Peace be with you, my friends
This is my proposed translation of the 30th portion of the Holy Koran. I revised it many times depending on Yusuf Ali's, Pickthal's and Shaker's. I will be grateful to you for writing comments and corrections.

سورة النبأ
(78) The Event Al-Naba

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Gracious

(1) What do they ask about? (2) Surely they ask about the Great Event, (3) about which they dispute. (4) But no! They will know. (5) They will most assuredly know.

(6) Did We not make the earth habitable (7) and mountains fixed like pegs? (8) Did We not create you in pairs (9) and make your sleep as rest? (10) Did We not make the night covering everything like a veil (11) and appoint the day for work? (12) Did We not construct seven tight heavens above you (13) and put in the sky a shining Lamp? (14) Did We not cause abundant water to fall from clouds (15) to grow grains, plants, (16) and shadowy gardens?

(17) Then be informed that the Doomsday will come at an appointed time. (18) In that day the trumpet will blow and you will come out in groups; (19) the heaven will open and become like gates; (20) mountains will be removed and become like mirage!
(21) In that day gehanna will lurk (22) to receive home the unrighteous, (23) who will stay there forever. (24) They will have no cool water or any other drinks (25) but boiling water and cold pus! (26) This is indeed a fair punishment, (27) since they do not expect to be judged; (28) they utterly insist on denying Our signs. (29) We record everything they do in the Book. (30) "Then suffer! We will but multiply your torture!"

(31) But as for the righteous, they will receive their good reward: (32) gardens and vineyards; (33) buxom nymphs of equal age (34) and cups full of pure wine. (35) They will never hear nonsense or false speech there. (36) This is indeed your Lord's reward and great gift. (37) He is the Lord of the heaven, the earth, and what is in between--the Merciful whith whom none can argue. (38) In that day the Spirit and the angels will stand arrayed; none will speak but that whom He will allow to speak truly. (39) This is the True Day. So let whoever wants favour seek the reward of his Lord.

(40) This is why we warn you of an imminent Punishment, because in that day man will recognize what his hands have really done and the disbeliever will cry, "Oh! Would that I were mere dust!"

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