بوضع تصور لتقييم المعرفة الشاملة في تقييم الدوري ونهاية المرحلة يضمن تكامل المواد التعليمية ويتطابق مع فلسفة التعليم والتقييم المتطور بالكلية طبقا للمحددات الاتية :-
    - الاهداف التعليمية للمرحلة والمجموعات التعليمية .
    - الوزن النسبي للمواد بجدول الدراسة .
    - المشكلات محل التقييم والاسئلة المقترحة بواسطة رؤساء الفروع وتدريسي المواد .
    2- تقوم اللجنة بوضع خطة تحليل نتائج الطلاب في الامتحان وتسكين الدرجات للمواد التعليمية المختلفة .
    3- اللجنة مسؤولة على الحفاظ على سرية الامتحان .
    4- تقوم اللجنة باستشارة من تراه من تدريسي المواد للمساعدة في اداء المهام المنوط بها .
    5- تقوم اللجنة بعمل تقدير احصائي في نهاية الامتحان ، ويعرض على لجنة التعليم الطبي ومجلس الكلية .
    6- اللجنة لها صفتها الاعتبارية وتتحمل جميع المسؤوليات المتعلقة بتقييم المعرفة الشاملة .
    منهاج السنة الثانية
    1- هيكل السنة الثانية
    مسؤول السنة / مقرر السنة / مقرر المشاكل / مشرف التدريس الميداني / مقرر التقييم
    مقرر مختبر المهارات /
    2- الاهداف التعليمية للفترات الدراسية الثانية
    Y2/B1/P31/W1/ P 31 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week the student should able to:
    1. Identify the concept and etiology of acute osteomyelitis.
    2. Classify the inflammation according to the duration of illness.
    3. Recognize the pathological changes of acute inflammation.
    4. Recognize the signs of acute inflammation.
    5. Differentiate the outcome of acute inflammation.
    6. Classify the antimicrobial agents.
    Y2/B1/P32/W2/ P32 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week the student should able to
    :1. Identify the concept and causes of chronic infection.
    2. Recognize the surface anatomy and the triangles of the neck.
    3. Enumerate the predisposing factors of chronic infection.
    4. Summarize the pathogenesis of chronic infection.
    5. Recognize the pathological changes of chronic infection.
    6. List the antibiotics used in chronic infection.
    7. Discuss the problem of tuberculosis in our community and measures of prevention.
    Y2/B1/W3/P33 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week the student should able to:
    1 .Recognize the types of wound healing.
    2.List the factors which enhance and inhibit wound healing.
    3.Identify the causes of wound infection.
    4.Enumerate the symptoms and sings of wound infection.
    5.Describe the steps of microbial culture and sensitivity.
    6.Summerize the principles of wound cleaning.
    7.Discuss the antibiotics of therapy in surgical patient.
    Y2/B1/W4/P34 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should able to:
    1. 1dentify the pathophysiology of fever.
    2. Summarize the types of gastro-intestinal infections.
    3. Recognize the causative agents of gastro-intestinal infections.
    4. Discuss the drug treatment of gastro-intestina1 infections.
    5. List the preventive measures of gastro-intestinal infections.
    Y2 / B I / W5/ P35 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to:
    1-Classify viruses into main group.
    2- Identify the major general clinical presentations of viral infections.
    3- Recognize the hematological changes in viral infections.
    4- List the general serological investigations in viral infections with a specific reference to infectious mononucleosis.
    5- Explain the mechanism of viral damage to host cells (pathogenesis).
    Y2/B2/W6/ P 36 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should able to:
    1-Explain origin and differentiation of hemopoietic cells (hemopoiesis).
    2-Define anemia and give its classification.
    3- List the most important elements needed in erythropoiesis.
    4- Recognize the normal metabolism of iron in the body.
    5- Discuss the pathogenesis of diminished erythropoiesis anemia.
    6- Describe the hematological changes of diminished erythropoiesis anemia
    7- Mention the presenting symptoms and signs of anemia.
    Y2/ B2/W7/ P37 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should able to:
    1- Define and classify the hemolytic anemia.
    2- Identify the biochemical structure of hemoglobin and synthesis in the body.
    3- Differentiate the etio - pathology of hemolytic anemia.
    4- Discuss the role of spleen in hemopoiesis and hemolytic process
    5- Describe the hematological abnormalities of hemolytic anemia with special reference to spherocytosis.
    6- Recognize the symptoms and signs of hemolytic anemia with special reference to spherocytosis.
    Y2 /B2/ W8/ P38 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to 1-Classify leukemia.
    2-Explain the pathophysiology of acute leukemia (Blood & bone marrow).
    3-Describe the blood morphological changes and bone marrow changes in acute leukemia.
    4-Mention the differential diagnosis of acute leukemia.
    5-List the clinical feature of acute leukemia.
    6- Identify the principles of treatment of acute leukemia.
    Y2 / B2 / W9/ P39 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to:
    1- Identify the types of chronic leukemia.
    2- Explain the pathophysiology of leukemia. (Blood and bone marrow).
    3- Describe the morphological changes and bone marrow in chronic leukemia.
    4- Recognize the clinical features of leukemia.
    5- Discuss the item of myeloproliferative disorders.
    Y2/ B2 / W10/ P40 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to
    1-Identify the mechanism of normal blood coagulation.
    2-Explain the role of inheritance in coagulation disorders.
    3-List the types of blood coagulation defects and the common causes of bleeding tendency.
    4-Discuss the clinical features of bleeding disorders.
    5-Recognize the indications of administration of blood products and coagulation factors.
    Y2 /B3/W11/P41 Learning Objectives:
    At the end of this week, the student should be able to: -
    1-Identify the anatomical distribution of the lymphatic system in the body
    2-Explain the main function of the lymphatic system
    3-Describe the histology of lymph nodes.
    Y1/B3/W12/ P42 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should be able to:
    1-Identify the concept and classification of lymphoma.
    2-Discuss the etiology and pathogenesis of lymphoma.
    3-Recognize the clinical features, and staging of lymphoma.
    4-Describe the pathological changes of lymphoma.
    5-Identify the outlines of treatment of lymphoma.
    Y2/B3/W13/ P43 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the students should be able to
    1-Classify the immunodeficiency diseases.
    2-Identify the etiology of immunodeficiency diseases.
    3-Recognize the clinical features of immunodeficiency diseases.
    4-Describe the pathogenesis and pathological changes of immunodeficiency diseases.
    5-Discuss the preventive measures of immunodeficiency diseases.
    Y2/B3/W14/P 44 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week, the students should be able to:
    1-Define hyperplasia, dysplasia, neoplasia and metaplasia.
    2-Describe the microscopical changes of hyperplasia.
    3-Describe the microscopical changes of dysplasia and the difference form neoplasia in behavior and microscopy.
    4- Identify the mechanism of cellular adaptations of growth and differentiation.
    Y2/B3/W15/ P45 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the students should be able to:
    1- Identify the nomenclature of Tumors( neoplasia).
    2- Mention the characteristics of benign and malignant tumors.
    3- Recognize the clinical features of tumors.
    4- Discuss the epidemiology of neoplasm.
    Y2/B3/W16/P46 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should able to:
    1-Identify the concept of cancer.
    2-Recognize the factors involved in carcinogenesis including viral
    3-Explain the concept of grading and staging of cancer.
    4-Discuss the laboratory diagnosis technique of cancer.
    Y2 / B4 / W17/ P47 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this weak the student should be able to:
    1.Define dislocation and mention the other types of joint injury.
    2.Mention the bones of the shoulder region.
    3.Recognize the joints of the shoulder region.
    4.Identify the muscles act on shoulder joint and their nerve supply.
    5.Discuss the physiology of the joint movement.
    Y2 \B4 \ W18\ P48 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should able to:
    1-Define Tennis elbow.
    2- Identify the bones of the elbow.
    3- Recognize the muscles around the elbow region and their nerve supply.
    4- Discuss the pathophysiology of the Tennis elbow.
    Y2\B4\W19\P49 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should to be able to:
    1-Define the fracture of scaphoid
    2-Identify the bones of the wrist region and the hand
    3-Recognize the muscles act on tile wrist and hand region and their nerve supply.
    4-Discuss the pathogenesis of fracture healing and describe the morphology of fracture.
    Y2/B4/ W20/ P50 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should to be able to:
    1.Identifiy the concept and differential diagnosis of irritable hip syndrome
    2.Recognize the anatomy of the bones of pelvis , hip joint and femur
    3.Mention the muscles around the hip joint and femur
    4.Discuss the pathology and clinical feature of transient synovitis
    Y2/B4/W21/ P51 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should be able to:
    1-Identify the concept of muscle spasm.
    2-Recognize the physiology of muscle contraction and reflexes.
    3-Mention the bones of the lower limb and the muscles of the thigh and calf and their nerve supply.
    4-Discuss the anatomy of the knee and ankle joint.
    Y3/B4/W22/P52 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this student should be able to:
    1. Identify the concept of the ligament injury.
    2. Recognize the anatomy of the ankle joint.
    3. Discuss the important of ligaments in the joint.
    4. Describe the bones, muscles and tendons of the foot their nerve supply.
    Y2/B5/W23/P53 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the students should be able to:
    1. Define atherosclerosis.
    2. Recognize the main arterial supply of the body.
    3. Identify the risk factors of atherosclerosis.
    4. Discuss the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.
    5. describe the morphology atherosclerosis.
    6. Explain the clinical features, complications and presentation of atherosclerosis.
    Y2/B5/W24/P54 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the students should be able to:
    1. Appraise the concept of hypertension.
    2. Identify types, causes, risk factors of hypertension.
    3. Describe the pathophysiological changes accompany hypertension.
    4. Identify the clinical manifestation and complications of hypertension.
    5. Enlist the main lines of treatment of hypertension.
    6. Describe the preventive measures for hypertension.
    Y2/B5/W25/P55 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the students should be able to:
    1. Identify the concept of vasculities.
    2. Classify vasculitis.
    3. Recognize the anatomy of arteries and veins of the upper and lower limbs.
    4. Discuss the pathogenesis of vasculitis.
    5. Describe the morphology of . vasculitis.
    6. Identify the clinical features and complications of . vasculitis.
    Y2 \ B5 \W26 \ P56 Learning Objectives:
    BY the end of this week ; the students should be able to;
    1.Idenetify the concept and types of heart failure.
    2.Describe the surface anatomy of the heart and the Relation of the major vessels to the champers of the heart .
    3.Recojnize the timing and events of the cardiac cycle .
    4.Identify the value of ECG in the diagnosis of cardiac diseases .
    5.Discuss the pathophysiology of heart failure.
    6.Mention the clinical features of heart failure.
    7.List the drugs for treatment of heart failure.
    Y2 \ B 5 \ W 27 \ P 57 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should able to:
    1.Name the major branches of the coronary arteries and describe their distribution.
    2.Identify the mechanism of coronary circulation .
    3.Recojnize the normal pattern of E.C.G.
    4.Describe the risk factors associated with ischemic heart disease.
    5.Exblain the preventive measures of I.H.D.-ischemic heart disease-.
    6.Identify the abnormal E.C.G. changes during I.H.D.
    7.Heamatolojical and biochemical changes occurred with IHD
    Y2 \ B5 \ W28\ P58 Learning Objectives:
    By the of this week , the student should be able to ;-
    1. Identify the nerve supply of the heart .
    2. Describe the conductive system of the heart.
    3. Appraise the mechanism of conduction in case of atrial fibrillation.
    4. Enlist the common types of arrhythmias of the heart.
    5. Name the common causes of arrhythmias.
    Y2\ B \ W 29 \ P59 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should be able to:
    1.Describe the structure of cardiac vales and its locations.
    2.Identify the characteristics of normal heart valve functions .
    3.Describe the pathogenesis of valve damage in heart valve diseases.
    4.Indicate the abnormalities in ECG in heart vale diseases..
    5.Describe the bacteriological features causing valvelar diseases .
    6.Identify pathophsiology of the heart in valvelar diseases.
    Y 2 \ B 5 \ W 30 \ P 60 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week , the student should be able to;-
    1.Describe the anatomical orientation of the heart in the thoracic cavity.
    2. Describe surface anatomy features of heart.
    3. Describe the structure of the layers of the heart.
    4. Identify the chamber, great vessels , and valves of the heart.
    5. Describe the timing and events of the cardiac cycle.
    6. Describe the embryonic development of the heart.
    7. Recognize the abnormality in different types of congenital heart diseases.
    8. Practice history taking skills and physical examination skills to patient with heart disease.
    منهاج السنة الثالثة
    1- هيكل السنة الثالثة
    مسؤول السنة / مقرر السنة/ مقرر المشاكل / مقرر التدريب الميداني / مقرر التقييم / مقرر مختبر المهارات
    2- الأهداف التعليمية للفترات الدراسية للسنة الثالثة
    Y3/B1/P61/W1/ Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should able to:
    1. Define the concept and classification of respiratory failure.
    2. Identify the control of breathing and mechanism of dyspnea.
    3. Explain the mechanism of gas exchange.
    4. Recognize the normal blood gases and their changes in respiratory failure.
    5. List the causes of respiratory failure.
    6. Recognize the role of oxygen therapy in the treatment of respiratory failure.
    7. List the complications of respiratory failure.
    8. Discuss the management of respiratory failure.
    Y3/B1/P62/W2 Learning Objectives:
    By the end of this week the student should able to:
    1- Identify the concept and classification of COAD.
    2- Explain the anatomy of the lungs.
    3- Recognize the pathogenesis and pathology of COAD.
    4- Discuss the management of COAD.
    5- Identify the epidemiology of COAD.
    Y3/B1/P63/W3 ( Learning Objectives)
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to 1-Classify the types of respiratory infections.
    2- Identify the pathophysiological effect of pneumonia on normal respiratory function.
    3- Recognize the pathogenesis and pathological changes in different types of pneumonia.
    4-List the common micro-organisms of community acquired pneumonia.
    5- Recognize clinical features, physical signs and complications of pneumonia.
    6-Explain the pharmacological intervention in pneumonia.
    Y3/B1/ P64/W4 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to:
    1-Identify the anatomy of the mediastinum.
    2- Recognize the common causes of hemoptysis.
    3-Classify the lung tumors.
    4-Explain the principles of the physics of bronchoscope and physics of radiotherapy.
    5- Describe the pathological changes of bronchogenic carcinoma.
    6-Identify the clinical features, physical signs and complications of bronchogenic carcinoma.
    7-Explain the role of cytotoxic therapy in the management of bronchogenic carcinoma
    Y3/B2/P65/W5 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to
    1-Explain the anatomy of the esophagus and it’s relation to other structures in the mediastinum, with anatomy of the diaphragm and the nerve supply of esophagus.
    2- Recognize the development of digestive system.
    3- Describe the histological structures of the esophagus,
    4- Identify the physiology of swallowing, physiology of the peristalsis of the esophagus and the function of lower esophageal sphincter.
    5- Explain the histopathological changes of the esophageal diseases.
    6- Recognize the clinical features of reflux oesophagitis.
    7- Identify the management of reflux oesophagitis.
    Y3/B2/P66/W6 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to:
    1-Identify the anatomy of the stomach and duodenum.
    2-Explain the function of the stomach (including the gastro¬intestinal hormones and their functions).
    3- Recognize the physiology of acid and pepsin secretion and the concept of mucosal barrier.
    4- Identify the factors that control the secretion of gastric juice and gastric emptying.
    5- Explain the histological structure of the stomach and duodenum.
    6- Recognize the histopathological changes of peptic ulcer and other gastric disease.
    7- List the clinical features and the investigations of peptic ulcer and upper GIT bleeding and the complications of peptic ulcer.
    8- Identify the drugs which used for the treatment of peptic ulcer.
    Y3/B2/P67/W7 Learning Objectives
    At the end of this week, the student should be able to
    1-Identify the anatomy of the small intestine.
    2-Recognize the development of the small intestine.
    3-Explain the histological structures of the small intestine.
    4-Identify the physiology of digestion and absorption of the small intestine.
    5-Explain the biochemistry of the digestive enzymes and the gut hormones.
    6-List the pathological changes of malabsorption syndrome.
    7-Explain the management of malabsorption with specific reference to celiac disease.
    Y3/B2/P68/W8 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to :-
    1-Recognize the anatomy and histology of large intestine.
    2-Explain the normal functions of the large intestine.
    3- List the common causes of bloody diarrhea.
    4-Describe the pathogenesis and pathological changes of inflammatory bowel diseases.
    5-Explain the clinical features of inflammatory bowel diseases.
    6-List the complications of inflammatory bowel diseases.
    7-Outline the diagnostic approach to a patient with a bloody diarrhea.
    Y3/B2/P69/W9 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to:
    1- Recognize the anatomy of the liver and the biliary passage.
    2- Identify the histological structures of the liver
    3- Explain the function of the liver and the mechanism of bile production
    4- Identify the concept and causes of viral hepatitis
    5- List the clinical feature of viral hepatitis
    6- Explain the clinical approach to a patient with jaundice
    7- List the investigation which used in the viral hepatitis
    8- Identify the preventive measures of viral hepatitis from epidemiological point of view
    Y3/B2/P70/W10 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to
    1- Recognize the anatomy and the relationship of the pancreas
    2- Identify the histology of the pancreatic tissue
    3- List the function of the pancreas (enzyme and hormones)
    4- Explain the common causes of pancreatic diseases.
    5- Recognize the pathogenesis and the pathological changes of chronic pancreatitis
    6- Identify the clinical features of chronic pancreatitis
    7- Explain the management of chronic pancreatitis
    Y3 /82 /P71 / W11 Learning Objectives
    At the end of this week, the student should be able to
    1- Define the concept of obesity and recognize it’s importance as a commonest metabolic disorder in the community.
    2-Identify the metabolic pathways of the energy producing chemicals and the relationship between them.
    3- Recognize the pathophysiology of obesity.
    4- Explain the biochemical changes, which may occur in patient with obesity.
    5-Recognize the different clinical and research methods in the diagnosis of obesity and in the estimation of its severity.
    6- List the different complications of obesity.
    Y3/B3/P72/W12 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week the student should be able to:
    1-Identify the clinical picture of Sheehan syndrome
    2-List the common causes of Sheehan syndrome.
    3-Find out the relationship between bleeding and pituitary pathology.
    4-Anatomy of pituitary gland and its anatomical relationship
    5-List the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland
    6-Recognize he mechanism of control of pituitary gland by the hypothalamus and the highest center
    7-Pathological changes in different pituitary diseases
    8-Explain the diagnostic approach for patients with pituitary diseases
    Y3/B3/P73/W13 Learning Objective
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to
    1-Explain the anatomical structure of thyroid gland and its relationship.
    2-Identify the histological structure of thyroid gland.
    3-Discuss the function of thyroid gland.
    4-Explain the control of thyroid gland secretion and the feedback mechanism.
    5-List the causes of hypo and hyperthyroidism.
    6-Classify the causes of goiter.
    7-Identify the clinical feature of hyperthyroidism.
    8-List the investigations of hyperthyroidism and other thyroid diseases,.
    Y3/B3/P74/W14 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to :-
    1-Recognize the anatomical structures of the adrenal gland and its relations.
    2-Identify the histology of the adrenal gland and the relation with its physiological action.
    3-List the hormones secreted by the adrenal gland and their actions
    4-Explain the pathological conditions which affect the adrenal gland.
    5-Identify the clinical pictures of Addison’s disease.
    6-Discuss the pharmacological role of the corticosteroids and catecholamine.
    Y3/B3/P75/W15 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the students should be able to :-
    1-Identify the concept and the classification of D.M.
    2-Recognize the metabolism of CHO, protein and fat in relation to insulin action.
    3-Discuss the pathogenesis of different types of D.M.
    4-Explain the biochemical changes in D.M and diabetic ketoacidosis.
    5- Recognize the long term pathological changes in D.M.
    6-Identify the clinical feature of D.M. and its acute complications.
    7-List the types of insulin and the drugs used in the treatment of D.M.
    Y3/B4/P76/W16 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to:
    1- Explain and draw the embryonic development and differentiation of the nervous system.
    2- Describe and draw the anatomical division of the nervous system.
    3- Classify the basic function of the nervous system.
    4- Describe the functional integration of the nervous system.
    5- Define rest membrane potential and describe the process of generation and propagation along neurons.
    6- Practice history taking skills and neurological examination skills to a patient with neurological problems.
    Y3/B4/P77/W17 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able ‘to:
    1- Describe the histology and anatomy of the spinal cord (structures, microstructures, blood supply, protective factors).
    2- Discuss the functions of the spinal cord.
    3- List the location, origin and functions of principle ascending and descending tracts of the spinal cord.
    4- Name the spinal nerves and body regions supplied by them.
    5- List the main spinal cord areas and it’s nerve disorders.
    6- List reflexes of spinal cord.
    7- Identify the concept, etiology of spinal cord compression.
    8- Outline management of the spinal cord compression.
    Y3/B4/P78/W18 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to:
    1- Identify the crania! nerves by name and number.
    2- Classify the crania! nerves by origin and type.
    3- Describe the functions of each cranial nerve.
    4- List crania! nerve disorders.
    5- Follow the coarse of each crania! nerve from origin to destination.
    6- Define each of crania! nerve injuries in particular VII and VIII.
    7- Outline management of crania! nerve injuries.
    Y3/B4/P79/W19 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week the student should be able to
    1- Recognize the anatomy of pyramidal system and cerebral circulation.
    2- Explain the physiology of motor and sensory systems of the body.
    3- List the different types of stroke.
    4- Identify the pathogenesis and pathology of different types of stroke and its effect on the nervous system.
    5- Recognize the clinical picture of different types of CVA and its relation to pathogenesis.
    6- List the investigation needed for diagnosis and evaluation of CVA.
    Y3/B4/P80/W20 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to:
    1-Appraise the concept and regions of the brain stem.
    2- Identify the embryological development of the brain stem.
    3-Describe the anatomy of the three regions of the brain stem.
    4-Describe the functions of each part of the brain stem in relation to its anatomical structure.
    5- Identify the concept and types of S.Q.L.
    6-Describe the major effects of S.Q.L.
    (space occupying lesion) in the CNS.
    7-Outline the management of S.Q.L.
    Y3/B4/P81/W21 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to:
    1-Explain the location, origin, treatment and functions of neurotransmitters involved in extra-pyramidal system.
    2-Discuss the concept and causes extra-pyramidal system disorders.
    3-Explain the pathogenesis and pathology of different types of extra-pyramidal disorders.
    4-Recognize the clinical feature of extra-pyramidal disorders.
    5-Outline the management of each type of extra-pyramidal system disorders.
    Y3/B4/W22/P82 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to:
    1. Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of cerebellum.
    2. Explain the functions of cerebellar processing in relation to its anatomical structure.
    3. Identify the concepts and types of ataxia.
    4. Define and classify tremor by etiology.
    5. Appraise the concepts of normal and abnormal gait and its causes.
    6. List common cerebellar lesions and their clinical presentations.
    7. Outline management of cerebellar lesion.
    Y3/B4/W23/P83: Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to:
    1. Identify the gross anatomy of three meningeal layers including origin and relations.
    2. Describe the histology of the meningeal coverings.
    3. Appraise the concept and types of meningitis and encephalitis.
    4. Appraise the concept and types of headache.
    5. Analyze the physiology of headache in relation to cause.
    6. Classify microorganisms causing meningo-encephalitis.
    7. Distinguish between common causative M.O in Iraq theoretically and in the lab.
    8. Explain the epidemiology of meningo-encephalitis.
    Y3/B4/P84/W24 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week the student should able to:
    1`. Define the concept of epilepsy.
    2. Classify the epilepsy.
    3. Identify pathophysiology of epileptic attack.
    4. Recognize the normal E.E.G and major abnormalities.
    5. Explain the clinical presentation of different types of epilepsy.
    6. List the main investigations and imaging procedures needed for the diagnosis of epilepsy.
    7. Describe the pathology of brain tumor.
    8. Identify the pharmacology of drug therapy in epilepsy.
    Y3 /B5/W25/P85 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to
    1. Describe the anatomy of the urinary tract (kidney, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra) both in male and female as to their location, structure, blood supply, lymph supply, and nerve supply.
    2. Identify the embryonic development of the urinary tract.
    3. Explain the physiology of UT, including functions, mechanism of urine formation and regulation, glomerular filtration and concentration.
    4. Describe the pathophysiological processes during UTI and stone formation.
    5. Outline the management of UTI and stones (clinical manifestations of UTI, investigations and differential diagnosis).
    6. Describe the epidemiology and prevention of UTI.
    Y3/B5/W26/P86 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the students should be able to
    1. Describe the anatomy of the urinary tract (Kidney, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra) (continuation of last week discussion).
    2. Determine histological structures of the kidney, ureter and bladder.
    3. Appraise the etiology of glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome.
    4. Distinguish the histopathological changes in glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome.
    5. Differentiate immune complex diseases in relation to the urinary tract.
    6. State the epidemiology of glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome.
    7. List the management of glumerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome (clinical features, investigation, differential diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation).
    Y3/B5/W27/P87 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the students should be able to
    2. Identify the types of fiscues and cells forming the urinary tract (constitution from previous weeks).
    3. Describe the anatomy of the kidney , ureter, urinary bladder and urethra (continuation from previous week).
    4. Describe the physiological function of each of the urinary tract structures (renal cortex, medulla, pelvis, ureter, bladder and urethra).
    5. Define and classify renal failure.
    6. List the etiology of chronic renal failure.
    7. Describe the pathophysiology of renal failure.
    8. Explain the pathological features of the common diseases leading to chronic renal failure.
    9. Outline the management of chronic renal failure (clinical manifestation. Diagnosis, investigation, differential diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation).
    Y3/B5/W28/P88 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should be able to
    1. Appraise the physiology of the urinary bladder (continuation from previous weeks).
    2. Describe the physiological changes of the urinary tract with age.
    3. Identify the pathophysiological changes during bilharziasis.
    4. Identify the concept and causes of hematuria.
    5. List the types of tumors of the urinary system.
    6. Identify the pathology of the most common types of urinary tract tumors.
    7. Determine the epidemiology of bilharziasis.
    Y3/B5/W29/P89 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the student should b~ able to
    1) Define body fluids.
    2) List fluid compartments in human body.
    3) Distinguish between intracellular (ICF) and extra cellular fluid (ECF).
    4) Explain the mechanisms regulating fluid intake, fluid output and water balance.
    5) Describe the function is and regulation of electrolytes (Na, K, Ca, Mg and Cl)
    6) Define the conditions resulting form Low level or high level of the above electrolytes.
    7) Explain the mechanisms of exchange between plasma arid interstitial compartments.
    8) List the pathological conditions related to water, and electrolyte imbalance.
    9) Outline management of the most common diseases associated with water and electrolytes imbalance.
    Y3/B5/W30/P90 Learning Objectives
    By the end of this week, the students should be able to
    1. Define acid—base balance.
    2. List important sources of hydrogen ions in the body.
    3. Name the types of chemical buffer systems in the body.
    4. Distinguish between acidosis and alkalosis resulting from respiratory and metabolic factors..
    5. Explain the renal mechanism of acid base balance.
    6. Describe common clinical condition resulting from acid—base imbalance.

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أ.د. عبد الغني السامرائي ; 18/05/2009 الساعة 01:13 PM سبب آخر: خطأ بالعنوان

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