زملائي الاحباء

هذه التعبيرات مطروحة للترجمة في اطار مشروع اعداد مسرد جماعي للتعبيرات الشائعة في اللغة الانجليزية:

A fate worse than death

Any misfortune that would make life unlivable, especially rape or loss of virginity. The phrase was formally a euphemism for rape.

Fiddling while Rome burns
To occupy oneself with unimportant matters and neglect priorities during a crisis. The source of this phrase is the story that Nero played the fiddle (violin) while Rome burned, during the great fire in AD 64.

Fifth column
Infiltrators or collaborators with the enemy.

Finger-lickin' good
Excellent - especially of food. Known primarily as the slogan of the KFC food chain.

First water - Of the
Of the highest quality. Example : That was a play of the first water . origin : From the gem trade. The clarity of diamonds is assessed by their translucence; the more like water, the higher the quality.
سمير الشناوي